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1、Unit 3,The Million Pound Bank-Note,By Mark Twain,词汇过关,1. _ n. 出生地; 故乡 2. _ n. 短语; 词组; 惯用语 3. _ n. 作者; 作家 4. _ n.现场; 场面; 景色 5. _ n. 人行道,一、单词拼写,pavement,birthplace,phrase,author,scene,6. _n. 大使馆 7. _ n. 信封 8. _ n. 甜点; 点心 9. _ n. 数量 10. _ n. 礼貌; 举止; 方式,manner,embassy,envelope,dessert,amount,11. _vi. 漫游

2、; 漫步; 漂泊 12. _ v. 寻找; 探索; 寻求 13. _ vi. 地点 15. _ vi. 尖叫 n. 尖叫声,scream,wander,seek,bow,spot,1. _n. 小说 adj. 新奇的; 异常的 _n. 小说家,二、单词拓展,(A)单词派生,novel,novelist,点拨: 类似加-ist表示信仰者、专家或从事人的词还有: science/scientist, chemistry/ chemist, art/artist, dentistry (牙科)/dentist等。,2. _ adj. 爱冒险的; 充满危险 _ n. 奇遇; 冒险 _ n. 冒险家;

3、投机分子,点拨:类似加 -ous转化成形容词的词还有:humor/humorous, danger/dangerous, fame/ famous, mountain/ mountainous, poison/ poisonous等。,adventurer,adventurous,adventure,3. _v. 许可 n. 通行证; 执照 _ n. 许可; 允许,permission,permit,4. _n. 耐性; 耐心 _ adj. 有耐心的 n.病人 _ adj. 没耐心的 _ adv. 耐心地,patiently,patience,patient,impatient,点拨:类似把-

4、ce改为-t变形容词的词还有: difference/different, significance/ significant, absence/absent, presence/ present等。 此外, 在某些形容词前加im变为反义词的词有:possible/impossible, moral/ immoral, polite/impolite等。,5. _adj. 难以置信的 _ adj. 可以相信的 _ adv. 难以置信地 _ vt. 相信; 信任 _ n. 信任; 信仰,belief,believe,unbelievably,believable,unbelievable,点拨:

5、类似加-able转化成形容词的词还有: admire/admirable, forget/ forgettable, forgive/forgivable, change/changeable等。,6. _ adv. 粗鲁地 _adj. 粗鲁的; 无礼的 _ n. 粗鲁; 无礼,rudeness,rudely,rude,三、短语翻译 1. _冒险 2. _打赌 3. _盯着看; 凝视 4. _导致; 做出解释 5. _抚养; 培养; 教育; 提出,bring up,take a chance,make a bet,stare at,account for,6. _衣衫褴褛 7. _关于; 至于

6、 8. _ 与此相反; 正相反 9. _偶然; 无意中; 不小心 10. _前进; (用于祈使句)可以; 往下说,go ahead,in rags,as for,on the contrary,by accident,warming-up,There is a humorous story about a famous American novelist. Can you guess who he is .,He liked to tell funny stories to make people laugh and play jokes on his friends. Once he was

7、 traveling with a friend of his.,His friend lost his money, so he asked him to buy a train ticket for him. “But I dont have enough money to buy two tickets,” he said. His friend didnt know what to do. “You can hide under my seat when the conductor comes to check the tickets,” he said to his friend.,

8、When the conductor came to check the tickets, he gave the conductor two tickets, one for himself and one for his friend. He said to the conductor, “My friend is a strange man. When he travels on a train, he does not like to sit on the seat. He likes to lie on the floor under the seat.”,Everyone in t

9、he train looked at his friend under the seat and laughed.,Mark Twain,Mark Twain Samuel Langhorne Clemens Born: 1835 Died :1910,American short story writer Humorist,good at writing about childrens adventures,Mark Twain,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记,He is good at writing about childrens adventu

10、res,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利弗恩历 险记,his short story,The 1,000,000 Bank-Note,Reading About Mark Twain,-Page 17,Read the short passage quickly and fill in the chart.,Samuel Langhorne Clemens,November 30th, 1835,Florida,Fill in the blanks.,The water is two fathoms deep,In Hannibal, Missoo

11、uri, along the Mississippi River.,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.,1. This unit is a play based on a short story by Mark twain. be based on e.g. The novel is based on his own experiences. _ on his own experiences, his novel attracts many young people. A. Being based

12、B. Basing C. Based D. To base,以为基础/基于,C,2. He was brought up in Hannibal. bring up 抚养/养育,提出,呕吐 bring down bring back bring in bring about 三维设计P35,3. He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river. be known for=be famous for“因而出名” be set in e.g. The novel is set in London in th

13、e 1960s.,以为背景,Suppose a rich person gives you a million pound bank-note, what will you do with it? Give the reasons.,Discussion,We are going to study the play “The Million Pound Bank Note” by Mark Twain. First, lets learn something about play.,戏剧包括哪些要素? 情感,欲望,争斗,妥协。 什么是戏剧冲突? 戏剧冲突表现在人物性格的冲突上,具体表现为一系列

14、的动作。,Pre-reading,什么是戏剧语言? 戏剧语言包括人物语言和舞台说明。舞台说明是写在剧本每一幕的开端,结尾和对话中间的说明性的文字,内容包括人物表、时间、地点、服装、道具、布景、以及人物的表情、动作、上下场等,它具有增强舞台气氛,烘托人物心情,展示人物性格,推动情节展开等多种作用。,Listen to the tape and read the play, and find out the conflict in the play. After that, answer the questions.,How many characters are there in the sce

15、ne? Who are they?,Characters (人物):,Henry Adams: a lost American businessman in London the hero of the story, comes from America.,“Roderick” and “Oliver”: two brothers and rich Englishmen,When and where did the story happen? Where are the characters in Scene 3? What happened in Scene 3?,In London, th

16、e summer of 1903.,In the old brothers home.,The two old brothers gave Henrry a bank note.,Reading,The million pound bank note,(1) Henry wandered in London streets. (2) About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay. (3) The next morning he was spotted by a ship. (4) Towards nightfall he fo

17、und himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. (5) On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.,Put the following events in correct order.,passage,spotted,sailed,accounted for,Read Act one again, then fill in the following form.,pavement,wandering,by accident,embassy,seek,invite

18、d,wealthy,changed,Key:,(2) About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay. (4) Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. (3) The next morning he was spotted by a ship. (5) On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand. (1)Henry wandered in Lon

19、don streets.,P 19 EX.1,F (fact) or O (Opinion) 1). Henry wants to find a job in London.( ) 2). Henry is given an envelope by the two brothers. ( ) 3). Henry is an unlucky young man. ( ) 4). The servant is called James. ( ) 5). Henry is foolish to go and meet the two brothers. ( ),F,F,O,F,O,What do y

20、ou think of Henry?,Character Analysis,honest,Henry was?,Henry was?,Hard-working,Henry was?,Direct/Frank,homework,1. Reference Book P34-36. 2.Finish the E.XP95.,4. scene n. 现场, 场面,景色,(戏剧)一场,Firefighters were on the scene immediately. The rocking boats along the river bank make a beautiful scene. The

21、boy led his mother to the scene of the accident. The scene in the hospital is very moving. The last scene of the play was very impressive.,behind the scenes 在后台, 在幕后, 暗中 on the scene 在/到现场 come on the scene 登场,scene指展现在眼前的情景, 也可经指scenery的一部分, 指某处小范围的景色, 大多包括景物中的人及活动, 可译为 “情景”, “景色”, “场面”, “(戏剧)一场”,view是指人以一定的角度(或从远处或从高处等)所看到的景色,还有 “观点”, “看法”的意思.,sight 是眼睛所看到的景象, 可以指美丽的风景,也可以指悲惨的景象, 用其复数sights表示名胜古迹, 人文景观等.,scenery/scene/view/sight,scenery 是总称, 指大范围的自然风光,是由多个scene构成的景色, 常译为 “景色”, “风景”.,


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