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1、,1_adj.在前的;早先的 2_n指导;向导;导游 vt.指引;指导 3_n周围的事物;环境adj.周围的 4_vt.容忍;忍受 5_vi. & vt.缺乏;没有n缺乏;短缺的东西 6_n调整;调节,7_vt. 系牢;扎牢 8_vt. & vi.(使)闪光;(使)出现 9_n开关;转换vt.转换 10_adj.乐观(主义)的 11_n沙漠;荒原v遗弃;抛弃 12_adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 13_n代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的 14_n印象;感想;印记_v使印象深刻_adj.令人印象深刻的,15_adj.时常发生的;连续不断的_adv.不断地 16_vi. & vt.按;压;

2、逼迫 n按;压;印刷;新闻_n压力 17_n瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的_adv.立即;立刻 18_n定居;解决_v解决;处理_n定居者,答案1.previous2.guide3.surrounding4.tolerate5.lack6.adjustment7.fasten8.flash9.switch10.optimistic11.desert12.greedy13.representative14.impression;impress;impressive15.constant;constantly16.press;pressure17.instant;instantly18.sett

3、lement;settle;settler,【典例填充】 1They are so rich that they _ _nothing.他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。 答案lack for 2The match was called off due to_ _support.比赛因缺少赞助而被取消。 答案lack of 3Robin is not usually _in confidence. 罗宾平时并不缺乏自信心。 答案lacking,【即学即练】 (2009年山东高考)He says that my new car is a _of money. Dont you think those w

4、ords are just sour grapes? AlackBload Cquestion Dwaste 解析考查名词辨析。D项意为“浪费”,合乎句意。lack 缺乏;load 负担;question 问题,均不合逻辑。 答案D,【典例填充】 1第一印象往往是靠不住的。 _ _is often wrong. 答案First impression 2他的行为举止给我们留下了很有教养的好印象。 His behavior gave us_ _ _that he was welleducated. 答案a favourable impression 3对不起,我把你当成经理了。 Im sorry,

5、I was _ _ _ that you were the manager. 答案under the impression,【即学即练】 (2010年长春外国语学校高三检测)As a candidate,you must make a good_on everyone you meet if you want to win the election. Adecision Bsituation Cimpression Dposition 解析make a good impression on sb. 意为“给某人留下好印象”,故C项符合题意。make a decision 意为“做出决定”。 答

6、案C,考点3instant adj. 立即的,立刻的n. 刹那间 【课文如是】You place the metal band over your head,clear your mind,press the sending button,think your message and the next instant its sent.(课本P22) 【概而括之】表示“一就”的从属连词有:the instant,the moment,the minute,as soon as,no sooner.than.,hardly/scarcely/barely.when.,immediately,di

7、rectly,instantly,in an instant片刻,瞬间 at that instant 在那瞬间 for an instant 一瞬间 on the instant 立即;即时 the instant (that)一就(as soon as) instantly adv. 立即地 conj.一就(as soon as),【典例填充】 1I dont like to drink_ _. 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。 答案instant coffee 2I recognized her _ _(that) I saw her.我一眼就认出是她。 答案the instant 3Ill be

8、back _ _ _.我马上就回来。 答案in an instant,【即学即练】 (2010年湖北荆州模拟)The machine is so advanced that it will start_you press the button. Astraightly Bprimarily Cinstantly Deventually 解析句意为“这台机器是如此先进,以至于你一按电钮,机器就会开动”。这里用instantly 引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as;其他选项中,straightly 意为“径直地”;primarily 意为“起初地”;eventually 意为“最终地”,

9、都不符合句意。 答案C,【典例填充】 1A good idea _ _her mind. 一个好主意掠过她的心头。 答案flashed into 2My mind flashed _to our last meeting. 我又想起了我们上次会面时的情景。 答案back 3An idea came to my mind_ _ _.我立刻想到了一个主意。 答案in a flash,【即学即练】 When I saw the car crash on the road,a frightened feeling_across my mind. Aflashed Bstruck Chit Doccur

10、red 解析strike 与hit 都直接接宾语,不需用介词;occur 需要与to 连接。句意:当我看到公路上汽车相撞时,恐惧感涌上我的心头。 答案A,【典例填充】 完成句子 1这面墙需要修理了。 This wall_ _. 答案requires;repairing 2法院下令让他缴纳罚款。 The court_that he_ _ _ _ . 答案required;(should) pay the fine 3你要求我做什么? What do you _ _ me? 答案require of,【即学即练】 It is required that every student_their ho

11、mework on time. Awill hand in Bmust hand over Chands out Dhand in 答案D,1Of the 2000 stock investors_last month,90% were found_in financial knowledge. Asurveyed;lacking Bhaving been surveyed;to lack Csurveyed;lacked Dto have been surveyed;lack 解析句意:在上个月调查的2000名股市投资者中,发现有90%的人缺乏金融知识。investors 和survey 构

12、成被动关系,故用surveyed 过去分词作定语;主句的主语90%和lack 为主动关系,故用lacking 作为其主语补足语,故选A项。 答案A,2His remarks made a deep impression_the young girl. Ain Bon Cfor Dto 解析句意:他的话给那个年轻女孩留下了深刻的印象。make an impression on sb. 固定搭配。 答案B,3Much to my surprise,she_tears_she read the letter. Aburst out;instant Bburst into;the instant Cb

13、urst out;instantly Dburst into;instant 解析burst into 后接名词;burst out 后接v.ing 形式;the instant/instantly 用作连词,表示“一就”。 答案B,4In our childhood,we were often_by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. Ademanded Breminded Callowed Dhoped 答案B 5I saw this book;it was a_that I must phone him today. Amemory Breminder Cinformation Dsymbol 答案B,


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