Starter-Unit1 全 (思维导图).doc

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《Starter-Unit1 全 (思维导图).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Starter-Unit1 全 (思维导图).doc(85页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Starter-Unit1 全 (思维导图) 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“Starter-Unit1 全 (思维导图)”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!Hello!Hello!Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 )-Hello!Harry!HarrySay hello to our friends.( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 )-Hi!Tom!Say hello to our friends.( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 )-Goodmorning,Jerry!Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 )Mic

2、haelJordan !Greet peopleStarter Unit OneGood morning!Now, lets meet some new friends. Now, lets meet 现在我们来认识几位新朋友。 some new friends.现在我们来认识几位新朋友。This is 这位是AliceBobCindyDaleEricFrank GraceHelenNote:现在我们来认识几位新朋友。 这句型用于: 介绍他人或某物Is this 是疑问句形式Now, lets meet some new friends. 这 (位) 是. This is.Who is thi

3、s? 这位是谁?Cindy Alice Eric This isFrank Helen Bob Grace Dale -1aGood morning, Helen !Hi, Bob!Good morning, Alice!Good morning, Cindy !Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!Good morning, Dale!1C Practice the coversations in the picture.Hello! Good morning.Good morning.Good mornin g, Miss Wang.Good morning.Good mor

4、ning, class./ eI /apple/ bi: /ball/ si: /cat/ di: /dog/ i: /egg/ ef /fish/ di: /girl/ eIt /hatAa /eI/Ee / i:/Ff /ef/Gg /di:/Bb /bi:/Cc /si:/ Dd /di:/Hh /eIt/单元音 / i: / / e / 双元音 / eI /辅音 / b / / s / / d / / f / d / / t /Aa /eI/Hh /eI+t/ Bb /b+i:/ Cc /s+i:/ Dd /d+i:/Ee / i:/Ff /e+f/Gg /d+i:/2b Listen

5、 and number the letters you hear 1-8.8 4h1a5 3e c7 6g fd 2 bThe writing of the letters(字母的书写) (注意笔画和笔顺)The writing of the letters(字母的书写) (注意笔画和笔顺) -2dDo you know what these letters mean?硬黑(铅笔芯)光盘;激光唱片英国广播公司Do you know what these letters mean?ABC 美/澳广播公司CBC 加拿大 广播公司NBA全美篮球协会 中国篮球协会DDDIDD BA BC AD国内长途

6、直拨 国际长途直拨 学士 公元前 公元 香港 上午 下午CBAMBA 工商管理硕士CAAC 中国民航ID身份证HKa.m./AM p.m./PMGuessing game Do you know what these letters mean ?Discuss in groups比一比, 看谁反应快GameGOOD CAAC EGG BAG BCB CBA BBC BED Cc Ee BA BC Ff Dd Hh AD Gg Bb Aa0.08秒的挑战 说出字母Hh GOOD CAAC BEC Cc Ee Dd BA AD Ff Gg Aa BC EGG CBA BBC Bb CBC BED

7、BAGLets learn: three time sectionsmorningafternooneveningmorningevening afternoonLesson 2How to greet others at different time?in the morning 6:00-12:00in the afternoon 12:00-18:00 Good afternoon!Good morning!in the evening 18:00-22:00 Good evening!at night 22:00-Good night! 晚安!Guess:morningafternoo

8、n evening eveningWhen you meet your friend in, you can say15:007:00 am19:009:00Good morning!Good morning!9:00Good Good morning! morning! Dale!Good Good morning, morning!Miss Zhang!14:30Good afternoon!Good afternoon!Good afternoon, Frank!14 : 30Good afternoon, Eric!Good evening! Good evening!20:00Goo

9、d evening!Good evening!18:00Exercises :Hello 1.- _, Eric! -Hello, Helen! 2.- Good morning, Bob. - Good morning _, Helen. 3. -_ Good evening , Frank. - Good evening,Dale. 4. -Good afternoon, Eric. Good afternoon Grace. -_,汉译英: 1. 嗨,艾丽斯! Hi , Alice! 2.早上好,戴尔。 Good morning, Dale. 3.晚上好,埃里克。 Good evenin

10、g, Eric.3c Listen to the conversation,then practice it with your partner. 他人关心你的健康,你也要询问对方的健康,而且一定要向对方说谢谢,常怀感恩的心! How are you? 可以用简略语言:And you? Im fine = Im OK= Im well,表示“我 很好!” Not bad,thanks.还不错,谢谢。 So-So.还可以 。 Thanks = Thank you! 谢谢! Many thanks.=Thank you very much.A: Good afternoon, Dale!B: Hi

11、, Cindy! How are you? A: Im fine, thanks. How are you? B: Im OK.Im =I amPair work: Put the sentences in the right order.1. Im fine, thanks. How are you? 2.How are you? 3.Oh, good morning, Alice. 4.Good morning, Cindy. 5.Fine! 4 3 2 1 5The right order.1.Good morning, Cindy. 2.Oh, good morning, Alice.

12、 3.How are you? 4. Im fine, thanks. How are you? 5.Fine!How to greet each other at any time?1. A: Hi/Hello, Helen. 2. A: How are you? A: Im fine too. B: Hi/Hello, Andrew. B: Im fine, thank you. And you?3. A: Are you fine today? B: Im OK, thank you. And you? 4. A: How do you do? B: How do you do?4a:

13、Write the names of the children on pageS1,Then write the names in alphabetical order.Name ListAliceBob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen4aA B C D E F G HLearn the lettersa b c d e f g hAlice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen读一读1. Dale Grace age2. Frank thanks hand上面单词中a的发 音相同吗?想一想:我们发现:Aa /eI/eI

14、/ /eI/ snakecakegrape namefacebaby/havecatapple baghat fat/ / 发音要诀:双唇向两旁平伸,成扁 平形,舌尖抵下齿,上下齿之间可 容纳食指和中指。发音时舌位低, 不与上齿接触,发出的音悦耳动听。听一听,找出划线部分发音 不同的单词。A ( C ) 1、many ( A ) 2、plate ( B ) 3、water ( C ) 4、and B cap have rabbit cat C potato lamb washroom want读一读1. me he evening2. Helen bedpenegg上面单词中e的发 音相同吗?

15、想一想:我们发现:Ee /i:/i:/ /e/i:/wemesheChinesetree sheep/ i:/ 发音要诀:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向 硬腭尽量抬起,上下唇以及齿靠近 但不接触。舌头与唇肌拉紧将这个 音发出并且拉长。嘴唇向两边张开 成微笑状。/e/legyesdeskelevenseven/e/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍微抬起, 嘴不要张太大,上下齿间距宁 可偏小。听一听,找出划线部分发音 不同的单词。A ( C ) 1、twelve ( C ) 2、feet ( A ) 3、me ( C ) 4、these B hen geese fifteen C sheep twenty letel

16、ephant help4b Listen and repeat一读)(听一听,读A E/eI/ Frank thanks/ B C D E G evening /i:/ F Helen /e/A H Dale Grace4c read the letters and words. A H Dale Grace /eI/ age /eI/ B C D E G evening /i:/ F Helen /e/Frank thankshand/hnd/ he /hi:/ bed /bed/4d Listen and sing the song.Good morning Good morning How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK. Good afternoon Good afternoon How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK. Good evening Good evening How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK.Homework Homework作业本1 Page1-Page3The endThank you !百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网,您的在线图书馆 85


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