最新高考一轮复习(经典)人教课标高二必修5 Unit 2.ppt

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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom,知识清单,(一) 基本单词 1. _ vt. 澄清; 阐明 2. _ vt. 完成; 达到; 实现 3. _ n. 矛盾; 冲突 4. _ vi. 组成; 在于; 一致 5. _ prep. 加上; 和 adj. 加的; 正的; 零上的,clarify,accomplish,conflict,consist,plus,单词,6. _ n. 争吵; 争议; 吵架 vi. 争吵; 吵架 7. _ adj. 相同的; 类似的 8. _ adj. 壮丽的; 辉煌的; 极好的 9. _ n. 错误; 过去; 谬误 10. _ vt. 使激动; 使胆战心

2、惊,quarrel,alike,splendid,error,thrill,(二) 派生单词 11. _ vi. 粗糙地,unite,united,union,convenience,convenient,rough,roughly,14. _ vt. 吸引; 引起注意 _ n. 有趣的东西; 吸引人之 物 _ adj. 有吸引力的 15. _ n. 描写; 描述 _ vt. 描写; 描述,attract,attraction,attractive,description,describe,16. _ adj. 配备好装备的; 带家具的 _ vt. 装备; (用家具等)布置(房 间、公寓);

3、提供 17. _ n.可能(性) _ adj. 可能的; 合理的 18. _ vt. 筹备; 安排; 整理_n. 安排; 筹备,furnished,furnish,possibility,possible,arrange,arrangement,19. _ vt. 折叠; 对折 _ (反义词) vt. 打开 20. _ n. 快乐; 高兴; 喜悦 vt. 使高兴; 使欣喜 _ adj. 高兴的; 快乐的 _ adj. 令人高兴的,fold,unfold,delight,delighted,delighting,1. 由组成 _ 2. 把分成 _ 3. 谈到; 说到; 参考; 涉及 _ 4. 挣

4、脱(束缚); 脱离 _ 5. 为带来荣誉; 值得赞扬; 在名下_,consist of,devide into,refer to,break away from,to ones credit,6. 省去; 遗漏; 不考虑 _ 7. 代替 _ 8. (机器)损坏; 破坏 _,leave out,take the place of,break down,短语,1. It looked splendid when first built! (when first built是when it was first built的省略形式) 当被提供帮助时, 人们常说“谢谢”。 _ _,When offer

5、ed help, one often says “Thank you”.,句式,2. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. (it seemed.that 结构) 这似乎是一件奇怪的事, 拥有一家大公司的老板居然过着俭朴的生活。 _ _,It seems strange that the boss who owns a large company should live a simple life.,核心要点,【归纳】 clarify st

6、h 澄清; 讲清楚 clarify从句 阐明; 澄清 seek/ask for clarification of/on 弄清楚/阐明 【拓展】 clarification n. 澄清; 阐明,1. clarify v. 澄清; 阐明,单词,【运用】 完成句子 (1) 我希望这能阐明我的立场。 I hope this _. (2) 她要他说清楚他是什么意思。 She asked him to _. (3) 我正在努力弄清楚这些规则。 Im _ the regulation.,clarifies my position,clarify what he meant,seeking clarifica

7、tion of/on,【归纳】 in conflict with 同冲突, 抵触, 有矛盾 come into conflict with 和冲突 lead to/limit/settle conflict 引起/限制/解决冲突 bring sb into conflict with 使某人与发生冲突, 争执 conflict with. 与冲突; 与战斗,2. conflict n. 冲突,【运用】 完成句子 (1) 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分岐。 She found himself _ her parents over her future career. (2) 这些结果

8、与早期的发现相矛盾。 These results _ earlier findings.,in conflict with,conflict with,【归纳】 for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见 at ones convenience 在某人方便时 for the convenience of 为了方便 to ones convenience 对某人方便(合适),3. convenience n. 便利; 方便,【拓展】 convenient adj. 方便的; 便利的 be convenient for sb/sth 对于是方便 的 if conven

9、ient 如果方便的话 sth is convenient to sb 某事对某人很方便,【温馨提示】 convenience意为“方便, 便利”时为不可数名词;表示“便利的事物, 便利设施”时为可数。convenient用作形容词, 作表语时主语不能是人, 多用于“It is convenient for sb to do sth”这一句型。,【运用】选用上述词汇完成下列情景 Yesterday I received a letter from my former teacher. He asked me if it would be _ for him to come to my home

10、 this weekend. Of course I replied to him quickly that he could come at his _. Besides, I told him that if _, Id like to pay him a visit because it was really _ to go to Beijing nowadays.,convenient,convenience,convenient,convenient,【分析】 1. 在你方便的时候请来看我们。 Please come to see us when it is convenient f

11、or you. 析: convenient的意思是“使人感到方便的”, 不是“(自己)感到方便的”, 因此只能用物(事)作主语, 而不能用人作主语。 2. 你什么时候方便呢? When is it conveninet for/to you? 析: be conveninet for/to sb 意思为“对某人来说方便”,4. attract vt. 吸引; 引起,【归纳】 attract ones attention/ mind/ eyes =attract the attention of sb. 吸引某人的注意力或目光 attract sb to sth 吸引某人关注某事,【拓展】 at

12、traction n. 有趣的东西; 吸引人的物 have no/a little/much attraction for sb. 对某人不具有/有一点/很有吸引力 attractive adj. 有吸引力的; 引起注意的; 引起兴趣的,【运用】完成句子 (1) The earthquake which happened in India in September 2011 also _ _ (吸引 注意力) of the public. (2) The television _ (没吸引力) for me. (3) The new carton is _ (对有吸引力) children.,

13、attracted,has no attention,the attention,attractive to,【分析】 1. 她的歌声引起了我们的注意。 Her songs attracted our attention. 析: 说“引起注意”时不可在attract后仅接人称代词, 而应说attract sbs attention。 2. 那女人企图用金钱勾引他。 The woman tried to tempt him with money. 析: 有明显贬义如“引诱”“勾引”时不要用attract,可用tempt或induce。,5. arrange v. 筹备; 安排; 整理; 布置,【

14、归纳】 arrange to do sth 安排做某事 arrange sth for sb 为某人安排某事 arrange for sb to do sth. 安排某人做某事 arrange (with sb) to do sth (与某人)约定干某事 arrange that. 商定; 安排,【拓展】 arrangement n. 安排, 筹备 make arrangements for 安排好,【温馨提醒】 表示“安排某人做某事”用arrange for sb to do sth 而不用 arrange sb to do sth。 make arrangements for 中的 arr

15、angement常用复数形式。,【运用】完成句子 (1) 我和她约定8点钟见面。 I _ at 8:00. (2) 经理安排格林小姐去机场接一位外宾。 The manager _ a foreign guest at the airport. (3) 当地报纸安排对那位著名的科学家进行采访。 The local newspaper _ an interview with the famous scientist.,arranged with her to meet,arranged for Miss Green to meet,made arrangements for,【分析】 1. 请给我

16、们安排一次与工人的会见。 Please arrange an interview with the workers for us. 析: arrange不用于arrange sb sth结构,其间接宾语sb需用for引出。 2. 我已经安排好了一辆出租车在十点的时候来接我们。 Ive arranged for a taxi to pick us up at 10 oclock. 分析:arrange for sb/sth to do sth意为“安排某人或某物去做某事”,句中要有介词for。,【归纳】 delight in (doing) sth 以某事为乐(尤指不该做的事) delight

17、sb with sth 用来取悦某人 feel/take (great) delight in 以为乐 with/in delight 高兴地; 愉快地 to ones delightto the delight of sb 使某人高兴的是,6. delight n. 快乐; 高兴; 喜悦 vt. (使)欣喜,【拓展】 delighted adj. 高兴的; 快乐的 be delighted at/with/by 为某事而高兴 be delighted to do sth 为而高兴 be delighted that. 高兴 delightful adj. 令人愉快的; 讨人喜欢的,【运用】用

18、delight相关短语的适当形式填空 (1) I _ books. (2) She _ being surrounded by admirers. (3) Tom _ the sensation he was creating. (4) _ all his fans, he won the game easily. (5) _ the good news, she couldnt help crying.,take delight in,delights in,was delighted at,To the delight of,Delighted at,【归纳】 be thrilled ab

19、out/ at/ with sth 因某事而欣喜若狂 be thrilled to do sth 做某事感到高兴 give sb a thrill 使某人激动 with thrill 兴奋地 be thrilling 令人震颤的; 令人感动的,7. thrill v. 使激动; 使胆战心惊 n. 兴奋; 激动; 激动的事,【归纳】 consist in=lie in 存在于; 在于 consist with 一致; 符合 【拓展】 be made up of 由组成 be composed of 由组成,【温馨提示】consist of 不能用于进行时态 和被动语态。,1. consist o

20、f 由组成,短语,【运用】 一句多译 该队由20位选手组成。 (1) _ (2) _ (3) _,The team consists of twenty members.,The team is composed of twenty members.,The team is made up of twenty members.,【归纳】 divide.between/among/with 在之间分配/分担/分享 divide.by 用除以 be divided by 被除以 be divided into 被分成 divide.in half/two halves 把分成两半 divide u

21、p 分开;划分,2. divide.into 把分成,【辨析】 divide into/separate from divide into常指把某个整体划分为若干部分。 separate from表示“将与分开”, 指把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来。,【运用】完成句子 (1) 苹果被一分为二。 The apple _ two. (2) 英国和法国被英吉利海峡分开。 England _ France by the English Channel.,was divided into,is separated from,【归纳】 break down (会谈)破裂; 失败; (汽车等)出故障; (人

22、的健康状况)变得恶劣; (化学物)分解 break in 闯入; 打岔 break off 中断; 折断 break into 闯入 break out 爆发; 发生 break up 驱散; 分散; 打碎; 终止 break through 突围; 突破,3. break away from 挣脱(束缚); 脱离,【运用】用break短语的适当形式填空 (1) His car _ on the way to work this morning. (2) The fire must _ after the staff had gone. (3) If he carries on working

23、 like this, hell _ sooner or later. (4) The American southern states wanted to _ the Union.,broke down,have broken out,break down,break away from,【归纳】 leave alone 不管; 不理会 leave aside (把某事)搁置一边 leave behind 留下; 忘带; 遗留 leave for 动身去 leave off 停止; 中断,4. leave out 省去; 遗漏; 不考虑; 忽视,【运用】用适当的介/副词填空 (1) She

24、left _ the date on the cheque. (2) Waitdont leave me _! (3) Leave her _. She is in a mood now. (4) Mr. White will leave Boston _ Beijing with his wife.,out,behind,alone,for,【拓展】 take ones place 就位; 代替 in place of 代替; 取代 take place 发生; 举办; 举行 out of/in place 不/在适当的位置; 不/在原处 in the first place 最初; 首先;

25、 第一,5. take the place of 代替,【词义辨析】 take place/take the place of/take ones place take place 通常指经过计划、安排而“产生”或者“发生”。 take the place of 表示“代替, 接替(某人的职务或工作等)”, 也可写为: take ones place. take ones place 除了可以替换take the place of外, 还可表示:“就座, 到某人应去的位置上”, 其中ones与句中的主语指同一个人。,【运用】完成句子 (1) 运动会将在何时举行? When will the s

26、ports meeting _? (2) 今天你能顶替王先生吗?他病了。 Can you _ Mr. Wang today? He is sick. (3) 好了, 大家各就各位, 演出马上就要开始了。 Now, everybody _. The show will begin in a minute.,take place,take the place of,takes his place,1. It looked splendid when first built! when first built是when it was first built的省略形式。在状语从句中从句的主语与主句的主

27、语一致或主语为it, 且谓语部分含有be动词时, 这时可把从句的主语(或it)连同be动词省略掉, 省略后的部分为“从属连词分词/介词短语/形容词/名词(短语)等”。如: When (she was) a girl, she wrote a novel. 当她还是一个女孩时, 她写了一部小说。,句式,【运用】句型转换 (1) She sat there alone as if she were thinking of something. She sat there alone as if _. (2) Ice can be changed into water if it is heated

28、. Ice can be changed into water if _.,thinking of something,heated,(3) You can ask him for help when you are in trouble. You can ask him for help _. (4) If it is possible, Ill go to see my grandparents this weekend. _, Ill go to see my grandparents this weekend.,when in trouble,If possible,2. It see

29、med strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. It seems/is strange that.句型表示“很奇怪”, it是形式主语, that引导的名词性从句是真正的主语; 注意that从句中谓语使用“should动词原形/have done”, 此时should表示对所发生的事情感到吃惊, 一般译为“竟然”。如:,1) 他竟然会对父母说出那样的话。 It was strange that he should have said that to his pa

30、rents. 2) 机会出现时, 他竟然没有抓住, 真是奇怪。 It is strange that he should fail to seize the chance when it arose.,【温馨提示】Its natural/important/ necessary/a pity/a shame that.句型中, 从句的谓语使用“should动词原形” should表示必要性, 惊讶,气愤等情感。如: Its a pity that a top student should fail to pass the final examination. 一位顶尖的学生竟然没有通过期末考试

31、, 真遗憾。,【运用】完成句子 (1) 真可耻他竟然在公交车上偷那个女孩的钱包。 Its a shame he _ a girls wallet on the bus. (2) 那条大狗很自然地照顾她的孩子。 Its natural that the old dog _ her baby.,should steal,should look after,巩固练习,. 用上述短语的适当形式填空 1. A medical team _ six doctors and twenty nurses will be sent to work in our village. 2. _, you have i

32、nspired him to make efforts to achieve his goals. 3. She was in such a hurry that she _ the date in the letter. 4. Mary cant go to the meeting herself, so I will _ her. 5. He was on the way home when his car _.,consisting of,To your credit,left out,take the place of,broke down,1. 他说的话与事实矛盾。 What he

33、said conflicts with the fact. 2. 我得知考试通过后很兴奋。 It gave me a thrill to know I had passed the examination. 3. 她讲了有关总统的一些笑话使观众很开心。 She delighted the audience with her jokes about the president.,. 汉译英,真题再现,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项。 1. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his fore

34、head, because the air-conditioning system _.(陕西2012) A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down 2. Sam has been appointed _ manager of the engineering department to take _ place of George. (重庆2012) A. /; / B. the; / C. the; the D. /; the,D,D,3. Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _ for words. (浙江2011) A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost 4. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _ of his own dreams. (重庆2011) A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind,B,C,


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