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1、二、阅读理解 技巧点拨 归纳主旨要义 这类题的题干中一般含有main/general/central idea, topic, subject, mainly 等字眼。,寻找主题句: (1)段落中出现转折时, 该句很可能是主题句。,(2)作者有意识的反复重复的观点, 通常是主旨; 反复出现的词语, 一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。,(3)首段出现疑问句时, 对该问题的回答很可能就是文章主旨。 (4)提出文章主旨时常伴有的文字提示有therefore, thus, but, however, in fact, in short等等。因此, 这些词后的内容很可能就是文章主旨。,阅 读,给文章选择一个恰

2、当的标题(title)几乎是必考题。要正确选出标题,必须首先要理解文章大意,明确文章主旨。 一篇文章必然会有一个主旨,最能体现主旨的就是主题句,主题句多半在首、尾段或各段的开头或结尾,少数情况下也在文中,甚至没有主题句,此时就需要我们归纳各自然段的意思,自己概括其主旨了。,技巧点拨,选择时,要仔细推敲各个选项,排除错误选项,缩小选择范围,从而选出最佳答案。错误选项有以下特征: 断章取义: 虽含文中的某些单词,但不是文章所谈内容。 范围太窄: 概括不全面,只是某个细节或某一部分的内容。 范围太宽: 所表达的内容超出或多于文章阐述的内容。 无中生有: 即文章中未提到,或找不到任 何依据的信息。,真

3、题演练 (A) (2010年揭阳) Valentines Day has its origins in the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia, a yearly festival held on Feb.15 to help keep dangerous wolves away from townspeople and their crops. On the eve of the festival, Feb.14, the young women of the town would write their names on small pieces of

4、paper, put them in a jar, and every young man would pick out a name at random.,The pair would then be partners for the rest of the festival. It was 270 B.C. when St. Valentine stood for love, after Roman Emperor Claudius II forbade Roman soldiers to get engaged or married, believing that married men

5、 would rather stay at home than go to war. The priest named Valentine, in defiance (对抗) of Claudius orders, secretly married young couples, and on Feb. 14, was punished for his “crime”, thereby becoming the patron saint (守护神) of lovers.,Besides this story, there are some old beliefs about this day:

6、During the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that birds chose their mates each year on Feb. 14. Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin fly overhead on Valentines Day, it meant she would marry a sailor; if she saw a sparrow, shed marry a millionaire.,If you cut an apple in half and cou

7、nt how many seeds are inside, you will know how many children you will have. And some charming Valentines Day Customs. In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on Feb. 14. Heart, keys and keyholes were favorite decorations, which meant “you unlock my heart!”,In the Middle Ages, yo

8、ung men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. Theyd wear these names on their sleeves for one week hence the term “to wear your heart on your sleeve”.,1. According to the passage, Valentine was originally the name of a _.,A. loverB. priest C. rulerD. feast,解析:B细节理解题。

9、从第二段The priest named Valentine, in defiance (对抗) of Claudius orders, 可得出答案。,2. The Roman emperor forbade soldiers to get married because he thought _.,A. married soldiers are not loyal to the country B. married soldiers are less willing to fight C. there was no time for soldiers to get married D. ma

10、rriage is a crime,解析:B细节理解题。从第二段believing that married men than go to war.可得出答案。,3. Why was the priest punished?,A. He didnt join the army. B. He helped people escape from being sent to the battle field. C. He married couples despite the prohibition from the ruler. D. He openly defied the rulers ord

11、er to end his marriage.,解析:C细节理解题。从第二段 The priest named Valentine, saint(守护神)of lovers.可得出答案。,4. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?,A. Feb. 14 and 15 were originally a time for fighting wolves. B. People used to believe that birds chose mates on Valentines Day. C.

12、 People believed that the birds they saw on Valentines Day predicted what kind of person they would marry. D. The Welsh used to give out wooden spoons on Feb.14.,4.A细节理解题。根据文章第一句话, Feb.14不是a time for fighting wolves。,5. If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you _.,A. openly express your feelings or

13、 emotions to others B. hardly take your feelings or emotions very seriously C. officially announce that you have been married D. proudly show your choice of sleeve pattern,5.A推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知 “将你的心戴在袖子上就意味着你向别人真情流露。”,难句理解 It was 270 B.C. when St. Valentine stood for love, after Roman Emperor Claudius

14、 II forbade Roman soldiers to get engaged or married, believing that married men would rather stay at home than go to war.,结构分析:句中it指时间, when引导的是限制性定语从句, 先行词是270 B.C., after Roman Emperor .or married是该定语从句中的时间状语从句, believing that .go to war是分词短语作原因状语, 其逻辑主语是Roman Emperor Claudius II。,汉语大意: 那是在公元前270

15、年, 圣瓦伦丁代表爱情的时候, 之后罗马皇帝克劳迪亚斯二世禁止罗马士兵订婚或者结婚, 他认为结了婚的男人会宁愿呆在家里, 而不愿去打仗。,charming 迷人的 valentine 情人 millionaire 百万富翁 decoration 装饰 at random 任意地 have its origins in 起源于 on the eve of 在前夕 get engaged 订婚 stand for 代表 be punished for 因受到惩罚,助读词汇,(B) (2008佛山二模)Earlier on during my stay in China, I noted a sig

16、nificant lack of Western holidays. Halloween came and went unnoticed. Thanksgiving passed right on by without much more than a celebratory trip to KFC. I thought I made it through, free and clear. Being in China enabled my avoidance of overspending on gifts.,During Halloween I did not buy big bags o

17、f candy and later eat all of it myself after realizing that children do not trick-or-treat on my street. Life got to feeling pretty good when I realized I could skip all the holiday pomp (盛况) and circumstance by living in Yongzhou, a city in Hunan Province. But it all came crashing down upon me with

18、 the arrival of Christmas and New Year.,For some reason, the Chinese ignore many other Western traditions, but catch on for the end-of-year celebrations. The grocery stores put out their Christmas trees. Pictures of Santa show up on the windows of flower shops. Wealthier children are seen wearing so

19、mething similar to a little elf(小精灵) costume: striped stockings, red shirts, green skiers, and elf-like shoes with bells on them.,In terms of Christmas and New Years, among many other holidays, the entire country of America goes crazy with holiday spirit. There are decorations on store windows and i

20、nside large supermarkets. The biggest cultural feature, I think, is the fat Santa in large stores and shopping malls. “Santa” sits in the middle of big malls while children line up to sit on his lap. “I want a bicycle for Christmas!” the children will say, or something else equally appropriate.,In t

21、he middle of absorbing new holiday traditions in China and missing old ones back home, I found little impressed upon my memory. The parties I attended had only a few memorable moments: little girls dancing the cha cha, company leaders badly singing songs KTV style, a guy performing Kung Fu for a siz

22、able crowd.,Admittedly, despite not seeing any parties in peoples houses, I enjoyed what holiday entertainment existed in Yongzhou. I think what I will remember the most, however, is walking into a fancy hotel and seeing women dressed in elf clothing and skinny Chinese men dressed in Santa costumes.

23、,6. From the passage we can know that _ .,A. people in China dont celebrate Thanksgiving at all B. Chinese like to celebrate Halloween in KFC C. the author stays in China to avoid spending too much in buying gifts D. children in China dont come and ask the author for candies in Halloween,6.D细节理解题。由第

24、一段的“did not buy big bags of candy a trick-or-treat on my street”可知。,7. The author _.,A. lives in Yongzhou to avoid festival celebrations B. feels life in Yongzhou pretty good by enjoying holiday celebrations C. cant enjoy the quiet life any longer when Christmas and New Year arrive D. likes staying

25、in grand hotels,7.C推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句话可以推出, 作者的平静生活被圣诞节的来临打断了。,8. According to the passage, in China _.,A. Christmas is more popular than many other Western holidays B. Santa appears in grocery stores at Christmas C. all children wear lovely costumes for Christmas D. people celebrate holidays by havin

26、g parties in their houses,8.A推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句话和第三段对圣诞节盛况的描述可以推出Christmas is more popular than many other Western holidays。,9. What happens at Christmas in America?,A. People lose their mind when it arrives. B. The whole nation celebrate it by decorating stores and supermarkets. C. Santa is expected i

27、n large stores and shopping malls. D. Children line up in shopping malls only to ask the Santa for bicycles.,9.C细节理解题。由第三段的fat Santa in large stores and shopping malls可知。,10. This passage is mainly about _ .,A. the difference between Chinese and American holiday traditions B. the authors dissatisfac

28、tion over Chinas lack of Western holidays C. how the Chinese celebrate Western holidays D. the authors impression upon the western holiday entertainment in China,10.D主旨大意题。文章通篇从一个外国人的角度来看待西方节日在中国的庆祝, 即主要介绍了他对这些节日盛况的感想。,难句理解 I think what I will remember the most, however, is walking into a fancy hote

29、l and seeing women dressed in elf clothing and skinny Chinese men dressed in Santa costumes.,结构分析:主句是I think, 其后是宾语从句; 在宾语从句中what I will remember the most是主语从句; walking into .and seeing .是两个动名词作表语, 表语中含有两个dressed in过去分词作定语, 修饰前面的名词women和men。,中文大意: 我认为我最记得的是, 走进装饰华丽的酒店, 看见穿着小精灵式衣服的女人和穿着圣诞老人服装的消瘦的中国男人。,


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