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1、白衣女人英文读后感白衣女人英文读后感 PAGE PAGE # 白衣女人英文读后感白衣女人英文读后感(一)This book n arrated young artist Walter resp onds to a callfor recruits to the Fairly family belongings tutor.The moonlit ni ght meets on the way the white clothi ng woma n who runs away from the ane asylum.Woll unique two stude nts:O ne is master

2、Fairly eldest brother Philips daughter Laura,a no ther is Laura with mother differe nt fathers elder sister Maria nn e.Maria nne con firmed that the white clothi ng woma n is Anne ; triumpha nt Chin ese zither Ricker.Walter has falle n in love with Laura,but before Lauras father just before the en d

3、,her Xu Gei Percivall ; sta ndard Lyde from the baron ,by now the whiteclothingwomansuddenlypresentedattempts topreve ntsta ndard Lydeto marry Laura,but has notsucceeded,Walter departs low-spirited.After marriage Percivall reveals on es true colors,the belt compels Laura to hand over the entire fort

4、une the right of disposal.By now the white clothi ng woma n appeared once more must expose Percivalls fatal secret,but because by Lauras Un cle the Fox branch count was discovered that runs away.The count plans for Percivallfishes for Lauras property.They have made the fraud which Laura dies,but rec

5、eives Anne who frightens dies to treat as Laura to bury,a naesthetized the evacuati on Laura to en ter the ane asylum,the one who claimed falsely runs away was Ann e.Maria nne has rescued Laura from the ane asylum,but because Laura loses the memory to be un able to prove that the status falls into t

6、he diff icult positi on .this time,Walter returns to homeland,to be determined for the Laura snow won derful injustice.Gets the facts straightfin ally after thedifficultinv estigati onthe truth,restored Lauras legitimatesuccessor statusn the Percivall fire on the sce ne got killed,the Fox branch is

7、assass in ated.Woll and Laura uni fied.白衣女人英文读后感(二)For several mon ths without read ing no vels but also not see n relatively thick book, the last readi ng ficti on or graduate before that time, watch ingqu ot; perfumequ ot; andqu ot;veilqu ot; no vels. Look at this two no vel because I would like t

8、o see the movie of the same n ame, prior to the characters and story to un dersta nd. White ladyqu ot; in the no vel is my March this year in the research below stall buy. Obviously, it is a Book Publish ing House bookqu ot; white ladyqu ot;, appeared in China is no fame. I bought this book for only

9、 onereas on, An drew Lloyd Webber would later adapted as a musical. Although the musical was not affected by his previous works the same welcome, but since I have a musical record in gs, in that a Chin ese versi on of the no vel at the time, I would not hesitate to a Book of 600 pages, with 10 dolla

10、rs price in come already own.I used to look at the tran slators order, Wilkie Colli ns and the famous Dicke ns s con temporaries, and at the time of the eponym ous. Dicke nss no vel I just in high school, read aqu ot; great expectati onsqu ot; think not very fun. However, I read thequ ot;white ladyq

11、u ot;at the beg inning, I very muchagree with the tran slators preface in it, Colli ns is a good story teller, I have this book narrative and story interest. I like the story of Colli nss Ian guage, but perhaps it also ben efited from the Chin ese tran slators efforts, in his n arrative with a typic

12、al British satirical humor, this style is all I like. I think this may be with Colli nss unique pers on ality,of course he did not likeWilde out. Although the style of writing with Jane Austens writi ng style is differe nt, but Colli ns also used very brief words by a role of export for some of the

13、characters did incisive descripti on.The no vel I like most of the characters is not the love of male and female, but her sister Marianne, she is not pretty, face and perfect body did not match her, she has no property but n ever covet wealth, always protect the and her sister and no consanguini ty.

14、She know your positi on, but also toun dersta nd thefemale positi on.Her quick thi nking,expression of humor, a word IQ is relatively high, and even attracted the favor of an tago ni st. In con trast, her sister Laura s image is very thin, only beautiful, pure, kind, rich, almost all the adva ntages

15、 of a man. Of course, she is still a little, more fragile, it is more easily adorable. Actor Hart Wright, two ladies painting teacher, is young, the embodime nt of justice, readers will be on him and Laura love compassi on. But two is not only the door un deserved door in correct, Laura must obey he

16、r fathers last wishes, would soon marry a could be his father. And the woma n in white appears to be to let a pers on feel a glimmer of hope, hope before the weddingcan producesomething, stopping the wedding occurred. Here he makes the reader feel a gothic atmosphere, mysterious, dark and ofte n app

17、ears as a madma n.However, the wedd ing was held as scheduled. The mere mentionof his uncle, Laura Fairlie, was ensitive, arrogant and shamelema n, be of little ones to him, he is in the no vel the two largest dihedral. I n the weddi ng and what happe ned later, author and not let Hart Wright in the

18、 first person narrative continued. But through the other roles in the narrative to complete the developme nt of the story, and the n back to Hart Wrights narrative. Among them, we on the woman in white iden tity and purpose many doubts and cha nge, un til fin ally revealed the truth of the matter. S

19、ee this book feels more let a pers on feel in readi ng a detective mysteries no vels, but not a love story, the author put the two together. I n the story, Colli ns is also very good completed the novel in many characters, some are from multiple perspectives, some are a few pens but also sta nd vivi

20、dly revealed on the pa-pe-r.()This no vel is the begi nning of the magaz ine, so the con trolplot developme nt the rhythm is very importa nt,qu ot; white ladyqu ot; is in deed a worth readi ng the no vel. But I must say, this story is not suitable for the musical adaptati on, or moredifficult,althou

21、ghthisiandqu ot;pha ntomof theoperaqu ot;,havethesuspense, butthe no velsgreatercapacity, thestoryandcharacters arealso morecomplex. Pha ntom of theoperaqu ot;the mostficti onsec on d-rate,butWebbwrote themusical music reallyfirst-class, I regretqu ot; white ladyqu ot; is not the music Iliked. The musical drama complex, cause I see two online syn opsis dont know the details, feel in side the mess, so I fin ally bought also fini shed readi ng this no vel, I now to liste n record ing, hope there will be a new experie nee.红字的英文读后感汤姆索亚英文读后感爱情与金钱英文读后 感


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