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1、相信能就一定能公共英语等级考试三级pets3模拟试题1. -Nancy is not coming tonight.- But she _!A. promisesB. promisedC. will promiseD. had promised2. Weve made some achievements, but there is still a long way _.A. goingB. to goC. goneD. to be gone3. Dr. Bethune began to work the _ he arrived at the front.A. moment B. place

2、C. way D. reason4. - This pen isnt yours, is it?- _.A. Yes, its not mineB. No, yours is biggerC. No, its my friendsD. Yes, mines a red one5. - Thanks for the_ you did me to move away the stone.- Thats all right.A. favourB. goodC. troubleD. kindness6.She wont be afraid as _ as you are here.A. longB.

3、wellC. soonD. far7. It isnt quite _whether she will take the advice.A. sureB. rightC. certainD. exactA. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing答案:BBACA ACD1. -Nancy is not coming tonight.- But she _!A. promisesB. promisedC. will promiseD. had promised2. Weve made some achievements, but there

4、 is still a long way _.A. goingB. to goC. goneD. to be gone3. Dr. Bethune began to work the _ he arrived at the front.A. moment B. place C. way D. reason4. - This pen isnt yours, is it?- _.A. Yes, its not mineB. No, yours is biggerC. No, its my friendsD. Yes, mines a red one5. - Thanks for the_ you

5、did me to move away the stone.- Thats all right.A. favour B. good C. trouble D. kindness6.She wont be afraid as _ as you are here.A. Long B. well C. soon D. far7. It isnt quite _whether she will take the advice.A. sure B. right C. certain D. exactA. has written B. Wrote C. had written D. was writing

6、答案:BBACA ACD10. _the children to bed, she began to correct the students exercises.A. Sending B. Being sent C. Sent D. Having sent11. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _.A. be put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out12. Why do you want a new job_ youve got

7、 such a good one already?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when13. He insisted that his brother _ the window. It was clear that someone else broke the window.A. should not break B. should not have brokenC. hadnt brokenD. would not break14. - Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?- Im afraid _day is possibleA. e

8、itherB. neitherC. someD. any15. - Dont forget to come to my birthday party, Mr. Wang. - _.A. No, I dontB. Yes, I cantC. No, I wontD. Yes, Im sure16. Toms father, as well as his mother, _in New York for a few more days.A. suggest him to stayB. suggested him that he should stayC. suggest him staying D

9、. suggests he stay答案:DDDCBCD春天的风是有灵性的,依着风的眼眸,我看到了那一株株桃花读信的倩影,在桃林深处,紫色的青藤爬满那个小屋。我的小城,桃花已然开成海,像是一场粉色的春梦。是否,可以赴一场最美的相逢,如是,便不负曾经许下的约定。守住心底最美风景,是一种风度,一种期望。让心,随花儿轻舞,让梦,随蝶儿翩跹。等一缕柔风载满诗意,落满我的小院,好想,牵着你的手走在花开的路上,临摹又一个春的相遇,陌上绿色蔓延,让深情的诗句落在眉弯,打开灵魂的心门,写尽情意绵绵。春雨如丝,暖了一季寒凉露出温暖,碧水映蓝天,云朵儿似乎摸到嫩草尖尖。花香十里,暗香盈袖。我们微笑着,不说话,就十




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