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1、冀教版五年级英语(下)三单元测试题班级 姓名 一看图写单词。(9分)1、 2、 3、 二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(15分)( )1、A.skir B.coat C.office D.cap( )2、A.banana B.desk C.pen D.chair( )3、A.English B.math C.Chinese D.postcard( )4、A.what B.when C.want D.where( )5、A.take B.great C.kind D.funny三、根据所给汉语意思,选择适当的字母或字母组合补全单词。(20分)( )1.str t (街道) A. eo B. ei

2、 C. ee D.ea( )2.fr nd (朋友) A. ei B. ie C. ai D.ia( )3.p t (放)A. o B. i C. i D.u( )4.f rget (忘记)A. o B. g C. m D.f( )5.wr te. (写)A. u B. i C. e D.a( )6.st p (邮票)A. im B. em C. an D.am( )7.p n (钢笔)A. e B. a C.b D.c( )8.p nt (指)A. io B. ei C. ao D.oi( )9.q t (安静的)A. ieu B. eai C. uie D.oie四、英汉互译,把对应选项的

3、序号写在题前括号里。(14分)( )1. live with your mother A.给寄( )2.在右边 B.给写( )3.向左拐 C. turn left ( )4. write to D.on the right( )5. sendto E.how much? ( )6.多少钱? F.和你的妈妈住在一起七、按要求写单词。(12分)1.left(反义词) 2.sun(形容词) 3.write(现在分词) 4.have(三单) 5.write(同音词) 6.let us(缩写) 八、单项选择(20分)( )1.Im sending it Shanghai. A.at B.for C.on

4、 D.to( )2.You put the stamp .A.on the right B.on the leftC.in the top,right corner D.in the bottom, left corner ( )4.There some postcards on the desk.A.be B.is C.are D.am( )5.I want some postcards?A.buy B.to buy C.buying( )6. is the weather in China?A.What B.What about C.How D.Where( )7.Whats the we

5、ather like in Beijing? -Its .A.sun B.suny C.sunning D.sunny( )8.How much this postcard?A.is B.are C.am D.do ( )9.Turn left traffic lights. A.at B.in C.on九、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10分)1. we, fun , are,Beijin , in , a , having .2. for , much , postcard , this , how ?3. the , Palace , Musuem , a , picture , she , of , has .4. forget , the,stamp , dont .5. office , where , the, is ,postcard ?


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