ESD checklist 内审检查表.pdf

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《ESD checklist 内审检查表.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ESD checklist 内审检查表.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Grounding/General ESD ControlsSamplingComments Is there a common ESD ground for the entire plant? 全厂是否有一个共同接地点? Is there a ESDS list? 是否有一个静电敏感元器件清单? Is there an EPA layout drawing?Are the EPA properly marked as such? 是否有静电保护区布局图?静电保护区是否有适当标识? Where ESD protective flooring is used, is the flooring g

2、rounded to the plants common ESD ground? 是否有使用ESD保护地板并且连接至车间共同接地点? M1. Measure the resistance of the ESD protective flooring; Spec: 109 Ohms 测量ESD防护地板表面电阻;规格:109欧姆 M2. Measure the resistance between a flooring ground point and the common ESD ground; Spec: 1 Ohm 测量ESD防护地板之接地点至共同接地点间的阻值;规格:1欧姆 Does th

3、e plant have a prescribed procedure and frequency for cleaning their ESD protective flooring/surfaces to maintain their conductive/dissipative properties? 工厂是否定义程序以规定ESD防护地板/表面清洁频,以保持其导电 /耗散特性? Where ESD protective flooring is used for personnel grounding, are foot grounding devices or conductive fo

4、otwear worn? 当以ESD防护地板用于静电接地时是否有使用足部接地装置或穿着导电鞋? Where conductive footwear is used, do personnel check continuity to ground upon entering the area? 当使用导电鞋时在进入ESD控制区域是否有检查导电鞋之导电性? M3. Measure the resistance of the conductive shoes; Spec: 109Ohms 测量导电鞋的表面电阻;规格:109欧姆 Are the ground points of all worksta

5、tions grounded to the common ESD ground of the plant? 车间所有工作站的接地点是否均有连接至车间的共同接地点? M4. Measure the resistance between a workstation ESD ground point and the common ESD ground; Spec: 1 Ohm 测量工作站ESD接地点至共同接地点间的阻值;规格:1欧姆 Is the static dissipative mat on the table properly grounded to the ESD common groun

6、d at prescribed intervals? 静电消散垫子是否有以规定距离适当与ESD共同接地点连接? M10. Measure the resistance of the worktable surface; Spec: 109 Ohms 测量工作台表面电阻:109欧姆 M11. Measure the resistance of the dissipative mat ground point to the common ESD ground; Spec: 1 Ohm 测量静电消散垫子接地点至共同接地点阻值;规格:1欧姆 Are the ESD workstations prope

7、rly labeled as such? ESD工作台是否有适当标识? Are personnel wearing grounded wrist straps at the ESD-protected workstations? ESD防护工作台人员是否有使用已经接地的静电手环? 9 9tables: IQC/PREFORMING/SMT/WS/MA /TEST/REPAIR/QA/PACKING 10 11 7 4persons: operator/engineer 2years 8 9tables: IQC/PREFORMING/SMT/WS/MA /TEST/REPAIR/QA/PACK

8、ING 44pcs: upstair/downstair 5 6 ESD internal audit check list 1 2 3 1 / 4 Are personnel checking their wrist straps for continuity at regular intervals and are the results of these checks logged consistently and kept? 人员所使用的静电手环是否有定期检测导通性,检测记录是否保持? M5. Check the wrist straps if ok on checker. 使用测试仪

9、检测静电手环是否通过。 Are the wrist strap/conductive footwear checkers checked and maintained regularly? 静电手环及导电鞋测试仪是否有定期检查及维护? Do wrist straps and foot grounders fit correctly? 静电手环及足部接地装置使用是否正确? Do personnel wear ESD protective garments or smocks in ESD controlled areas? 人员在ESD控制区域是否有穿着静电防护衣? Are ESD protec

10、tive garments correctly worn? 防静电衣是否有正确穿着? M6. Measure the resistance of the ESD protective garment/smock; Spec: 1011 Ohms 测量静电衣表面电阻;规格:1011欧姆 Are the ground points of all equipment grounded to the common ESD ground of the 所有设备的接地点是否连接至工厂ESD共同接地点? M7. Measure the resistances between equipment ESD gr

11、ound points and the common ESD ground; Spec: 1 Ohm3equipments: SMT/WS/TEST 测量设备静电接地点至共同接地点的阻值;规格:1欧姆 M8. Measure the resistances between AC ground points and the common ESD ground; Spec: 1 Ohm 测量交流接地点到至共同接地点的阻值;规格:1欧姆 Is the soldering irons conforming with requirements in ESD control plan?2irons:man

12、ual soldering/repair 电烙铁是否符合ESD控制计划规定? M9. Measure the resistance between soldering iron tip and the common ESD groud; Spec:5 Ohm 测量烙铁头至共同接地点的阻值:规格:5欧姆 Is the surface of the worktable where ESD-sensitive devices are handled covered with a static dissipative mat? 处理静电敏感组件时是否于工作台上铺设静电消散垫子? Are there a

13、ny insulative materials in ESD controlled areas, e.g., plastic bags, plastic envelopes, plastic folders, boxes? Is there a plan for any process required insulative materials that are considered a threat? 在ESD控制区域是否存在绝缘材料,例如,塑料包装袋,塑料信封,塑料活页夹,盒子? 是否有对制程中所必要的绝缘材料的处理计划? Where insulative materials are pr

14、esent in ESD controlled areas, are ionizers in use? 若绝缘材料存放于ESD控制区域是否有使用离子发生装置以消除静电压? Where ionizers are in use, are these ionizers being checked and maintained regularly? 在使用的离子发生器是否有定期检查及维护? Is the RH of ESD controlled areas maintained 45 15RH, and is the RH in these areas monitored? ESD控制区域是否监测湿度

15、维持湿度在45 15RH? Is the temperature of ESD controlled areas maintained 23.5 2, and is the temperature in these areas monitored? ESD控制区域是否监测温度维持温度在23.5 2? Storage/Stationing/Transfer of Materials Are storage racks or cabinets conductive or dissipative? 存储料架或柜子为导电或耗散材质?3:left/right/MSD room 22 23 24 18 1

16、9 20 21 15 162persons: visitor/employee 17 122persons: 2years 13 14 2 / 4 M12. Measure the resistance of the storage racks or cabinets surface; Spec: 109 Ohms 测量料架或柜子表面电阻:109欧姆 Are the conductive storage racks or cabinets individually grounded to the common ESD ground? 导电材质的料架或柜子是否有单独连接于共同接地点?3:left

17、/right/MSD room M13. Measure the resistance of the rack/cabinet ground point to the common ESD ground; Spec: 1 Ohm 测量料架及柜子的接地点至共同接地点间的阻值;规格:1欧姆 Is each level of a storage rack or cabinet grounded to the other levels? 料架或柜子之各层是否相连? Are the trays or boxes used in storing ESD sensitive materials on dis

18、sipative racks/cabinets also dissipative? 用于存放ESD敏感零件的料盘或箱子是否同样与料架/柜子一样均为静电消散材质?4:testing/QA/WS/MA M14. Measure the resistance of the trays or boxes surface; Spec: 109 Ohms 测量料盘或箱子表面电阻:109欧姆 Do personnel ground themselves first before handling ESD sensitive items from a cart/container or on the work

19、 table? 操作人员是否先将自己接地后再从转运车或容器中或在工作台上接触ESD敏感产品? Plant ESD Control Program Is there a person, entity, or group owning the over-all ESD control program of the plant? 是否有确定人员/实体或单位全面负责全工厂的ESD控制方案? Does the plant have a metric or indicator that pertains to the level of success of their ESD control progra

20、m? 为了达成工厂所设定的ESD控制计划所需水平是否有设定测量标准或指标? Is there a system in place for continuously reviewing and improving the plants ESD control program? 是否建立适当的系统以持续的检验及改进工厂的ESD控制计划? Is there the incoming inspection for equipements, tools and package? 设备、工具和包材是否有进厂检验? Is there a system for conducting regular ESD c

21、ontrol audits in the plant? 是否有建立系统以指导定期的工厂ESD控制检查? Is there a standard checklist used during ESD audits? 针对ESD检查是否有设立标准检查表? Does the ESD audit checklist include actual measurements of resistivities and field voltages? ESD检查表是否包含实际测试表面阻抗及场电压? Does the plant have a resistance meter and a field meter

22、for actual measurement of resistivities and voltage build-ups during audits? 工厂ESD检查时是否有表面电阻计和场电压计用以实际测量表面电阻和静电压? Is there a system for tracking and closing open action items generated by the internal ESD audits? 是否建立制度针对ESD内部检查所产生的不符合项作追踪及结案? Are ESD Control requirements imposed on visitors ESD控制需求

23、是否包括访客? Is there a system for monitoring employee violations of ESD controls? 是否有建立制度以监督员工违反ESD的行为? 8 9 10 11 Container, fixture, tools, soldering iron, equipment, workstation, shelf, ESD gloves, ESD garments,ESD shoes, ESD wrist straps 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 1 3 / 4 Is there a system for implementin

24、g disciplinary actions on personnel who commit ESD violations? 针对员工之ESD违规行为是否有建立纪律处分制度? ESD Control Training/Certification Are all employees in the plant trained on ESD awareness and control on schedule? 是否所有员工都按时接受ESD知识及控制办法培训? Is there a record of all employees ESD training history? 是否有所有员工ESD培训履历

25、的记录? Is there a standard training module used for training new employees on ESD control? 针对ESD控制计划是否有建立新员工的标准培训? Are all personnel handling ESDS qualified on ESD? 是否所有接触静电敏感元器件的人员都是ESD有资质的? Are the ESD trainors trained and certified as such? ESD培训讲师本身有无合格训练及证书? Is there a system for identifying employees that need to undergo ESD training or recertification? 是否有一个系统以确定员工需要接受ESD培训或重新认证? Is there a central repository of ESD training materials and references? 有没有一个中央数据库保存ESD培训教材和参考资料? 4 5 6 7 12 1 2 3 4 / 4


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