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1、Communicating in International BusinessEmail: CAPTER ONE FORM AND STRUCTURE OF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE 第一章 商务函电的格式和结构The nature of the course: An English course combining international trade with EnglishLearning Objectivesn practical writing and communication skills;n the characteristics of effectiv

2、e models of business and technical communications; n to write business letters, memos, instructions, some business application and certificate in business procedure;n the contract format used in different terms of traden Outline1. Introduction2. Enquiries and Replies_-询价.答复_3. Offers and Sales Lette

3、rs报价.推销4. Orders and Acknowledgments订货.答复5. Complaint and Adjustment申诉.处理6. Transport运输7. Payment and Settlement of Accounts付款.结帐8. Consignment, Barter and Compensation Trade寄售易货补偿贸易来料加工9.Joint Venture and Leasing合资经营租赁10. Agency代理11. Consultancy咨询12. Tenders招标投标13. International Credit国际信贷14. Emplo

4、yment就业15. Miscellaneous Correspondence其他函件Chapter I Form and Structure of Business CorrespondenceThe types of business letters 1) Letters of Establishing Business Relations 2) Letters of Credit and Status Enquiries 3) Letters of Request / Inquiries 4) Letters of Quotation / Offer 5) Letters of Coun

5、ter Offer 6) Letters of Acceptance 7) Letters of Payment 8) Letters of Payment Demands 9) Letters of Requests for Reference 10) Letters of Packing 11) Letters of Shipment 12) Letters of Insurance 13) Letters of Complaint / Claims / SettlementFormat of a Business Letter1.Full Block Form (平头式) 每一行都是从左

6、边开始取齐,成一垂直线。 2Indented Form (缩行式)n 封内地址和其他需要分行的地方的后一行,都比前一行缩进二格或三格。n 信的正文,每一段的开始一行都缩进若干格。3.Semi-blocked Form(混合式)n 前两种格式的混合体。n 信的正文部分采用平头式,作者的地址、日期、结尾敬语及签名采用缩行式。 Discuss which style does each of the following belong to?Layout of a Business Letter1Seven standard/principle parts: letterhead, date, ins

7、ide name and address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature2When it is appropriate, any of the following optional items can be included. Optional parts: reference number, attention line, subject line, enclosures, carbon copy notation, and postscript.Seven Basic Parts1.信头 letter Head2.

8、参考号 Ref. No.3.日期 Date4.封内地址 Inside Address5.经办人 Attention Line6.称呼 Salutation7.事由 Subject8.正文 Body9.结尾敬语Complimentary Close9.结尾敬语Complimentary Close10.签名 Signature11.附件 Enclosure12. 抄送 Carbon Copy Layout of a Business Letter1) Letterheadn Position: in the center or on the left/right margin at the to

9、p of the papern Content: the writers name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address, and the web address if available.2) Referencen Function: for file Position: below the letterhead Your ref./Our ref.n Structure: a file number, the initials of the signer and then the typist, departmen

10、tal code3) Daten Forms of expression: B.E - day/month/year E.g. 12th October,2006 or 12 October , 2006 A.E - month/day/year E.g. October 12, 2006 Dont use the abbreviation form 12/10/2006Position: In the block format: the left margin In the modified-block style: the right margin. Inside name and Add

11、ress Position: at the left-hand margin Details: the recipients name, address and postal code. Add job/ official title if appropriate.E.g.Dr. David BrownExecutive Vice PresidentSunny Stock, Inc.Salt Lake City, UT 75087U.S.A.n When writing the inside address, to use no punctuation except the full stop

12、 after the abbreviations.n Courtesy Titles a. Mr. : used before a mans name or surname . E.g. Mr. Donald H. Johnson; Mr. Johnson b. Mrs. : used for a married woman. E.g. Mrs. Johnson c. Ms. : used for both married and unmarried women . E.g. Ms. Maria Smith, Ms Smith d. Miss: used for unmarried women

13、 . E.g. Miss Smith e. Messrs.: the plural for Mr., is used for companies or firms that include personal elements in their company names . E.g. Messrs. Jones & Co. f. Mmes.: the plural for madam, is used before the company organized by women, but now rarely seen in business writing.Attention Linen De

14、tail: Attention/ATTN/Attention of/ For the attention of n Position: follows the inside address - two line-spacing above the salutation, underlined. E.g. Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd., 151 Gower Street London,SC7 6DY,England Attention: Mr.Cave or Attention of Purchasing Manager 5) The Salutationn th

15、e left margin and two-four lines below the inside addressn Salutations in business letters are usually followed by a colon or a comma.n Typical ways:Traditional salutation is “Dear” followed by the readers title and last name: Dear Mr. Henry: If unsure to whom you should address a letter, you should

16、 use the following salutations: Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Technical Director When addressing a group of people, use one of the following salutations:Ladies and Gentlemen: Dear Sirs or Madams, Gentlemen:/Dear Sirs, (if all the readers are male)Ladies:/Dear Madams, (if all the read

17、ers are female) 6) Subject Line or Caption Linen Position: at the left margin or in the center,two line-spacing below the salutation n Meaning: tells what the letter is aboutn 3 basic expression: Re:/Subject:/例如:RE: BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR COMMUNICATIONSubject: Replacement of Order No. 0065 LATE DELIVE

18、RY UNDER CONTRACT CT10967) Body of a lettern Before you begin to write, you must first of all consider the following two points: A. What is your aim in writing this letter? B. What is the best way to go about it?n The body of a business letter typically has three paragraphs:I. Introductory paragraph

19、 II. One or more body paragraphs III. Concluding paragraph n Think about some opening sentences and closing sentencesn First and last paragraphs should be no longer than four lines. n Middle paragraphs can be longer than the first and last ones. n In full-block format, every paragraph starts from th

20、e left margin. n In modified-block format, the first word of each paragraph should be indented by four to six letter spaces.8) Complimentary Closen A basic rule: match the salutationn Different complimentary closing depends on the different relations between the addresser and the addressee: Formal I

21、nformaln Capitalize only the first word in the complimentary close, and follow all phrases with a comma. Formal Very commonly used in Britain Dear Sir(s), Dear Madam, Dear Mesdames, Yours faithfully/ respectfully, Faithfully/Respectfully yours, Commonly used in America and Canada Gentlemen: Dear Sir

22、, Dear Madam, Dear Mesdames, Yours truly, Truly Yours, Yours very truly, Informal used between persons known to each other Dear Mr. Henry,(:) Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Cordially yours, Very cordially yours, Best regards,9) The Signaturen The signature as written and the signature as typed mu

23、st correspond exactly. n Always sign your letter by hand. Never use a rubber stamp. n The typewritten signature and the title are typed below the handwriting signature. E.g. Yours faithfully, (Your signature) Hui Ma Personnel Director 10) Copy Notationn at the left marginn c.c. Mr. Cooper (Mr. Coope

24、r will receive the copies of the letter)11) Enclosuren at the left marginn Some commonly accepted methods for indicating enclosures are listed below:Enclosure: Price ListEnc.(4) or Encl.(4)Encl . As statedEnc.: Enclosures (4): Packing List, Commodity Inspection Certificate,Sales Confirmation, Insura

25、nce Certificate12) Postscriptn The adding of a P.S. should be avoided as far as possible. E.g. P.S. Im expecting your phone call next week. n It is sometimes used to emphasize a special point that the writer wants to bring to the attention of the reader.Common Layout of Addresses on Envelopesn 左上角是寄

26、信人的的地址,右下角是收信人的。当在写地址的时候要注意1写name of addressee,2写number and stress3 city state zipcode4 country 同时在信封的左下角有时可以写下remark 即注明信的特性,是私人信还是要转交特定的人收Remarks:1. Private私人信2. Confidential机密信3. Registered 挂号邮件4. Express快递邮件5. Ordinary Mail平信6. Immediate (Urgent)急件7. Printed Matter印刷品8. Sample样品 9. Via Air Mail

27、航空Electric Mail7 “C” means completeness, concreteness, clearness, conciseness, courtesy, consideration and correctness. 1. Completeness 完整n Meaning: 1) Provide all necessary information; 2) Answer all questions asked; 3) Give something extra, when desirable;Requirement: 5”WS” (who, what, where, when

28、 and why)& 1”h” (how ) Examples: The goods can be delivered. The goods can be delivered by June 14. 2. Concreteness 具体n Meaning: To make the message specific;n Examples: 1) We wish to confirm our telex of July 2nd, 2000. 2) The Universal Trading Company is one of our big buyers. The Universal Tradin

29、g Company placed over US. $ 2,000,000 worth of business with US each year. 3) We have received with thanks your check, the amount has been placed to your credit. We have received with thanks your check No. 248 for US. $ 200,000 in payment of our commission, which has been placed to your credit.3. Cl

30、earness 清楚n Meaning: To explain yourself clearly; Requirements:n 1) Avoid using the words and sentences equivocal in meaningn Examples:n (1) Requirement1n E.g. As to the streamer sailing from Shanghai to Los Angels, we have bimonthly direct services.n a. We have a direct sailing from Shanghai to Los

31、 Angeles every two months.n b. We have a direct sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles semimonthly.n c. We have two direct sailings every month from Shanghai to Los Angeles.n (2) Notice the position of the modifier, for different position if the same word has different implicationn (2) Requirement 2:n

32、 We can supply 50 tons of the item only. We can only supply 50 tons of the item. n (3) Requirement 3:n A. We have received your letter of April 4. We are sorry for the wrong dispatch. We will do something about it.n -Thank you for your letter of April 4. We regret that we have dispatched the wrong g

33、oods.n B. We wrote a letter. It was addressed to Mr. Henry. He is the sales manager.n -We wrote a letter to Mr. Henry, the sales managernn (3) Pay attention to the variety in sentence structure, the compact in plot and coherence in meanings4. Conciseness 简洁n Meaning: 1) in the fewest possible words;

34、 2) briefly but completelyn Requirements:(1)Make a long story short and try to avoid wordiness(2)Avoid unnecessary repeat (3)Control the number of the words, and build effective sentences and paragraphs.n Examples:(1) Requirement 1Ain regard to - regarding Bin accordance with your request/ in compli

35、ance with your request- as you requestCin the amount of - forDwith respect to - on, aboutEIt should be pointed out that - please notice thatF. I want to take this opportunity to tell you that we grateful to you. - Thank you5. Courtesy 礼貌n Meaning: polite but not humblen Requirements:(1)Change the co

36、mmanding tone into requesting (2)Use the past subjective form- should, could, would, might(3)Passive voice should be used accordingly(6)Dont use the humble words (4)Try to avoid using the words with forcing tone or arousing unpleasantness (5)Use the words or expressions with the meaning of joy, than

37、ks and regret Requirement 1: Change the commanding tone into requesting tone -Change the imperative sentence into general question with the word “will” or “would” at the beginning.n Examples: Tell us more detailed information on your requirements - Will you tell us more detailed information on your

38、requirements? - Will / would you please tell us more detailed information on your requirements?Requirement 2: Use the past subjective form- should, could, would, mightn Examples:A. Would you send us your latest catalogues and price lists on cotton piece good?B. We should be grateful if you advance d

39、elivery to the middle of June and ship the goods in one lot.C. We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC.D. You might make shipment a little later, that is, by June 10.Requirement 3: Passive voice should be used accordinglyExamples:You made a very careless mistake during the course o

40、f shipment.- A very careless mistake was made during the course of shipment.Requirement 4: Try to avoid using the words with forcing tone or arousing unpleasantness.n Examples:A. We demand prompt shipment from you. - We request prompt shipment from you. B. We must refuse your offer. - We regret that

41、 we are unable to accept your offer. - We are sorry that we are not in a position to accept your offer.Requirement 5: Use the words or expressions with the meaning of joy, thanks and regret Examples:A. Expressions of joy: We are glad / pleased / delighted / happy to do sth. B. Expressions of thanks:

42、 Thank you ; Be appreciative / grateful / thankful; Be obliged; Appreciate sth.;Appreciate it if- C. Expressions about regret:We regret to say -;We regret that - ;Much to regret;We are sorry to do -;We are sorry that - Requirement 6: Dont use the humble words: beg, permit, allow 6. Consideration 体谅n Meaning: to put yourself in HIS place; Requirements: (1)Take the recipients attitude“you” attitude and avoid taking the writers attitude“we” attitudeE.g. We allow a 5% discount for cash payments. (“we”attitude )


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