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1、牛津英语 3A M3U2 Shopping 教学设计教材与学情分析本单元围绕shopping这一主题,第一二课时出现了购物单以及购物的简单用语,如:Four apples ,please. Here you are.等。第三课时有所拓展,出现了:What shape is this?的句型。内容贴近生活实际,实用性强,有利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,以及发展学生自主学习和学以致用的能力。 三年级学生已经学过两年的英语。有的尖子生儿有较强的英语思维及表达能力和良好的学习习惯。但大部分学生注意力不稳定,不持久,生性活泼好动,喜欢形象思维,对游戏、歌曲、竞赛、画画等兴趣浓厚。还有个别学生存在懒惰的倾向

2、,上课爱搞小动作,学习效率较差。三维教学目标1、 学习用名词描述事物以及物体的形状。如:a biscuit,a circle .掌握特殊问句:What shape is this ?2、 培养学生自主学习的能力以及学以致用的能力。3、 通过游戏、歌曲、画画等方式激发学生学习英语的兴趣。课堂教学实施的基本策略及设计思路针对本课教学内容及三年级学生的实际情况,我先与学生热情的招呼、问候,为了让学生放松再让他们唱一支英文歌曲。然后我很自然的出示一些实物,问他们:Whats this ?What shape is this ?顺利导入新课。教学时我将单词和句型融在一起,并贯穿于整个课堂,这样就突出了重


4、语、喜欢英语、学好英语,保证英语课堂的质量。我能够在平时教育学生充分利用我们身边的英语资源。比如我经常教育学生在家多收看收听英语节目,学唱课外的英文歌曲,有时间买一些英语读物,对生活环境中的英语现象要留心,比如英语说明书、标识、贺卡、T恤衫上的英语等。尽可能的增加学生接触和学习英语的机会。在本课教学也充分利用班级的多媒体设备,教室中的实物及设施,还有学生自己带来的物品,让这一切为教学服务,为学生服务。TopicM3U2 ShoppingTypeNew lessonPurpose1、 Using nouns to describe things and shapes.e.g.a biscuit.

5、a circle.2、 Asking Wh-questions to find out about a specific thing. e.g.What shape is this?3、 Cultivating the studentsability to learn in order to practise.MainpointsSentences: What shape is this ? Its aanDiffcultpointsWords: square 、triangle.TeachingmaterialsThe multimedia equipment、 the tape recor

6、der、the pictures and the cards. etc.Teaching contentsTeachers activitiesStudents activities Design intentWarm up activityNew lessonGreetings: Welcome to English class. How are you ?Lets sing a song, ok?Show some things,ask:Whats this ? What shape is this?Have the students read more .Let the students

7、 spell the word.Ask: Can you find a circle in our classroom?In the same way,teach the words: square and triangle.Show some pictures:How many squarestriangles ?We are fine .Thank you. Sing a song .Listen and try to answer.Read the word in many ways.Spell it more.Point to a circle.Learn the two words.

8、Count the shapes.Let the students be interested in English.To e licit the new word :circleLet the students remember the word.Deepen the studentsmemory.New lessonFun timeListen and draw.Practise the new sentences.Learn the sounds.Ask and answer.How to solve this problem? Play the big screen.Give the

9、studentsthree minutes.Divide the students into groups.Say some sentences eg: Draw a circle. Draw two triangles etc.Have the students make a dialogue in pairs.Play the tape.Play it again.What shape is this ?Learn the unique skill to solve this problem;432110Watch and follow.Learntheword:starby themse

10、lves.Play the game:Whats missing ?Listen and draw,then form a picture.Make a dialogue use their own items.Listen to it.Imitate.Its a anExpend allthe studentsthinking.Consolidate the new words in the game.Knowsomeother words.eg heart-shaped、ring、diamond.etc.SummaryWhat have we learnt ?We have learnt

11、four new words and two sentences:What shape is this? Its aanConsolidate the contents of this lesson.Homework1、 Listen to the tape and follow it.2、 Make a dialogue with the new sentences .Handwriting on the blackboard M3U2 Shopping a circle a square a triangle a star What shape is this ? Its a 教学设计评价

12、1、指导思想在设计本节课时,我能做到以学生为中心,重视创新精神、实践能力、自学能力及对学生发散思维的培养。2、教学方法实行精讲多练,理论与实践密切联系,交融互动的教学模式。以听说法、交际法为主。同时尽可能的多用英语组织教学,创设浓厚的英语氛围。3、 重难点的处理通过歌曲、游戏、画画、情景对话等多种方式让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,将重点句型的操练溶于其中。为了让学生掌握square、triangle这两个较难的单词,我通过多种方式的拼读,以及让学生数图形的方式,在强化对这两个单词理解记忆的同时,也培养了学生的发散思维。4、 教学手段适当的选择多媒体以及充分利用周围环境的教学资源,再加上自制教具等方式,将传统媒体与现代多媒体进行最优良整合。


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