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1、2016.12.3 英语 选择 完型 阅读 单词一选择题(共20小题)1We cant _ making a planCleanup Day is only two weeks from nowYes,I think so()Aput onBput upCput offDput out2Look!Whats on the ground?Oh,its my sweaterPlease _()Apick it upBput it onCgive it outDtake it off3The Olympic Games of 2016 will_in Brazil()Atake afterBtake

2、 offCtake placeDtake away4Millie does _ that many people are thankful to her()Asuch an important and helpful jobBso important and helpful workCa very important and helpful jobDsuch an important and helpful work5Write it _ possible and try not to make any mistakes()Aas careful asBas carefully asCmore

3、 carefulDless careful6Super Brain shows us a lot of amazing thingsI am so _ it that I watch it every Friday()Aproud ofBexcited aboutCcrazy aboutDtired of7My sister has practiced tennis for a long timeShe plays tennis _ you ()Aas good asBso well asCas well as8Kate improved her way of study_,she has m

4、ade great progress()AAs a resultBAs usualCIn other wordsDIn short9Its sixty kilometers_ here to the school()Aaway fromBfar away fromCawayDfar10_,we must study harder than beforeIndeed()ATo pass the examBPass the examCPassing the examDPasses the exam11Im sorry I_my homework at home一Dont forget_it to

5、school tomorrow()Aforgot,to takeBleft,to bringCforgot,to bringDleft,to take12How dangerous!She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with _()Athe otherBanotherCothersDother13Li Ming used_ on the right in China,but he soon got used _ on the left in England()Ato drive; to driveBdr

6、iving; drivingCto driving; to driveDto drive; to driving14When you leave,please turn off the lights _ energy()AsaveBto saveCsavingDsaved15We stopped _,but there was not any sound()Ato listenBlistensClistenDlistening16_ ill,I cant go to school today()ABecause ofBAsCBeingDWith17No matter what difficul

7、ty we have to face,we never think of _ Thats what our teacher always tell us as well()Ato give upBgive upCgiving up18Jack _ dislike the weather in Beijing in spring,because there is so much wind and sandBut now he _ it()Ais used to; used toBused to; is used toCwas used to; is used toDused to; uses t

8、o19Not only I but also Tom and Jack _ interested in English because it _ useful()Ais,isBis,areCare,isDare,are20_ not only Mike but also you and Lucy interested in _ stamps?()AAre; collectingBIs; collectingCIs; collectDAre; collect二填空题(共10小题)21In the famous competition,_(获胜者)always get very good priz

9、e22Miss Gao began to work as a teacher when she was in her early_(twenty)23We had to go there on footAfter the two_(hour) walk,we were tired out24He made a_(decide) not to spend too much time playing video games25Mary has curly hair and she is of medium_(高度)26The books on the shelf are that_(visit)2

10、7Yancheng,a green city,is a_(please)place for people to live in28Thanks to your_ (suggest),l got to complete the job in time29The kangaroo comes from AustraliaIt eats grass and_(leaf)30Many people do not know the_(important) of the wetlands3 阅读理解 (共2小题)A Confucius(孔子) is the greatest teacher in Chin

11、ese historyHe was born on September 28,551BC(公元前) in the Kingdom of Lu,in todays Shandong ProvinceWhen he was young,he and his mother had a hard lifeAt the age of fifteen,he began to learn music,and he did well in itThen he went on learning other subjectsWhen he was thirty,he became a teacherHe star

12、ted his own schoolHe believed everyone should have a chance to get education whether(无论) they were rich or poorHe had about 3,000students and many of them became famous Chinese see Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacherHis most important ideas are kindness and good mannersHe

13、 said young people should take care of the oldPeople should stop thinking of themselves and work for othersHis ideas are around in peoples everyday lifeToday people can still hear them,and they go far into east and south Asia56Confucius was bornAin Sichuan Province Bon August 28 Cin the Kingdom of L

14、u Dabout 1500years ago57Confucius was good at when he was fifteenAmusic BChinese Cmath Dother subjects58As a teacher,Confucius thought that could get educationAonly the rich Bonly the poorCnot only the rich but also the poor Dneither the rich nor the poor59Which of the following isnt Confuciusidea?A

15、Being kindBLooking after the oldCWorking for othersDThinking of ourselves60The underlined word“they”meansAgood manners BConfuciusideasCConfucius and his students DConfuciusstudentsBAre you a good helper in the kitchen?Flynn McGarry,from the US,does more than thatThe 15yearold boy began cooking at th

16、e age of tenAnd now he has his own restaurantMcGarry practiced his cookery skills after schoolHe taught himself from books and the internetThe boy really loves cookingIn his room,there are no video games but cooking toolsHe turned his room into an experimental kitchen called Club EurekaToday,many fa

17、mous people pay around 160perperson to eat in McGarrys Club EurekaThe New York Times magazine described his food ascreativeAs forthefuture,McGarrywants to open a MichelinStarredrestaurantHe hope stomakeit one of the worlds 50Bestandmaybetop551When did McGarry begin to learn cooking?A、When he was fiv

18、e B、When he was ten C、When he was fifteen52WhotaughtMcGarrycookeryskills?A、His parents B、His teachers C、He himself53Why did McGarry learn cooking?A、Because he loves cooking B、Because he wanted tomake moneyC、Because his parents asked him to learn cooking54Which of the following is NOT true about Club

19、 Eureka?A、McGarry is the owner B、McGarry is the cook C、The food is free55What does McGarry want to do in the future?A、To have an experimental kitchenB、To have a worlds toprestaurantC、To cook for famous people四完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳选项There are many different kinds of cars in the world

20、My aunt thinks that cars are(41)their driversShe says,Rich people have expensive cars,big people have large cars,and old people drive old carsBut I dont(42)herMy neighbour,MrsHill,is 82years oldShe drives only on Tuesday,and she drives only to the bankShe(43)drives more than 30kilometres an hourDo y

21、ou think MrsHill has a very(44)and small car?No,her car is newIts very large,and it (45)go 200kilometres for each hour!My friend is (46)He draws beautiful pictures with lots of colorsBut his car is black!MrsBates has a very,very old oneThere is often something (47)with the carDoes she drive that kin

22、d of car because she is poor?No,she has four factories and(48)dollars in the bankMy aunt Mary has a ver(49)car,though she drives to the country with her husband,her two children,her mother and their dogNow you have(50)my friends and their carsDo you agree with my aunt?Maybe you have a carDoes it say

23、 anything about you?41、AforBwithClikeDamong42、AlikeBlook afterCagree withDchat(闲谈) with43、AneverBalwaysCsometimesDoften44、AoldBnewCbrokenDbeautiful45、AmayBcanCmustDhas to46、Aa teacherBa reporterCa writerDan artist47、AinterestingBwrongCmistakeDtrouble48、AtwentyBtwo hundredCtwoDtwo million49、AbigBsmal

24、lCexpensiveDnew50、Aread aboutBknownCseenDmet with2016.12.3 英语 选择 完型 阅读 单词参考答案一选择题(共20小题)1C;2A;3C;4A;5B;6C;7C;8A;9A;10A;11B;12A;13D;14B;15A;16C;17C;18B;19C;20B;二填空题(共10小题)21winners;22twenties;23hours;24decision;25height;26visitors;27pleasant;28suggestions;29leaves;30importance;三完形填空(共2小题)31C;A;C;B;32C;C;A;A;B;D;B;D;B;A;四阅读理解(共1小题)33B;C;A;C;B;


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