华侨大学土木工程概论机考选择题(Huaqiao University civil engineering introduction multiple-choice test).doc

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1、华侨大学土木工程概论机考选择题(Huaqiao University civil engineering introduction multiple-choice test)One(1) it is the general name of the science and technology for building various engineering facilities. A. civil engineeringTwo(a) an organized and systematic knowledge of the basic principles and facts of things

2、. B. ScienceThree(b) means that the laws discovered by scientific research or proved by traditional experience have been transformed into various production processes and operating methodsAnd so on, it solves a problem how to achieve. C. TechnologyFour(E) refers to the general term of various discip

3、lines formed by the application of natural science or various specialized technologies to the production sector. D. projectFive(b) means not only to meet the needs of contemporary people, but also to the development of future generations to meet their needs. D. sustainable developmentSix(b) to light

4、, high strength, multi-functional development. A. engineering materialsSeven(b) the purpose is to use and transform nature to serve mankind. D. projectEightThe design of the simulation system of civil engineering analysis can greatly improve the engineering structure. A. reliabilityNineIt should hav

5、e the functions of information collection, rapid processing, optimization decision, large visualization system and so on. D. Intelligent TransportationTenThe ancient Egyptian pyramids belongs to (). A. masonry structureElevenThe the Imperial Palace of Beijing belongs to china. C. wood structureTwelv

6、eThe following works belong to civil engineering works are (). B. historical recordsThirteenIn 1825, the design method of civil engineering structures is established at the French (A.) allowablestressmethodFourteenThe Eiffel Tower in France belongs to () C. steel structureFifteenGolden Gate Bridge i

7、s the first bridge in the world that spans more than 1000 kilometers. It belongs to () D. suspension bridgeSixteenThe tallest building in the world is in () D. MalaysiaSeventeenThe largest suspension bridge in the world (A.) is the Akashi Kaikyo BridgeEighteenYangpu Shanghai bridge belongs to () C.

8、cable stayed bridgeNineteenAt present, the longest mountain tunnel in the world is () A. mountain tunnel in NorwayTwentyShanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower belongs to () D. high rise structure buildingTwenty-oneThe highest gravity dam in the world is () C., the great Dick dam in SwitzerlandOneCement pa

9、ste will thicken at room temperature until it begins to lose plasticity. This phenomenon is called cement (). A. initial settingTwoAccording to apparent density as (), it is called heavy concrete. D.2600? Kg / m3ThreeIt is made up of cementitious material, fine aggregate and water in proper proporti

10、on. B. mortarFourThe main decorative materials for the building are called (), which should have decorative function, protection function and other special functions. A.Decorative materialsFiveCementitious materials, such as gypsum and lime, which can only be hardened in air. C. gas hardnessSixBuild

11、ing materials industry is the foundation of civil engineering industry, and the building materials industry must meet the needs of economic growth and sustainable development strategy in the futureThe way to go. C. green building materialsSevenA material or material complex that is not easily subjec

12、ted to heat transfer, i.e., having significant resistance to heat flow, is called (). A. insulation materialEightThe prestress of prestressed concrete can be divided into mechanical method, electrothermal method and chemical method according to (). Method of A. tension steel barNineIt has not only t

13、he function of lighting and protection, but also good sound absorption, heat insulation and decoration materials. A. glassTenIt has many advantages, such as light weight, high strength, easy processing, high elasticity and toughness, and can withstand shock and vibration;Low conductivity and low the

14、rmal conductivity. D. woodElevenBrick, tile, sand, stone and ash belong to () A. local materialsTwelveBricks that are prohibited in some urban buildings are () A. clay bricksThirteenThe diameter of sand used in brick masonry should be less than () C.2.5mmFourteenThe particle size of pebbles is large

15、r than () B.5mmFifteenThe main component of limestone is () C. calcium carbonateSixteenThe composition of lime soil that has been used for thousands of years in China is () A. lime + claySeventeenThe reinforcement can be divided into (grade) A.4 according to tensile strengthEighteenThe most widely u

16、sed cement in engineering is () A. Portland cementNineteenThe process of forming cement paste from cement paste is () B. condensation and hardeningTwentyTaiboslab (C.) belongs to the steel mesh cement sandwich boardOneUsually in the natural ground, buried depth is less than m (general) (foundation p

17、ile or wall) called the shallow foundation on natural groundFoundation. B.5TwoIt means that the natural foundation is very weak and can not meet the design requirements of the bearing capacity and deformation of the foundation, and the foundation needs to be artificially treatedCheng. A. foundation

18、treatmentThreeThe soft soil layer in the foundation usually refers to the soil layer whose bearing capacity is less than () kPa. C.100Four() is made of brick, stone, concrete and other materials made of lime soil foundation. C. rigid foundationFivePile foundation is divided into end bearing pile and

19、 friction pile according to (). The main mode of load transfer of pile under ultimate load state of D.Six(3) the purpose is to improve the foundation condition by using various foundation treatment methods. A. foundation treatmentSevenThe bridge is an important part in the project (), composed of br

20、idge, bridge and diversion engineering. A. highway constructionEight() the site where the foundation is supported. A. FoundationNineEngineering geology, foundation engineering and foundation treatment are important parts of () professional knowledge. A. civil engineeringTenAlthough the buried depth

21、is more than 5 m, the large size Foundation (such as box foundation) smaller than the base width is called natural foundation. A.Shallow foundationOne(a) a flexural member with a larger size and smaller thickness, usually placed horizontally, but sometimes obliquely or vertically mounted with a A. p

22、lateTwo() load on the fretboard is transferred to the supporting member on board along one direction. A. unidirectional slabThreeThe ratio of span to height is greater than 1 / 4. D. deep beamFour() a vertical member that is mainly subjected to pressure and sometimes bending moment at the same time

23、in the engineering structure. C. columnFive(column) is the most common column, widely used in various buildings. D. reinforced concreteSixIn our country, the layer is the boundary, and the lower is called the multi storied building. C.8Seven(1) the structure of a skeleton formed by the rigid connect

24、ion of Liang Hezhu. A. frame structureEightThe height of the brick chimney is generally no more than () M. B.50Nine(1) it is a tall building system with one or more cylinders as load-bearing structures, which is suitable for tall buildings with many storeys. B. cylinder structureTenAccording to the

25、pool () is divided into: steel tank, reinforced concrete pool, steel wire mesh cement pool, masonry pond, etc. A. materialOne(2) it is a two-way carriageway, with a central vehicle belt, an import and export general control or partial control, for a large number of cities, long distance,Rapid transi

26、t service. A. fast trackTwoThere are three types of highway subgrade: embankment, cut and semi fill. D. cross sectionThreeWhich of the following does not belong to the technical standard of the highway (?). D. speed standardFourThe total mileage of expressways built in China has already ranked the f

27、irst place in the world. C. threeFive(along) there are safety facilities, traffic management facilities, service facilities and landscaping facilities. A. ExpresswaySix() facilities are generally used for freeway entrance control and traffic monitoring facilities. Service facilities generally have i

28、ntegrated service stations and small stopsInterest point, parking lot, etc. B. traffic managementSeven(facilities) generally include signs (such as warnings, restrictions, indicating signs, etc.), markings, guardrails, isolation facilities, lighting and anti glare devicesLine of sight guidance facil

29、ity. A. securityEight() is divided into: the road, main road, secondary road, Branch Road, residential road, scenic road, bicycle lanes. B.Urban RdNineThe basic form of highway (): full cut, benched and cave type. D. cuttingTen(a) means that a road can pass in a unit time, under the normal condition

30、 of road and traffic, keep a certain speed and travel safelyNumber of vehicles. C. capacityElevenThe first full passenger transport and specific time train railway is () opening of British Liverpool and ManchesterThe railway between Chester, this railway is 563 km long. A.1830TwelveHigh speed railwa

31、y signal and () is the basic guarantee of high speed train safety and high density operation. B. control systemThirteenThe first passenger subway in the world was first opened to London in the year. B.1863FourteenShanghai has also built the first urban light rail system in china. B. Pearl LineFiftee

32、nMaglev train system adopts a series of advanced high technology, which makes the train speed up to () km / h above. B.500SixteenAn important symbol of the modernization of the railway is to increase the train greatly. B. running speedSeventeenHigh speed train (train) is one of the key technologies

33、to realize high speed train operation. B. traction powerEighteenDue to the elimination of the contact between wheel and rail, there is no friction resistance, and the line has small vertical load and is suitable for high-speed operation. B. magnetic suspensionFloating RailwayNineteenThe first human

34、aircraft flew in December 17th () near Kitty Hawke, 36.38m. C.1903TwentyFeng Ru, a Chinese aviator, made his own airplane in the United States, flying successfully in September 21st, which was the first time the Chinese had flown the plane.D.1909Twenty-one(200400km) a transport plane between a centr

35、al city, a small city and a small city with a passenger capacity of 100.B. feederTwenty-twoChinas civil aviation airport runway (usually). A. cement concreteTwenty-three(a) is a runway that is preferred to be used by other runways under conditions permitting, and is constructed according to the requ

36、irements of the airports largest aircraft,The bearing capacity is also higher. A. main runwayTwenty-fourThe airport is the range of the takeoff and landing of the engine, and there is an obstacle that does not affect the safety of the flight along the airportArea of things. A. clearance zoneTwenty-f

37、iveThe airport parking lot is located near the airport. There are many parking lots and the land is tense. A. terminal buildingTwenty-sixThe building area of the terminal is determined according to the peak hour (). D. passenger volumeTwenty-sevenThe earliest tunnel in China was located in the Shime

38、n tunnel in Shaanxi County of Hanzhoung today. It was built in AD 66. C. trafficTwenty-eightThe longitudinal slope of a tunnel should not be less than (). C.0.30%Twenty-nine() is the driver from the field to adapt to adapt to the high intensity of tunnel surface brightness of the lighting, the light

39、ing must ensure vision. A.Entrance lightingThirtyChina began to study the construction of Huangpu River subaqueous tunnel since 1960s. C. shield methodThirty-oneThe construction of subaqueous tunnel in soft soil is generally considered () low cost, short construction period and good construction con

40、dition, so it is more economical and reasonable. B. sinkTube methodThirty-twoThe subsea tunnel has a problem from construction to operation. B. waterproofThirty-threeThe space enclosed by the inner contour of the tunnel lining is called (). A. tunnel clearanceThirty-fourThe main cause of air polluti

41、on in highway tunnel is (). A. carbon monoxideOneThe design of bridge in China by V. S. design method B. two stage design methodTwoOverall planning to meet the principle of C. v. S. safe and economical, practical and beautifulThreeWhich of the following does not belong to the overall planning and de

42、sign of the basic content of D. BridgeBridge load statisticsFourTotal span length selection requirements to ensure that under the bridge there is enough twenty million birds A. cross sectionFiveIn the longitudinal layout of the bridge, the longitudinal slope of road and bridge connected to the deck

43、drainage, general control in V. s.D.3.0 to 5%SixThe bridge elevation is D. designed by V. S. determined navigation headroomSevenLiang Shiqiaos force to twenty million birds B. momentEightThe internal force of arch bridge with twenty million birds D. pressureNinePedestrians to cross from the pier or

44、abutment to withstand horizontal thrust, so the substructure and foundation of bridge high requirements. B. arch bridgeTenFor cable-stayed bridge, when using the symmetrical section and the bridge clearance requirement is large, the use of V. s.A. single towerB. Twin Towers styleC. multi towerD. com

45、binationB. Twin Towers styleElevenCompared with other forms of bridge, twenty million birds of light weight, stiffness of the structure, under the action of external load, prone to large deformation and vibrationA. beam bridgeB. arch bridgeC. cable stayed bridgeD. suspension bridgeD. suspension brid

46、geTwelveWhen the river has less variation of velocity, floating bed and reach less strong, to save masonry, he / she should be adoptedPierA. entity typeB. gravity typeC. hollow typeD. pile columnC. hollow typeThirteenSolid abutment is suitable for filling height in V. S. below, large span bridgesA.1 to 3mB.3 to 5mC.6 to 8MD.8 to 10mD.8 to 10mFourteenThe ratio of stiffness to expand the base of extending length and height of foundation sho


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