沪教版英语七年级上Unit 4The four seasons 词汇短语单.doc

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1、Unit 4 The four seasonsI. 短语1. turn green 变绿 2. have a long holiday 长假3. shine brightly 阳光明媚 4. fall from 从 落下 5. go on a picnic 去野餐 6. have a picnic 野餐 7. make snowmen 堆雪人 8. fly kites 放风筝 9. start to do sth. 开始做某事10. go swimming 去游泳11. get warm 变暖12. spend time with sb. 与某人共度时光13. at this time of

2、year 在每年的这个时候14. in spring 在春天15.during the Spring Festival 在春节16. eat ice cream 吃冰激凌17. rain heavily 雨下得大18. heavy rain 大雨19. in the middle of 在中间20. spend timemoney on sth. spend timemoney (in) doing sth. 花时间钱做某事21. in the north of China 在中国的北部22. in the middle and east of China 在中国的中东部II. 同义替换1.

3、kick= hit.with the foot 踢 2. shiny= bright 明亮的3. have a picnic= eat outdoors 野餐 4. dry= not wet 干的5. wet= not dry 湿的 6. then= at that time 那时候7. trip= journey 旅行 8. by= near 在.附近9. spend. on = pay. for 花费(时间/金钱)在(某方面)10. everything= all the things 一切,所有事物11. take a trip/go on a trip 去旅行 III. 词形转换1.

4、Australia (n.) 澳大利亚- Australian (n.) (adj.)澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人2. footprint (n.)脚印- (复数) footprints 脚印 3. shine (v.) 照耀- shining (分词)照耀- shiny (adj.) 明亮的、光亮的4. bright (adj.)明亮的- brightly (adv.)明亮地5. strong (adj.)强烈的,强大的,强壮的- strongly (adv.)强烈地,强有力地6. snowman (n.) 雪人-(复数)snowmen 雪人7. excite (v.)使(某人)高兴,兴奋- ex

5、citing(adj.) 兴奋的,开心的-excitedly (adv.) 兴奋地- excitement (n.) 兴奋、高兴8. love(v.) (n.) 爱,喜欢-lovely (adj.) 可爱的9. swim(v.) 游泳-(分词)swimming 游泳10. heavy(adj.) 沉重的,大量的-heavily(adv.) 大量地,沉重地11. sun (n.)太阳-sunny (adj.)晴朗的,阳光明媚的12. rain (n.) (v.)雨,下雨-rainy (adj.)下雨的13. fog(n.) 雾-foggy (adj.)多雾的14. snow(n.) (v.) 雪,下雪-snowy (adj.)下雪多的15. cloud (n.)云-cloudy (adj.)多云的16. wind (n.)风- windy (adj.)有风的,多风的17. comfortable (adj.) 舒适的 - uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒适的、不自在的


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