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1、 八年级(下)期中试题 (120分)一、听力(共二节,计25分)第一节(共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)听下面9段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一边。来源:Zxxk.Com( )1. A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Tuesday and Friday. ( )2. A. In the classroom. B. In the reading room. C. In the library.( )3. A. Because its o

2、ld. B. Because its too heavy. C. Because its made of glass.( )4. A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bike.( )5. A. Its 8:23. B. Its 8:25. C. Its 8:29. ( )6. A. Some foreign friends. B. Some students. C. Some teachers.( )7. A. It was rainy. B. It was foggy. C. It was snowy.( )8. A. In Row 3. B. In Row 4. C.

3、 In Row 5.( )9. A. For three days. B. For seven days. C. For two weeks.第二节(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,每小题5分钟;听完后,各题将给出5 秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第10段材料,回答第10、11小题。( )10. What does John call Mary for? A. He wants her to take a message. B. He wants her to tell him which exercise he should

4、do.C. He wants her to help him with his exercise. ( )11. What time do you think John would probably make another call? A. At 11:00. B. At 10:30. C. At 11:40.听第11段材料,回答第1214小题。( )12. What month is it now? A. January. B. February. C. March. ( )13. What day is it when the plane arrive in Tokyo? A. Febr

5、uary 22nd. B. February 23rd. C. March 22nd. ( )14. How long will the flight from Beijing to London take? A. 10 hours and 15 minutes. B. 17 hours and 45 minutes.C. 8 hours and 45 minutes.听第12段材料,回答第1517小题。( )15. Where is Mr. Smith going? A. To the bus station. B. To his home. C. To the hospital.( )16

6、. Whats wrong with Jack? A. He has got a headache. B. He has got a stomachache. C. He has got a fever.( )17. How is Mr. Smith going to see Jack? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car.听第13段材料,回答第1821小题。( )18. Where does the dialogue take place? A. At a station. B. In someones home. C. At a restaurant.( )1

7、9. What is the woman making for man? A. A room. B. Coffee. C. Evening. ( )20. What dose the man think of the time?A. Its still early. B. Its quite early. C. Its late.( )21. What does the woman have? A. A car. B. A bike. C. A bus.听第14段材料,回答第2225小题。( )22. When does a summer holiday begin in America? A

8、. September. B. July. C. August.( )23. At what age do most American children go to school? A. Five B. Seven C. Eighteen( )24. What do high school students do after class? A. Do their homework. B. Go to work. C. Do many interesting things.( )25. Why do many American college students work after school

9、? A. Help their parents. B. Get the money for their studies. C. Help others. 二.单项选择。(15分)( ) 26. - ? - I have a fever. A. Whats matter B. Whats the matter with you C. Whats your matter D. Whats the wrong( ) 27. I didnt like getting up early, but now I it. A. used to B. am used to C. was used to D. g

10、ot used to ( ) 28. The man was too poor to go to school then. He had to teach all the subjects at home. A. him B. his C. himself D. he( ) 29. John really his father. They both have big eyes and nose. A. takes after B. looks after C. look like D. takes like( ) 30. -Can you me your bike? - Yes, but yo

11、u cant it to others. A. borrow, borrow B. lend, lend C. borrow, lend D. lend, borrow( ) 31. Youd better take the map with you you wont get lost. A. as long as B. as soon as C. now that D. so that ( ) 32. My parents dont me to go out at night. A. keep B. allow C. hope D. compete( ) 33. I always argue

12、d with my parents in the past, but now we just fine together. A. get along B. get away C. get off D. get up ( ) 34. -You bought the car about ten years ago? - Yes. its old, it still runs well. A. though B. until C. while D. so that ( ) 35. Our teacher often tell us others. A. to be angry to B. to be

13、 angry with C. not to be angry with D. to not be angry with( ) 36. - Could you please your sister here next time? - Sure. I wont bring her next time. A. bring B. not bring C. taking D. not taking( ) 37. I hate to the chores, but I like to my bed. A. make, do B. do, do C. make, make D. do, make( ) 38

14、. Lets the room right now, and mom will find the room and tidy when she comes back. A. clean, clean B. to clean, clean C. clean, cleaning D. cleaning, cleaned( ) 39. Jenny ran her water before getting to the top of the mountain. A. out B. off C. out of D. out off( ) 40. At 9 yesterday morning, I _an

15、 English class while they _P.E. A. was having, were having B. had, had C. was having, had D. had, were having三完形填空。(10分) Young people and other people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in a grogram in New York , adults and teenagers live

16、together in peace. Each summer 200 41 and 50 adults live together for 8 weeks as members of a work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy. It is to find meaning in work. Some teenagers work on the 42 near the village. Some learn to build a house. The adults 43

17、 them. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are 44 , too. Each teenagers has his own way to 45 his free time.When people live together, rules are always 46 . In this program the teenagers and adults make the rules together. If someone 47 a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. Th

18、ey ask, “Why did it happen? 48 do we have to do about it?”One of the teenagers has this to say about program, “ Stop thinking 49 about yourself, learn 50 to think about the group.”( ) 41. A. workers B. teenagers C. farmers D. teachers( ) 42. A. lake B. river C. sea D. farm( ) 43. A. give B. agree C.

19、 thank D. teach( ) 44. A. free B. busy C. wonderful D. terrible( ) 45. A. make B. take C. spend D. find( ) 46. A. need B. needed C. being need D. needs( ) 47. A. uses B. finds C. breaks D. helps( ) 48. What B. Why C. Who D. Where( ) 49. A. even B. only C. never D. seldom( ) 50. A. which B. where C.

20、how D. whether四. 阅读理解。(20分) ( A )Are you looking for something fun and you like to help other people in your spare time? Then join us and be a volunteer!We are a non-profit organization(非盈利组织). We have volunteer jobs for people of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their 80

21、s, can become a volunteer.You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is som

22、ething for everyone.“ As a volunteer, I dont want to get anything. Seeing the childrens happy faces, I am happy, too. ” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62.“ I often play with computer games in my spare tie before. Now I help older people learn how to use computers. ” said another volunteer at t

23、he age of 18. If everyone helps out a bit, well all have a better world to live in.Interested? Call us on 1-800-555-5756. Or visit our website: .( ) 51. Which kind of people can become volunteers? A. Only teenagers. B. People from 12years old to about 80. C. Only old people. D. Only teachers and stu

24、dents( ) 52. Volunteers want to get when they help others. A. everything B. money C. nothing D. computer( ) 53. This passage is . A. a story B. a play C. a film D. an advertisement ( B ) Should teenagers help their parents do chores? If you want to be an independent one, or you dont want your parent

25、s to be too tired, do chores at home.I have a classmate called Li Ting. She is the only child in her family. Her parents love her so much that they dont let her do any chores. On weekdays she gets up, has meals, goes to school, has lessons, comes back, does homework and goes to bed. While on weekend

26、s, she only plays with her friends. So she doesnt know hoe to do chores. One day, her father was badly ill and was in hospital. Her mother had to take care of her father in the hospital and couldnt cook meals for her for a wwek. Li Ting didnt know how to cook meals. She had a lot of trouble cooking

27、meals and often felt hungry. She only had instant noodles(方便面)for her meal.( ) 54. How many children are there in Li Tings family? A. Two. B. Three. C. One. D. Four( ) 55. Li Ting doesnt .A. do chores on weekendsB. go to school on weekdaysC. do her homework on weekdays D. have meals on weekends( ) 5

28、6. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Li Tings grandmother looked after her when her father was in hospital. B. Li Ting couldnt do any chores. C. Li Tings parents love her very much. D. Li Ting was often hungry when her father was in hospital ( C ) Young people can have problems with their minds.

29、 Some students becomes worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates. Liu wei, a junior 2 student from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he s

30、tared to cut his finger with a knife. Another student, Xiao Li from a university in Shanghai, got on badly with his roommate, Xiao Huang. He killed his roommate Xiao Huang by poisoning(投毒)the water in the drinking machine in their dormitory. A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of teena

31、gers have mental(精神上的)problems. Their troubles include being worried and very unhappy, and having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢)if they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk abou

32、t their secrets. Liang Yuezhu, AN EXPERT ON TEENAGERS FROM Beijing Anding Hospital has the following advice for teenagers: Talk to your parents or teachers often. Take part in group activities and play sports. Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.( ) 57. Liu Wei cut his finger with a kni

33、fe because .A. he was afraid of his teacherB. he wanted to get on well with his studiesC. he was so worried about his studiesD. his finger was badly hurt( ) 58. If a student feels worried and unhappy, he or she may have . A. mental problems B. a cold C. no family D. no money( ) 59. Students who have

34、 problems wont ask others for help because .A. they wont let others think they are stupidB. they dont think doctors can help themC. they think the problems are not seriousD. they have no secrets about others.( ) 60. What should we do if we have problems with our minds?A. We should argue with others.

35、B. We should eat more.C. We should talk to others often.D. We should cut our fingers.五从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。(10分)A. When and where shall we meet?B. When did she go to the hospital?C. Where are you going?D. Whats wrong with you?E. Im sorry to hear that.F. How long is she ill? G. What shall we buy f

36、or her?A: Hi, Han Mei, you look unhappy. 61 B: Im going to the hospital. Our English teacher Mrs. Gao is ill and now in hospital. A: 62 Whats wrong? B: She has a terrible stomachache.A: 63 B: Three days ago. She is always around us before exams. She is too busy to see the doctor. Wed better go and s

37、ee her tomorrow. 64 A: What about fruits and flowers? You know, some presents are never too small. She treats us all as her children.B: I agree with you. 65 A: Outside the hospital gate at 8:30a.m. .B: 8:30? Its too early. Lets make it 10:00a.m. . Some classmates live far from the hospital.A: OK. By

38、 the way, remember to tell the others about it by using QQ.B: Yes, I will.六 根据汉语意思及提示词完成句子。(14分)66.请你给我提供一些建议好吗? (for) Could you ?67. We decided the city park(推迟打扫市公园)。 (up)68. 与你的朋友们闲逛时浪费时间。(of) Its your friends.69. (为什么不想出一个好主意) to solve this problem? (up)70. 孩子们做的家务越多, 就会越早学会独立。 (the) the childre

39、n do housework, they will learn to be independent.71. If he doesnt , . (如果他不洗餐具,我也不洗)。 (neither)72. When it began to rain heavily,I (正在帮妈妈做晚饭). (help)七根据短文内容及手字母提示补全单词。(11分) How many people do you communicate with in a day? Probably a lot more than you did ten years ago. Now we can “ talk ” in more

40、and more w 73 , not just face to face or by using the phone, but also t 74 the Internet. It is very important for e 75 to try and improve their communication s 76 , so lets remember the four golden r 77 of good communication. First, be as clear as you can. Others will not u 78 you if you dont say co

41、rrectly w 79 you mean. Second, you have to work hard at l 80 . Pay attention to what the other person is saying. T 81 , ask other people what they think. Fourth, give them time to say what they want, and s 82 interest in what they say. If you f 83 these rules, you will be a good communicator.八书面表达。(15分) 现在初中学生普遍存在不做家务的现象,因为他们在学校有太多的压力,每天忙于做作业,还有一些孩子懒惰,就认为家务是父母的事。假如你叫李明,你


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