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1、三年级英语下册连词成句专项训练一、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. meet to Nice you. _2. are How you? _3. from I Canada am. _4. have a friend I new. _二、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. to Nice see you again _.2. in Come _.3. you Here are _.4. knee your Touch _.5. is my This friend new _.三、连词成句。1. that man whos (?) _2. my shes mother (.) _3. is my

2、this friend (.) _四、连词成句。1. my mother I love (?) _2. beautiful how (!) _3. she is sister your (.) _4. meet to nice you too (.) _5. my is this friend (.) _五、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. the Look giraffe at _.2. has a tail It long _.3. deer short is The _.4. My is long ruler _.5. father is Your tall _.六、连词成句。1. Lo

3、ok the at elephant (.) _2. it a has nose long (.) _3. is so it funny (.) _4. I big have eyes (.) _七、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. The is tall giraffe _.2. has small It eyes _.3. The has tail elephant a short _.4. at deer Look the _.5. has It a long nose _.八、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. you are Where from _?2. that Whos man

4、_?3. from I China am _.4. has a nose It long _.九、连词成句。1. it on is the desk (.) _2. are you the under bed (.) _3. I find cant you (.) _4. is my where car (?) _十、连词成句。1. is where my kite (?) _2. it in is desk the (.) _3. I may use ruler your (.) _4. here sure are you (,) (.) _十一、连词成句,注意标号符号和大小写。1. it

5、is your book under (.) _2. is the where plane (?) _3. are you here (!) _4. under chair its the (.) _5. are where you (?) _十二、连词成句。1. are my pencils where (?) _2. in it the box is (?) _3. I can your use ruler (?) _4. the is ball the under desk (?) _5. my is book in bag the (.) _十三、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. yo

6、u Do apples like _?2. about oranges What _?3. have Lets pears some _.4. very I like oranges much _.5. are you from Where _?十四、连词成句。1. I orange some juice can have (?) _2. some have pears (.) _3. here sure are you (!) (.) _4. like I very much them (.) _5. do like oranges you (?) _十五、连词成句。1. like you

7、do watermelons Amy (?) _2. have some pears and lets bananas (.) _3. man who is this (?) _4. giraffe is the tall deer the is short (.) (,) _5. some strawberries have (.) _十六、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. you like peaches Do _?2. I Can some please have juice _?3. some fruits Have _.4. like I bananas dont _.十七、用序号给

8、单词排队,组成句子。1. books You eighteen have _.2. Its beautiful so _.3. do have How many you pencils _?4. Look at new crayons my _.十八、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. balloons He twelve have _.2. do have How many you crayons _?3. Can count with you me _?4. kites see do How many you _?5. us race Let a have _?十九、连词成句。1. have

9、 I kite a new (.) _2. many cats how do see you (?) _3. man who is this (?) _4. are who you (.) _5. only I three have (.) _二十、连词成句。1. I use may eraser your (?) _2. on chair the (?) _3. the is tall giraffe (.) _4. you yes right are (.) _5. where my book is (?) _二十一、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. is Who girl that _?2. animals many you know do How _?3. from Where you are _?4. elephant big The eyes small and ears has _.二十二、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. are Where you from _?2. the elephant Look at _.3. is that Who woman _?4. pears you like Do _?5. kites many do How you see _?


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