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1、Toni Morrison,A Brief Introduction of,By me,.American feminist writer美国女权主义作家,Toni Morrison托妮莫里森,(1931 ) Grandfather was born a slave Howard University in 1949 Novelist; editor; professor,Born in Lorain, Ohio俄亥俄州, .Works and awards,Morrisons works,In her work Toni Morrison has explored the experienc

2、e and roles of black women in a racist(种族主义) and male dominated society (男权社会).,Novels,1970 The Bluest Eye 最蓝的眼睛 1973 Sula 秀拉 1977 Song of Solomon 所罗门之歌 1981 Tar Baby 黑婴 1988 Beloved 宠儿 1992 Jazz 爵士乐 1999 Paradise天堂、乐园 1993 Love 爱 2008 A Mercy恩惠,The central theme of her novels,is the black American

3、experience; in an unjust society ,her characters struggle to find themselves and their cultural identity.,Awards,1988 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Beloved 1989 MLA Commonwealth Award in Literature 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature 1993 Commander of the Arts and Letters, Paris 1994 Condorcet Medal, P

4、aris 1994 Pearl Buck Award,Awards,1994 Rhegium Julii Prize for Literature 1996 Jefferson Lecture 1996 National Book Foundations Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters 2000 National Humanities Medal UUA:Frederic G. Melcher Book Award,Morrison won several literary awards, including th

5、e 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction(普利策小说奖). She received the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature, making her the first African-American woman to be selected for the award.,Awards,The Bluest Eye,Sula,Song of Solomon,Tar Baby,Beloved,Morrisons best novel and won her the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction( 普利策小说奖).,

6、.The novel of Beloved,用杀死自己亲生婴儿 来拯救孩子的“疯狂” 的黑人母亲 变成鬼魂不断侵扰 亲人的黑人婴儿 致人疯狂的美国 种族主义的梦魇,The Beloved (宠儿),女黑奴塞丝怀着身孕只身从肯塔基的奴隶庄园逃到俄亥俄的辛辛那提,奴隶主追踪而至。为了不使儿女重复自己做奴隶的悲惨命运,她毅然杀死了自己刚刚会爬的幼女宠儿。十八年后,奴隶制早已废除,而被她杀死的女婴还魂归来,和塞丝、塞丝的女儿丹芙以及塞丝的情人保罗生活在同一幢房子里。她以自己的出现日夜惩罚母亲当年的行为,不但加陪地向母亲索取着爱,甚至纠缠和引诱保罗,不择手段地扰乱和摧毁母亲刚刚回暖的生活。往事的梦魇一刻

7、也不曾停止过对塞丝的纠缠,The Story of Beloved,“宠儿”是Sethe不堪回首的过去。 “宠儿”代表了黑人现实中仍就在遭受的不平等的苦难,是过去苦难的延伸 “宠儿”是每个人的宠儿,是每个黑人心目中那段惨痛的历史记忆。,Symbolism,The theme of Beloved,唤醒人们记忆、迫使人们重回历史场景。 虽是对历史的重现,但目的却是治愈历史创伤,从历史记忆中走出,面向未来。,Reflection,1987年一经出版,立刻震惊美国文坛,评论界誉为“美国文学史上的里程碑”。 1988年,获美国普利策图书奖 1993年,作者莫里森获诺贝尔文学奖。 1998年,宠儿被搬上银幕,由著名电视主持人奥普拉温芙蕾饰演塞斯。,Thank you,


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