新编大学英语教程 听力原文概要 Unite.docx

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1、Unite 1Part 1Listening 1 Script: Interviewer: Angela, you were born in Korea but youve been living in Canada for a long time, havent you? Angela: Yes, I was 10 years old when my parents immigrated to Canada and Ive been living here for 20 years now. Interviewer: Do you think that belonging to two di

2、fferent cultures has affected your personality? Angela: Yes, definitely. There are times when I think that I have two personalities. Depending on where I am and who Im with, Im Korean or Im Canadian. Interviewer: That sounds complicated. Could you explain what you mean? Angela: Well, growing up in C

3、anada when I was going to high school, for example, I was known as Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home. I would wave hello to my teachers, but bow to my parents Korean friends when they visited our home. Interviewer: Do different cultures have different ideas as to what is polite?

4、Angela: Yes, definitely. In high school, I was expected to look straight in the eyes of my teachers and to talk openly with them. But when Koreans spoke to me, I was expected to look at my feet and to be shy and silent. Interviewer: Do you think that having two personalities makes you a richer perso

5、n? Angela: Yes, but sometimes I dont know who I am. Listening 2 Script: I am a very sensitive person, and thats good to a point. I feel everyone should be able to feel or understand what others are going through. But when you hurt, cry, or are unhappy for people you dont know, or for a movie that is

6、 not real, then I think thats a little too sensitive. Thats the way I am. I am a very independent person. I must do things for myself. I dont like people doing things for me, or helping me, or giving me things. Its not that I dont appreciate it, because I do. I just feel that when someone does somet

7、hing for you, you owe them, and if there is one thing I dont like to feel, its that I owe anyone anything. I think I would be a good friend. I would do almost anything for someone I like, and would share or give anything I have. Im very caring and understanding. People trust me with their secrets, a

8、nd theyre right for doing so because I never tell any secret that is told to me. Im always there to help in any way that I can. All you have to do is ask. I enjoy life and people, which makes me feel good. I find fun in almost everything I do (except housework). I like to watch people, talk to them,

9、 and be around them. It makes no difference whether I agree or disagree with what they feel, or how they live, or what they look like, or what age they are. I just enjoy learning and being aware of everything and everyone around me.Listening3Tom: Hey, Bill. Do you have any plans for this weekend?Bil

10、l: Yeah, Tom. Cindy and I are going ice-skating on Saturday.Tom: Oh. Bill: Why do you ask?Tom: Well, I thought you might want to come over and study for next weeks chemistry test.Bill: Study?! No way. Hey, what if I try to fix you up with Cindys sister, Kristi. We could double-date. Shes really outg

11、oing, bright, and funny too.Tom: Hey, I still remember the girl you fixed me up with last time. She was very moody and self-centered. She couldnt stop talking about how great she was. Im not sure if I can trust you, Mr. Matchmaker.Bill: Oh come on. So I made a mistake last time. Cindys sister is rea

12、lly different.Tom: Well, what does she look like? Bill: Ah. Looks arent important. She has a wonderful personality. Tom: Right. Bill: Okay. She has long wavy blond hair and blue eyes. Shes of medium height, just a little shorter than you are. Tom: Go on. Bill: She has a great figure, a nice complexi

13、on, and she has a sexy voice. Oh, and she has a tattoo of an eagle on her arm. Tom: A what? Bill: No, just kidding. By the way, she was the runner-up in the Miss California Beauty Pageant two years ago. Well, youre probably not interested. Tom: No, wait! Bill: Ah, just forget I ever mentioned it. To

14、m: No, Im interested! Listening4David: Barbara, before you go, could you tell me about these students that are coming into my class?Barbara: Oh, yes. Now, let me think, well, theres.er.Paul. Hes a tall, slim lad with fair hair. Very friendly face, lovely smile. Hes particularly good with group activ

15、ities, and hes a very helpful person to have in the class and very helpful with the other students. He speaks fluently, but does make a lot of mistakes! He doesnt seem to mind making mistakes. He asks a lot of questions.er.he tends to speak first and think later. But hes got lots of interesting idea

16、s.David: Good.Barbara: Ah.Susan.Susan. Now, shes very lively, quick, and very bright. She talks all the time but not always in English.David: What? Is she difficult or anything?Barbara: No.shes quite young but she does behave in quite a grown-up way really for her age. It can be a bit difficult to a

17、ctually shut her up sometimes and make her listen to you.David: Ah, right.Barbara: Shes very nice. She has dark hair and dark eyes.David: Right, well.are there any other girls in the class?Barbara: Yes, there is Maria. Shes Susans sister.David: Yes.Barbara: Actually its quite difficult to tell them

18、apart although.er. Maria is slightly older. Shes a bit plumper and has longer hair than Susan. Shes not quite as bright as her sister and I think that makes her feel a bit inferior really. Well, you know, she sulks a bit when she gets things wrong or she misunderstands you. But on the whole, a very

19、sensible girl.David: OK.Barbara: And then theres Peter, whos older than the others. Hes got a sort of moustache, spectacles and wavy dark brown hair. He usually wears a jacket and sometimes a suit. Hes very smart and takes notes all the time. Hes also very serious and determined to learn as much as

20、possible. He asks quite difficult questions but he doesnt mean to be nasty.David: Well, thanks, Barbara. Its all up to me now, isnt it? Have a good holiday, wont you?Barbara: Thanks.David: Bye. Part 4Listening1Script: One day, when Mr. Smith came home from work, he found his wife very upset about so

21、mething. Mr. Smith always thought that he was more sensible than his wife, so he started to give her a lecture on the importance of always remaining calm. Finally he said, Its a waste of your strength to get excited about small things. Train yourself to be patient, like me. Now, look at the fly that

22、 has just landed on my nose. Am I getting excited or annoyed? Am I swearing or waving my arms around? No. Im not. Im perfectly calm. Just as he had said this, Mr. Smith started shouting. He jumped up and began to wave his arms around wildly and swear terribly. He couldnt speak for some time, but at

23、last he was able to tell his wife: The thing on his nose was not a fly, but a bee.Listening2Tom; oh, that Mr. Taylor. He is so boring!Mother; what do you mean?Tom: his lessons put me to sleep. And hes so quick-tempered, mum.Mother: quick-tempered? Mr. Taylor? Are you sure darling?Tom: yes, he gets a

24、ngry very quickly.Mother; that doesnt sound like Mr. Taylor at all!Tom: and do you know, he spends all the time looking at his reflection in the window, admiring himself.Mother: really/. And why does he do that/Tom: because hes vain, thats why! And conceited. He thinks he knows everything.Mother; oh

25、, Tom. Be reasonable. Im sure youre exaggerating. Mr. Taylor seems such a nice, kind man.Tom: well, he isnt. he is mean and cruel.Mother; cruel/ no how can a foreign teacher be cruel/Tom: because he only gave me two out of ten points in my history test.Mother: oh, now I understand. Tom, I think youd

26、 better get on with your homework.Listening31. Pedro sleeps only six hours a night. He goes to school full-time and works part-time in the afternoons. At night he plays soccer or basketball. Hes seldom tired and his favorite way to relax is to jog two or three miles.What kind of person is Pedro?2. M

27、r. Miller was teaching his fourth grade class how to divide. The students didnt understand. He had to repeat his lesson and explain the idea more slowly. Over the next few days he explained and explained the lesson until almost the whole class understood and knew how to divide.What kind of teacher i

28、s Mr. Miller?3. People in the High Street neighborhood dont buy their fruits and vegetables in the supermarket. They buy them from Mr. Smiths truck. You can trust Mr. Smith. He never tries to sell any bad or unripe fruit. His prices are fair. What kind of person is Mr. Smith?4. Jake and Charles ran

29、into the classroom. Each one saw the chair he wanted to sit on. Unfortunately, it was the same chair. They both sat down at the same time. Each of them had half a chair. Charles said he was there first and tried to push Jake off the chair. Jake said he was first. Both boys refused to move.All right,

30、 boys, said the teacher. If you wont move, then you can sit like that for the whole period. Jake and Charles sat like that for the whole period until the bell rang. When they stood up they were stiff and sore.I dont care, said Jake. I was there first.What kind of person is Jake?5. Room 46A at Travis

31、 High School was always the dirtiest room in the school. Many of the students threw paper on the floor. One day, Mrs. Duke had an idea. She fastened a basketball hoop over the wastebasket. Now the students love to practice throwing their paper into the basket. When they miss, they pick the paper up

32、and try again. And that was the end of the problem.What kind of person is Mrs. Duke? Litening 4Unit2Part 1Litening 1Listening 2Listening 3Listening4Part 4Listening1Almost seven centuries ago, in Central Asia, there lived a great king called Tamerlane. He was a mighty, powerful, conquering soldier, a

33、nd his greatest ambition was that one day he would rule a massive empire stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. He made his imperial capital in the oasis city of Samarkand, which he planned to make the most beautiful city on earth. Many magnificent mosques w

34、ere built and they were decorated with exquisite blue ceramic tiles on the outside, and with pure gold on the inside. Tamerlane, like the great oriental king that he was, had many wives, including a Chinese girl called Bibi Khanym. Now Bibi Khanym was the most beautiful of all Tamerlanes wives, and

35、she was also the youngest. She was his favorite wife and was deeply in love with him.In order to demonstrate her great love of Tamerlane, she decided to build a magnificent mosque to honor him, while he was away fighting in a distant war. She engaged the best architect, who designed for her the most

36、 magnificent mosque you could imagine. And then she found the best master builder, who began work immediately. But as the weeks and months passed by, the master builder began to fall in love with Bibi Khanym. She resisted all his advances, but at last he threatened to leave the mosque unfinished unl

37、ess she allowed him to kiss her just once. Bibi Khanym wanted the beautiful mosque finished more than anything else. She was expecting Tamerlane to return any day. So at last she agreed to let the master builder kiss her, just once.But that was her terrible mistake, for so powerful was the master bu

38、ilders love for Bibi Khanym that when he kissed her he left a permanent mark on her face.King Tamerlane returned and saw the guilty mark on his wifes face. The master builder was executed immediately, and then, thinking that a womans beauty can be a dangerous thing, Tamerlane ordered that from that

39、day on all the women in the kingdom should never be seen in public without a veil to cover their face. Listening2At one time animals and people lived together in peace and talked with each other. But when mankind began to multiply rapidly, the animals were crowded into forests and deserts.Man began

40、to destroy many animals for their skins and furs instead of only for food. Animals became angry at this treatment by man and decided that mankind must be punished.The animals held a meeting, but they could not decide how to punish mankind. Finally the animals agreed that because deer were the animal

41、s most often killed by man, deer should decide how man should be punished. Deer decided that any Indian hunters who killed deer without asking pardon in a suitable manner would be made to suffer with painful stiffness in their bodies. After this decision was made, the leader of the deer sent a messa

42、ge to the nearest people, the Cherokee Indians. From now on, your hunters must first offer a prayer to the deer before killing him. You must ask his pardon, telling the deer you are forced to kill him only because your people are hungry and need meat. Otherwise, a terrible disease will come to you.T

43、he spirits of the deer would run to the place where a deer had been killed and these spirits would ask the dead deer, Did you hear the hunters prayer for pardon? If the answer was yes, the spirits would be satisfied. But, if the answer was no, then the deer spirits would track down the hunter to his

44、 house and strike him with the terrible disease of stiffness in his body, making him crippled so that he could not hunt deer again.Soon all of the animals agreed that this was a fair and just punishment. Each type of animal decided that they would also cause a disease in people who mistreated them.W

45、hen the friendly plants of the world heard what the animals had decided as punishment for mankind, the plants decided that this punishment was too harsh. They had a meeting of their own. Finally they decided that each type of plant should provide a cure for one of the diseases which animals had caus

46、ed for mankind.This was the beginning of plant medicines from nature among the Cherokee Indians a long, long time ago. Listening3Moon was sad. She had spent many years looking at the people on Earth and she saw that they were afraid. They were afraid of dying. To make them feel better she decided to

47、 call on her friend Spider to take a message to them.Spider, She said, The people of Earth are afraid of dying and that makes me very sad. Please tell them that they will all die sooner or later but it is nothing to be scared of.So Spider slowly made his way back to Earth, carefully picking his way

48、down on moonbeams and sunbeams. On his way he met Hare.Where are you going Spider?, said Hare.I am going to give the people of Earth a message from Moon., he said.Oh, youll be far too long. Tell me the message and Ill take it there for you, replied Hare.OK! Moon wants the people of Earth to know that they will all die., Spider started.Right! Tell the people of Earth that they will all die, said Hare. And with that, Hare disappeared off to Earth.Spider gloomily made his way back to Moon and told Her what


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