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1、Unit4 专项训练1、 英汉互译过去和现在 六年前 读书和画画 做许多事情 20年前 写信 在办公室 打电话给人 一部手机 写邮件 三十年以前 听 看报纸 在网上 看电子书 交朋友 买东西 来自世界各地 购物 看新闻 努力工作 度假 1节 英语课 看出去 继续 星期几 生气了 造一个句子 吃一个蛋糕 等待 在蛋糕里 三岁 一岁 2、 单项选择( )1. I a story three days ago. A.read b.readed c.reads( )2. What did you do yesterday? I a letter at home. A.write b.am writin

2、g c.wrote( )3. I want friends my classmate. A.to make, to b.to make, with c.made, for( )4. What Nancy often do? She to the radio in the study. A.does, is listening b.does, listens c.did, listen( )5. My mother can do shopping the Internet. A.in b.on c.at( )6. What your mother in the shop? She a new d

3、ress. A.do,bought,bought b.did,buy,bought c.did,bought,buy( )7. Yang Ling an email her penfriend yesterday. A.writed,for b.wrote, from c.wrote,to( )8. They write letters six years ago. A.cant b.couldnt c.can( )9. I kites in the park my family last Saturday. A.am flying, and b.flew, with c.fly , with

4、( )10. I like friends. A.make b.made c.making( )11. Dont look the door in class. A.to b. out c.out of( )12. You spell the word “mobile” then? No. But now I . A. Cant ,could .b. Could,can c. Couldnt , could( )13. What you do yesterday? I helped Mary with English. A.did,she b.do,her c.did, her( )14. D

5、oes your mother often shopping? In the supermarket. A. Where ,do b. Where , does c. What , do( )15. Whos that man blue? A.in b.on c.with( )16. My father used the telephone people. A.calling b.called c.to call( )17. The children together happily yesterday. A.calling b.playing c.play( )18. We from sho

6、ps thirty years ago. A.buy things b.bought things c.bought thing( )19. What you do last night? I the radio. A.do, listen to b.did, listened c.did,listened to( )20. My grandpa his friends twenty years ago. A.wrote letters to b.writed letters to c.wrote letters for( )21. Mike often to school by bike b

7、efore,but now he walks to school. A.went b.go c.goes( )22. Were you at school last weekend? No . I to the park. A.went b.was c.did( )23. Long long ago, I a small girl, but now I an old woman. A.am,am b.was,was c.was,am( )24. Mike six years ago. A.couldnt wrote b.couldnt write c.couldnt to write( )25

8、. Where you two days ago? A.was,were b.were,was c.was,was( )26. did you the news twenty years ago? In the newspaper. A. What , read b. How readed c. Where ,read( )27. Your mother e-books? Yes , she does. A. Is ,read b. Does, read c. Is reading( )28. Nancy the radio every day? A. Does ,listen to b. D

9、o, listen c.are, listen to( )29. did your father call his friends twenty years ago? He used the telephone. A. Where b. When c. How ( )30. What did you on the Internet ? I some clothes. A.buy,buy b.buy, bought c.bought, buy( )31. Can you a sentence with “happy”? Yes , I could. A. Made b.making c.make

10、( )32. I to the shop with my mother yesterday afternoon. A.go b.went c.was go3、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My mother can (read) e-books on the Internet now.2. They like doing (shop) on the Internet.3. Liu Tao (write) a letter to me yesterday.4. I (make) a kite with Ben yesterday.5. Mike (watch) TV last night?6.

11、Are these (radio)? No, theyre (TV).7. My mother (buy) me some hamburgers every morning.8. Helen (eat) some hamburgers every morning.9. David usually (play) football after school?10. I (listen) to the radio in the bedroom five minutes ago. 1. Dont (make) any noise here.2. Can you (spell) the word?3.

12、Su Hai (write) a letter to Jim last week.4. What are the students (do)? Theyre (read)books.5. Liu Tao (play) basketball every afternoon.6. Helen (eat) a cake yesterday.7. There are three (sentence) on the blackboard.8. My brother (be) six years old last year.9. Mike (cant) ride a bike two years ago.

13、10. My sister wants (watch) TV.11. My father used a telephone (call) his friends then.12. Do you want (go)shopping with me?13. I (read)and (watch) TV with LiuTao last night.14. Dont (look) out of the window.15. All the students (talk) in the classroom now. 1. I (visit) a farm last week.2. What you (

14、do) last month?3. My father (go) to the Summer Palace three years ago.4. What (do) your father usually do on his holiday? He usually (play) chess with my grandpa.5. Where you last weekend ? I on a farm.(be).6. My family (have) a big lunch yesterday.7. (do) you like the show? Yes . It was (fun).8. We

15、 (catch) a lot of fish in the river yesterday.9. Who (buy) these oranges this morning?10. Twenty years ago we (use) telephones (call) people. 1. Please (try) on these clothes .2. They (go) to the zoo yesterday afternoon.3. Mike (not catch) any fish last week.4. Could we (eat) these oranges?5. Helen

16、likes (do) shopping on the Internet.6. Your mother (read) e-books yesterday?7. Su Hai and SuYang (bring) a lot of food last Sunday.8. Who (call)you last night?9. I can see some (office)in the building.10. I (see) a fashion show in the square now.4、 按要求改写句子1. He has e-friends from all over the world.

17、(改为一般疑问句) He e-friends from all over the world?2. My sister makes friends at school.(改为一般过去时) My sister friends at school.3. Mr Green wrote letters to his students.(改为否定句) Mr Green letters to his students.4. Mikes grandpa read newspapers last night.(改为否定句) Mikes grandpa read newspapers last night.5.

18、 My brother listened to the radio for news then.(用now 替换then 改写句子) My brother to the radio for news .6. Then Liu Tao could play football.(用now替换then改写句子) Now Liu Tao football.7. We made friends at school twenty years ago.(用now 替换twenty years ago) We at school now.8. Wang Bing is thirteen years old.(

19、用two years ago改写句子) Wang Bing thirteen years old two years ago.9. I did shopping on the Internet yesterday.(对划线提问) do yesterday?10. Miss Li called my father yesterday.(对划线提问) father yesterday?1. It was Sunday yesterday.(对划线提问) it yesterday?2. Make a bottle with paper.(改为否定句) a bottle with paper.3. H

20、e waits for the answer.(改为一般疑问句) he for the answer?4. Jack reads e-books on the Internet.(改为一般过去时) Jack e-books on the Internet.5. The English lesson goes on.(改为一般过去时) The English lesson on.6. I could make these sentences .(改为一般疑问句) make these sentences?7. My grandpa made friends at school twenty ye

21、ars ago.(改为否定句) My grandpa friends at school twenty years ago.8. I went to the park yesterday.(对划线部分提问) you yesterday?9. Liu Tao watches TV on Saturday.(改为一般疑问句) Liu Tao TV on Saturday.10. I can make some new sentences.(改为一般疑问句) make new sentences?11. My sister bought clothes from shops.(改为否定句) My s

22、ister clothes from shops.12. The egg was in the cake.(对划线部分提问) the egg?13. Sam is playing football.(对划线部分提问) Sam ?1. It is windy in spring in Jiangsu.(对划线部分提问) The weather in spring in Jiangsu?2. Liu Tao visited the Palace Museum last year.(改为否定句) Liu Tao the Palace Museum last year.3. We bring some

23、 things to the park.(改为一般疑问句) We some things to the park.4. Mike usually plays football on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句) Mike usually football on Sundays ?五、连词成句1. Mike , read, could, and, write, years, six, ago(,.)2. he, can, do , things, many, now(.)3. wrote, his, to, letters, he, friends, ago, twenty , years

24、(.)4. he, at, used, telephone, the, home, call, to, people(.)5. call, he, can, people, anywhere(.)6. my, listened, the radio, to, grandpa, for, news, the(.)7. he, can , read , news , the, on, Internet, now(.)8. Mrs Brown , friends, made, school, at, twenty, years, ago(.)9. all, from, the, world, ove

25、r, she, has, friends, now(.)10. she, shopping, does, the, on , Internet, too(.)11. is, it, English, an, lesson(.)12. is, Bobby, looking, of, out, window, the(.)13. listen, me, to, please(.)14. is, it, what, day, today(?)15. spell, can , you it(?)16. make, sentence, a, egg, with(.)17. she, for, waits

26、, answer, the(.)18. in, cake, the, was, the, egg(.)19. Tim , six, was, years, old(.)20. he, could, write, five, ago, years(?)21. class, talking, Sam, in,Bobby, and, are, now(.)22.is, Liu Tao, of, out, looking, window, the(.) 六、根据中文提示完成下列句子1.五年前,本会读和画,但是不会写。Five , Ben and draw,but could not .2. 他昨天下午

27、干什么了? 他写信给他的朋友们。 What he yesterday afternoon? He to his friends.3. 你喜欢听收音机吗? 是的,我喜欢。 Do you like the ? Yes, I .4. 你爷爷喜欢干什么? 他喜欢看报纸 What your grandfather ? He likes .5. 二十年前,我们从商店里买衣服。 We shops years .6. 他们在干什么? 他们正在上一节英语课。 What they ? They an .7. 博比正在往教室外面看。 Bobby is the classroom.8. 今天是星期几? 今天是星期三。

28、 What is it today? It .9. 我会用“蛋”造句。 I can “egg”.10. 去年他会读书和画画。 He books and pictures last .11. 现在他有一部手机,他能在任何地方给人们打电话 。 Now he a . He can call people .12. 十年前,我爷爷听收音机。 Ten , my grandpa the radio.13. 现在他有来自全世界的网友。 Now he from over the .14. 博比仍然朝门外面看。 Bobby is still the .15. 现在他可以在网上看新闻。 Now he can th

29、e Internet.16. 现在她也在网上购物。 She the Internet too.7、 一栏选二栏 1. A B( )1. Where did your mother buy things before? A. Liu Tao did.( )2. Did you have a radio? B. Good idea. I want to watch cartoons. ( )3. What did you do last night? C. I did my homework.( )4. Does Helen do shopping on the Internet? D. I wa

30、s in Suzhou.( )5. How does your grandpa read the news now? E . No, I didnt.( )6. Shall we watch TV? F . In the shop.( )7. Lets go and play football. G . Yes , I can.( )8. Can you use this mobile phone? H. He uses an e-book.( )9. Where were you three days ago? I. Yes, she does.( )10. Who listened to

31、the radio just now? J. OK. Lets go. 2. A B( )1. Did you write an email to me? A. Its Mikes.( )2. Heres your mobile phone. B. Yes , I did.( )3. What are they doing? C. They are reading newspapers.( )4. Whose radio is it? D. No, I couldnt.( )5. What can you do ? E. Thank you.( )6. Are your e-friends from all over the world? F. I can make kites.( )7. Could you


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