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1、关于“动宾短语拆开类”的考题题型归纳襄樊四中 聂志财英语中有些动词后面跟上名词构成一个短语,象catch fire,已经成为一个不可拆分的固定短语,但也有很多动词加上名词构成动词短语后,在考题中却可以把它们拆分开来,从不同的角度来考查学生对它们的理解与运用,笔者经过总结归纳把这种考题称为“动宾短语拆开类”的考题题型,现分述如下:题型一:动宾短语拆开放在被动语态中考查:例1:Much attention should be paid to developing industry in the country. 很显然,该例中是把pay attention to中的动词宾语拆作被动句的主语,这一个

2、句子在设题时还可从三个角度进行: Much _ should be paid to developing industry in the country. A. effort B. attention C. effect D. attempt Much attention should be _ to developing industry in the country. A. made B. spared C. paid D. fixed说明:D选项应是fix attention on Much attention should be paid to _ industry in the co

3、untry. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. development说明:A选项是学生容易误选的,一些学生忽视to永远为介词;B项句意说得通,把developed看作过去分词作定语修饰industry意为“发达的工业”,但句意不直观;D项应为the development of.例2:Correct decisions should be made to carry out the plan.在本例中是把make decisions to do sth拆散开了。也曾有短文改错设题为:Correct decisions should be don

4、e to carry out the plan. 结果很多学生很难发现改done为made,原因之一就在于他们对这种题型比较陌生,从而不知还原该短语,实际上该短语是学生很熟悉的一个短语。例3:Great efforts have been made to help those people suffering the earthquake. No efforts have been spared to help those people suffering the earthquake.在本组例子中,学生如果对make great efforts to do sth和spare no effo

5、rts to do sth均表示“全力以赴,不遗余力去做”熟悉的话,相信不管从划线部分的哪一个角度来考,对句子意思的理解和选词填空不会有什么困难。除上面例子外,也请看下面例子,希望学生对“动宾短语拆开”的另外一种形式加以注意:这里不是把动词与其宾语拆开,而是把整个动词短语与其后宾语拆开放在被动语态中考查,这归为一般常见的被动语态变化,不再详述。Every minute should be made full use of to study English.All the details in life shall be paid attention to to achieve success.

6、题型二:动宾短语拆开放在定语从句中考查:例1: The full use that hibernating animals can make of the stored fat in Autumn helps them live through the whole winter.在本例中学生如果训练有素,一眼会发现是把make full use of中动词宾语拆为定语从句的先行词,这种题型难度明显比题型一大了许多。例2: Thank you for all the great trouble(that) you have taken to help me!在本例中拆开的动宾短语是take tr

7、ouble to do sth, 意为“不辞辛劳地去做”或“费力地去做”。例3: The good preparations (that/which) we have made for the plan leads to our achieving it successfully.在本例中拆开的短语是make preparations for sth,意为“为某事做好准备”。题型三:动宾短语拆开放在特殊问句中考查:例1:What effect does the medicine have on you?本例中是把have effect on拆开就“效果”进行询问。例2:What trouble

8、 do you have (in) learning French / with French?本例中是把have trouble (in) doing sth / with sth拆开就“麻烦,困难”进行询问。题型四:动宾短语拆开放在感叹句中考查:例1:What pride she takes in her job to serve the passengers!这里所含短语为take pride in sth.例2:What ill effect the words have on the children! 这里所含短语为have ill effect on.例3:What great

9、difficulties he has with French! 这里所含短为have great difficulties with something.题型五:动宾短语拆开构成修饰与被修饰关系:例1:Every one of us has our own role to play in society. 这里所含短语为play a role in.例2:As to the problem we have no answers to make at present. 这里所含短语为make no answer.例3:At the meeting there will be an agreement to reach between our two sides. 这里所含短语为reach an agreement.对于上述几大类题型的考查,常会出现在单选题,完形填空和短文改错中,学生们在学习时,对于这种短语首先要过记忆关,然后在运用中注意拆散与还原,做到熟练把握这五大题型,相信对句子意思的理解和解题突破会得心应手。


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