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1、,How to do cloze tests?,完形填空,做完形的时候你有以下问题吗?,烦 慢 错 不得不做,硬着头皮做,还是错,完形填空考查的是对学生的综合语言运用能力,但是每一个空格的设置并不是随心所欲的,命题人主要通过上下文暗示出的某种信息来保证答案的正确性和 唯一性。考生应该通过上下文的暗示获取解题信息,留意暗送的“秋波”,也就是:关键词,出题者的初衷,自恋一回 找“秋波”,一. 利用首句信息, 推测语篇主旨,完形填空所选短文的第一句通常为主题句,一般不设空。,例1,Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful languag

2、e of all! It speaks 36 than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more 37 than we realize. 36. A. straighter B. louder C. harder D. further 37. A. sounds B. invitations C. feelings D. messages,二. 寻找暗示信息,重视语境意义,上下文? 所谓上下文就是对语境的考查,包括文章语气的一致性、意思的连贯性、表述的合理性、论证的逻辑性等。,context,. “Hes a 49 ma

3、n.” the clerk at the counter said. Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. 49 . A. brave B. rough C. smart D. generous,give up,blinded,例2,例3 Later that day at home, I began to 39 consider my teeth again. I felt upset. I thought my life would be somehow better if my teeth wer

4、e not gappy. How I want the perfect teeth that everyone else seemed to have! of course, Mom 40 noticed everything. She has lived her entire life with gappy teeth, and tried to convince me that there was nothing to 41 41 A. worry about B. put off C. give up D. wipe out,三.运用习惯搭配,辨析词义, 熟悉常见句型,完形填空的四个备选

5、项,往往和空格前后的单词形成某种搭配。首先要注意词义深层内涵的区别。动词的搭配出现的尤其多,往往涉及到动词与名词、介词或副词的搭配。,例4 “I grew up on a hundred- acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates” Kruger, the seventy-year-old man, says. “My hearing was damaged by the 38 noise of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with 39 animals. They react to what they

6、 see and what you do.” 37. A. like B. as C. except D. among,例5The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasnt just to respect the French people 19 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. 19. A. and B. but C. or D. so,not,not but 不是而是,四 . 识别语篇标

7、志,理清逻辑关系。,有些题目单纯从句子或个别段落来看,或许四个选项都正确,但一旦放入全文,则只有一个“最佳”答案,所以快速浏览全文,领悟文章主旨,把握句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系,通过上下文的语境来选择答案,是做好完形填空的关键。,例6 I tried 23 picking up trash(垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would 24 spend an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got

8、 so 25 it that I decided something had to change. 25. A. satisfied with B. delighted in C. tired of D. used to,例7 Ella Fant was a middle aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She 1 John very much. In her eyes he couldnt do anything 2 . A. depended on B. waited on C. trusted D.

9、 loved 2. A. wrong B. great C. good D. strange,五.运用生活常识和文化背景知识解题。,解答完形填空的一个重要准则就是“合情合理”,选项要符合客观实际,切不可违背生活常识。,例8 Since I hated to be 41(inaccurate), I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to 42(fix)and odometer(里程表) on my bicycle. He agreed, but 43(added), “An odometer without a speedometer(速度计) is

10、 like a 44 without a knife.” I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices(装置)were 45 attached to the handlebars of my bicycle. 44. A pencil B. fork C. box D. cake,六. 运用语法知识解题。,在最近几年的高考完形填空试题中,虽然很少涉及语法知识,但是并不意味着不考查语法知识。复合句是高考语法的考查重点。,例9 We dont have to tell children 55 they should ta

11、ke from the story and what the moral is. 55. A. that B. what C. which D. whom,tell sb. sth. take vt.,7. 利用原词复现, 寻找近义词语,完形填空试题中,有些词语常常重复出现在语篇中。要学会运用与选项意义紧密相连的同义词或近义词。,例10 I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the wa

12、y out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to ELCapitan, a 16 rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew 17(immediately) I wanted to climb it. That has been my lifes passion(钟爱) ever since- 18 the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. 16. A. distant B. huge C. narrow D. loose 18.

13、A. imagining B. painting C. describing D. climbing,1. the first sentence首句 2. context 上下文语境 3. word distinctions or collocations 词语辨析和固定搭配 4. outward signs of the passage 语篇标志语 5. cultural background and common sense 文化背景和常识 6. grammar 语法,six methods,巩固练习 (12分钟),Check the answers: 16-20CDABA 21-25BC

14、DBA 26-30CDCBA 31-40ABACD,考查的单词短语,1. order 预订;订单;命令;次序 2. meet with 遇见 3. bring up 抚养;提出 4. work out 设计出;计算出; 理解;产生结果 5. appreciate 欣赏;感激 6. in spite of 尽管;虽然 7. in terms of 就而言 8. in place of 取代;代替 9. considerate 体贴的,解析下列题目,体会方法的运用: 16. 17.18. 22.30 27.33,阅读高考智慧馆,总结归纳自己的不足,取长补短!,My last sincere advice for cloze tests,Vocabulary,


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