新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn课件.ppt

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《新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn课件.ppt(43页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Unit 4 Then and now,Part A Lets learn & Find the mistakes,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Today we are going to visit our school.,Now, let s go !,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Where is it ?,grass,playground,There is a grass playground in o

2、ur school now.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,What can we do on the grass ?,play football,run,jump,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Where is it ?,gym,There is a gym in our school now.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,What can we do in the gym ?,play basketball,play ping pon

3、g,play tennis,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Where is it ?,dining hall,running swimming,There is a dining hall in our school now.,饭厅,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,hall,大厅、礼堂,dining,We often have lunch in the dining hall.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Whats in the pict

4、ure?,building,playground,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,grass,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,What can we do in the dining hall ?,have lunch,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Where is it?,library,There is a library in our school now.,We can read a book in the library.,新E小学英

5、语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,golden eyes,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,library,cinema,bookstore,gym,grass,dining hall,post office,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,三月前 three months ago .,一天前,one day ago,五周前,five weeks ago,两年前,two years ago,多久以前,(时间名词+ ago),新E小学英语六年级下册Uni The

6、n and now A Lets learn,还有哪些表示过去的时间?,last weekend,last night,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last year 去年,last month 上个月,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,你会说下面单词和短语的意思吗?,dinning hall,gym,grass,years ago,months ago,last year,last month,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Was there a di

7、ning hall in your school three years ago?,dining hall,Yes,there was. There was a dining hall in my school three years ago .,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Was there a grass in your school forty months ago?,grass,No, there wasnt. There was no grass in my school forty months ago.,新E小学英语六年级下册

8、Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Was there a gym in your school last year?,gym,No, there wasnt. There was no gym in my school last year.,Last year 去年,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Is there a gym in your school now?,Yes, there is.,Are there many classrooms in your school now?,Yes, there are.,

9、新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,twenty years ago 二十年之前,There was a playground in my school twenty years ago.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,twenty years ago 二十年之前,Was there a gym in your school twenty years ago?,now 现在,No, there wasnt.,Is there a gym in your school now?,Yes, there

10、 is.,library,playground,Now theres a new one in our school. 现在我们学校有个新的(体育馆)。, years ago 几年前 months ago 几个月前 last year 去年 last month 上个月,There was no gym in your school twenty years ago. 二十年之前我们学校没有体育馆。,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,What are the differences?,twenty years ago,now,There was

11、only one old building in my school twenty years ago.,There are many new buildings in my school now.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Was there a gym in the school?,No, there wasn t.,Is there a gym in the school?,Yes, there is.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,What are the differences

12、 ?,There was no gym in the school twenty years ago.,Now there is a new one in the school.,Attention: 注意使用there be句型,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Lets say Guangdongfan Primary School,For example:,There was no _ in the school two years ago.,Now there is a new one in the school.,Attention:

13、注意使用there be句型,两年前,grass playground,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Find the mistakes,In the Tang dynasty,At that time, there were no gyms. People didnt go by bus. People couldnt use the Internet.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Find the mistakes,there were no gyms,people didnt go

14、by bus,people couldnt use the Internet,在唐朝,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,At that time, there were no dinning halls.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,At that time, there were no post offices.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,At that time, there were no cinemas.,新E小学英语六年级下册U

15、ni Then and now A Lets learn,At that time, there were no motels(汽车旅馆).,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,mistakes,buildings(建筑) gym dining hall post office coffee shop motel cinema traffic lights street light(路灯),traffic (交通) go by bus go by bike go by taxi,activities (活动) watch TV use the ph

16、one use the Internet see a film use the mobile phone,At that time,there were no gyms. People didnt go by bus. People couldnt use the Internet.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Pair work,Discuss with your group. Find out the mistakes in the Tang dynasty.,At that time,there were no _. People d

17、idnt go _. People couldnt use _.,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Where is it ?,m,otel,汽车旅馆,h,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,The difference between hotel and motel,Motels parking space(停车位) and room are linked together(相连). The garage(车库) is on the first floor, the room is on the s

18、econd floor. 汽车旅馆与一般旅馆最大的不同点,在于汽车旅馆提供的停车位与房间相连,一楼当作车库,二楼为房间。,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,There be 句型,现在时,There is +单数 There are+复数,过去时,There was +单数 There were+复数,Tips: There是个近视眼,只能看到最近的, 最近的是单数用is,是复数用are; 如果是表示过去的,单数用was,复数用were,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Lets say,For e

19、xample:,There was no _ in the school twenty years ago.,Now there is a new one in the school.,Attention: 注意使用there be句型,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,检测练兵,1、There _ an apple on the table. A.is B.was C.are 2、There_ two apples in the basket. A.is B.was C.are 3、There _ an apple, two pears and

20、 five watermelons on the table. A.is B.was C.are,A,C,A,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,4、There _ no gyms in my school 2 years ago. A. was B. are C. were 5、There _ no grass in my school last year. A. was B. are C. were 6、There _ no gym, no dinning halls and no library in my school six months ago. A. was B. are C. were,C,A,A,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,Thanks,新E小学英语六年级下册Uni Then and now A Lets learn,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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