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1、Unit 7,Section A Period 1,陈 莉,淮北市西园中学,Where did he go last weekend?,He went to the museum.,What do you think of the museum?,f_,ascinating 迷人的, 有吸引力的,What do you think of the place?,P_,eaceful 平静的,和平的,t_,iring 累人的 引起疲劳的,e_有教育意义的,ducational,r_,elaxing,Florida beach,is t_.,hrilling,Florida Beach,is rel

2、axing and beautiful,trek旅行 through the jungle,Amazon Jungle is very _,exciting ,but dangerous,Hawaii,is fascinating, relaxing, and peaceful.,peaceful,fascinating,educational,thrilling,tiring,relaxing,Vacabulary Falls,Can you read out the words?,relaxing,peaceful,fascinating,interesting,fun,tiring,da

3、ngerous,interesting,fascinating,fun,thrilling,exciting,1a.Here are two travel posters about Florida Beach and Amazon Jungle. Please describe them on your textbook.,1b.Listen.Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation? Why? Fill in the chart.,A beach in Florida,She is _,exciting,stressed out,Ama

4、zon jungle in Brazil,Where would you like to visit?,Id like to visit. Because.,Winter vacation is coming!,Pairwork,2a Listen and number these statements in the order that you hear them.,_ I love places where the people are really friendly. _ I hope to see Niagara Falls some day. _ I like places wher

5、e the weather is always warm. _ I hope to visit Hawaii one day.,3,4,2,1,Hope to do sth 希望做某事,one day=some day,2b Listen again. Why do the people decide not to visit these places? Match each place with a reason.,b,a,c,Guess guess guess,Can you guess my friends dream vacations?,He loves places where i

6、t is _.,relaxing,He loves to visit _ some day.,Because its _.,the beach,relaxing,They hope to visit the place where it is _.,thrilling,Ferris wheel 摩天轮,She hopes to visit places where there is _.,lots of delicious food,He loves places where it is,He loves to visit Guilin some day.,Because its _.,bea

7、utiful,beautiful,My dream vacation,I hope to visit Hawaii some day. I like places where the weather is always warm, and it is relaxing, fansinating and peaceful.,Your dream vacation,Sentence patterns: A:I hope to visit . some day. B:I do, too/So do I. I like places where .,Pairwork,Groupwork,Tell wh

8、ich place you would like to visit and why. Take notes and give out a summary. Example : A : Where would you like to visit ? go on vacation? B : Id like to go somewhere relaxing. C : Id love to visit . D : I hope to go to . some day. A: Why ? B: (Because) Id like to .,If you have a chance,you can travel all over the world. The world is very beautiful and fascinating. Lets love our earth,Homework,Write a short passage “An ideal place on my vocation”,Good bye,


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