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1、大1英语自我介绍 大1英语自我介绍范文 如何在大学开学时给人留下一个深刻的印象,以下是搜集的大1英语范文,欢迎阅读参考。 大家好,我叫xxx,毕业于XX高中 。我从小便喜好文学,对我而言,相比理科中奇妙的符号数字和多变的几何图形,我更喜爱文学中的那一片人文气息。无人时,我喜欢静静的看书,沉浸甚至沉醉于那一部部文学名著中。书中那片浓郁的人文气息,沁人心脾,让我不由的深陷其中,无法自拔。 Hi, my name is XXX and I graduated from XX high school. I from urinate be fond of literature, to me, pared

2、 to the science wonderful symbol Numbers and changeable geometry, I prefer that one culture in literature. When there is no one, I like to read quietly, immerse myself in the literary classics. The rich and humanistic atmosphere of the book makes me feel overwhelmed and unable to extricate myself. 不

3、过由于过于以书为友,反而让我忽略了现实中的人际交流,在面对陌生的环境和陌生的人时,我会由于茫然不知所措而显得过于沉默乃至沉闷,这也算是我最大的一个缺点吧,所以我希望在大学里多和同学们交流,努力改掉这个缺点。 But due to the too to books, but let me ignore the reality of interpersonal munication, in the face of unfamiliar environment and strange person, I will due at a loss as to appear too silent and d

4、reary, it is one of my biggest weakness, so I hope more munication with students at the university, trying to get rid of this shorting. 在今后的四年里,我希望在收获好成绩的同时,也能收获到数份珍贵的友谊! In the next four years, I hope that in the meantime, I will gain a number of precious friendships while getting good grades. 在此先谢

5、谢大家了! Thank you first! 大家好,我是xxx,来到这里,我非常的兴奋,因为我又能在新的环境中,找到新的朋友了。 Hello, I am XXX, I am very excited to be here, because I can find new friends in the new environment. 我是一名一般,相貌一般,体格一般的内向学生。我沉着冷静,比较和善,也比较好相处,大家可以和我多交朋友。我喜欢看书,特别是喜欢xxx的书,希望在大学能够交到一些志同道合的书友。 I am a study general, look general, general

6、of the physique is an introverted student. I am calm, calm, kind and easy-going, and you can make more friends with me. I like reading books, especially those who like XXX, hoping to make some kind of friends in college. 我和在座的同学们一样,渴望展翅高飞,渴望将来有更大的发展空间,有施展才华的更广阔的天地。我想,有耕耘就会有收获。未来的四年里,由各位老师的倾情传授,我们一定会

7、有一个更加无限美好的未来。 I, like the students in this room, are eager to fly to the ground, eager to have more room for development in the future, and have a wider range of talents. I think that there will be gains in cultivation. In the next four years, we will have a more infinite and brighter future. 谢谢大家。 Thank you very much. 模板,内容仅供参考


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