初三上U1 检测题讲解.doc

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1、初三上U1复习题一 单项选择题6.It _that everyone loves to travel. A. seem B. seems C. seemed D. to seemIt seems that + 句子: 看起来怎样1. It is difficult for a foreigner _Chinese. A. learns B. learned C. learning D. to learnIt is + 形容词 for sb to do sth .对某人来说做某事怎样2. What do you think _ her _? A. make, sad B. makes , sad

2、ly C. made, sad D. made, sadlyWhat :特殊疑问词做主语动词用三单。make + 形容词: 让某人怎样21. I will see you again _. A. a day B. every day C. one day D. everyday one day :将来某一天, 过去某一天。用于过去时和将来时22. I hope your dream will _. A. come true B. come out C. come in D. come on true23. We should do_work with _money and _ people.

3、A. more, less, fewer B. less, fewer, less C. more,fewer, more D. less, less, fewer用更少的人和更少的钱做更多的工作fewer people, less money, more work24. This coat doesnt fit him well, as he has _ a huge body and the coat is _ small. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so such + 名词 如此美的城市 _a beautiful city

4、so + 形容词如此重要 so important25It _ that everyone here _ smiling.A. seems; loves B. seem; love C. seems; love D. seem; loves It seems that + 句子: 看起来怎样26. Please pass me two _.A. pieces paper B. pieces of papers C. pieces of paper D. piece papers two pieces of papertwo pieces of advicepaper, advice 不可数名词

5、, piece 可数28. There is _ meat but _ cakes on the plate. Please have one. A. few, little B. little, a few C. a little, a few D. a few, a little 关键看后面 Please have one. 请吃一个。 一个说明是可数的。前面名词:meat , cakes 中, cakes 可数名词。所以:前面的意思应该是: 盘子里几乎没有肉了,还有些蛋糕,请吃一个吧!没有: little, 还有: a few 29. My father will be in Beiji

6、ng a week. A. for B. in C. after D. to30. He will be back ten oclock. A. in B. on C. at D. after at ten oclock : 在十点钟31. It _ the child half an hour to do his homework.A. spends B. costs C. paid D. tookIt takes sb some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事。34.You can _ the new word in the dictionary.A. look fo

7、r B. look after C. look over D. look up look up : 字典中查词。三动词适当形式填空1. I wrote_( write ) a letter to Tom last night. write -wrote2._ you busy last week? I was busy last week.Were you busy last week? be busyWere you busy last week?3._ _ he _( get ) up late this morning? Did he get up last this morning?g

8、et 是实意动词,疑问句用do, does, did4.There _ a lot of rain last year. There be 句型的过去时 a lot of rain 是不可数名词。用单数5._ ( predict ) the future is very difficult.预测未来是很难的。这个句子中,预测未来是主语。动词或动词短语作主语时,这个动词要变成动词的ing形式。再比如:踢足球很有趣。学英语很重要。玩电脑很无聊。住在北京很昂贵。是不可能的。Playing football is very interesting.Learning English is very im

9、portant.Playing computer is boring.Living in Beijing is expensive.另外:这种句型还可以改写为:It is + 形容词 +(for sb) + to do 做某事(对某人)很怎样。Its interesting to play football.Its very important to learn English.Its expensive to live in Beijing.Predicting the future :预测未来是很难的。6. I saw many boys _( play ) football just n

10、ow. see sb doing sth . 看到某人正做某事。 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正做某事。 see sb do sth , 看到某人做了某事hear sb do , 听到某人做了某事7.If I have free time, I _( come ) to see you.如果我有时间,我就会来看你。 一般将来时8.We are trying _( learn ) English well. try to do :努力做某事, try not to do 努力不做某事1. It is boring _(do ) such simple jobs.It is +形容

11、词 + to do 2. Everyone _( be ) free next week. 3. I would like _( go ) to a movie with you.would like to do :想要做某事4. We need _( wear ) uniforms at school. need to do : 需要做某事 need sth to do : 需要某人某物做某事我需要100元买座房子。我需要10个人完成这项工作。我需要50元钱买球赛的票。I need 100 yuan to buy this house.I need 10 people to finish t

12、his job.I need 50 yuan to buy the ticket to a ball game.5. There are many children_ ( wait ) for the school bus.There be sb doing sth.有5个人在跑步。有个女孩在唱歌。有4个老师在上课。There are 5 people running.There is a girl singing.There are 4 teachers having class.6. It _ ( take ) me 10 minutes to get to the zoo yesterd

13、ay.It takes sb sometime to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事这个句型的主语是it.时态要随着时间变化。take -took15He seems _ ( be ) a doctor.sb seem to do : 看起来It seems that + sb 的句子He seems to be a doctor.It seems that he is a doctor.四. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 没有人知道将来会发生什么No one knows what will happen in the future. 2. 他喜欢安静地独居。 He lik

14、es living alone quietly.3.100年后学校将会是什么样子? What will schools be like / look like in 100 years? 4. 他太小了不能照顾他自己。He is _ _ _ _ _ himself.太 不能:表示否定。句子中不能再出现否定。 too. to He is too young to look after himself.她太小了不能自己穿衣。她太小了不能上学。他太不仔细(粗心)了没能通过这次考试。She is too young to dress herself.She is too young to go to

15、school.He is too careless to pass the exam.这种结构可以转换为:not +形容词+ enough to do 的形式。比如:她太小了不能自己穿衣。She is too young to dress herself.她不够大不能自己穿衣。She is not old enough to dress herself.她太小了不能上学。She is too young to go to school.她不够大不能上学。She is not old enough to go to school.他太不仔细(粗心)了没能通过这次考试。He is too care

16、less to pass the exam.他不够仔细没能通过考试。He is not careful enough to pass the exam.5. 我到巴黎后,我就爱上了这座城市。I _ _ _ _ this city after I got to Paris. 6. 人们将活到200岁吗?Will people _ _ _ 200 years old?7. 明天的天气会怎么样呢? What will the weather be like/ look like tomorrow?8明年这个小孩就会走路了The baby will be able to walk next year.

17、9.我相信我的梦想将会实现Im sure that my dream will come true.true10.人类将会有更少的工作去做Humans will have less work to do.11.机器人能帮助人们做最不愉快的工作。 Robots can help people do the most unpleasant jobs.12.科学家们正在努力让机器人看上去像人并且做和我们相同的工作。 Scientists are trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. try to do

18、 五. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. They clean the classroom every day.(用tomorrow代替every day) They will clean the classroom tomorrow. 2. Will the flowers come out soon? (肯定回答) Yes , they will. they 代替flowers3. Well go out for a walk with you. (否定句) We wont go out for a walk with you. 4. Beijing will have a fine d

19、ay. (改为一般疑问句) Will Beijing have a fine day? 5. The students will work in the supermarket.(对划线部分提问) Where will the students work? 6. There will be less pollution, _ _? (反意疑问句) less : 几乎没有,表示否定。 后面反义疑问句用肯定。 will there?再比如: 教室里几乎没有人。 There is few student in the classroom, is there? 7. Tom will come back in two days.(提问)_How soon_ will Tom come back?


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