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1、72 世界建筑 2012/04 东京晴空塔 ,东京,日本 TOKYO SKYTREE, TOKYO, JAPAN, 2012 建筑设计:日建设计 ARCHITECTS: Nikken Sekkei 1 73 创新的整合:日建设计/INNOVATIVE INTEGRATION: NIKKEN SEKKEI 作为全球最高的独立式广播塔,高达 634m 的东京 晴空塔建成之后将代替东京塔,后者的信号传播能力受 周边高层建筑影响而持续减弱。东京晴空塔不仅是一座 国际艺术级的数字广播陆地发射塔,同时也将会成为当 地浅草历史地区的地标之一,而浅草地区已经保持当地 城市传统达数世纪之久。并且东京晴空塔也会成

2、为其周 边下町社区的区域更新的一个起始点。 基地位于墨田与浅草河汇流的三角地中央,两条河 流在基地两侧,其南边则是一条主要的航运线。晴空塔 的三角形结构体系的设计灵感来源于其位于城市 3 条中 线的交汇处,同时,在狭窄的基地中,三角空间桁架也 更加牢固和稳定。另一方面,在观光平台层使用圆形平 面能够获得覆盖关东区域的 360全景。钢结构体系从 三角形平面转化到圆形平面所形成的垂直形态在世界高 塔中尚属首例。由这个特殊的异形体所形成的结构曲线 因为观察方向的不同,时而呈现出微微的凸起,时而稍 微凹陷,这让人联想到传统的日本设计特征。 在结构设计中,对于有机形态和轻盈形体赋予了 特别的关注。塔体外

3、围由钢结构组成,其内部有一颗 “中央巨柱”贯穿上下,巨柱为现浇混凝土结构,直径 8m,其内部是一部疏散楼梯。外部钢结构和内部巨柱 核心筒属于相互分离的结构体系,两者之间相互独立, 并且可以允许一定的自由位移。当地震发生,两个方 向的地震荷载可以通过游行阻尼器相互消减,从而将 由地震引起的塔身摇摆幅度减少至 50%。这一结构系 统是对传统结构系统的现代改良,而这种传统结构来 自于矗立几个世纪之久的古代宝塔,这无疑又是另外 一项历史文脉的传承。(刘鹏飞 译) 2 3 4 1 外景/Exterior view 2 总平面/Site plan 3 平面示意/Plan diagram 4 夜景/Nigh

4、t view 用地面积 /Site Area: 36 900m2 总建筑面积 /Total Floor Area: 230 000m2 建筑高度 /Height: 634m 主体结构 /Structure: S/SRC/RC 建筑类型 /Building Type: 信号塔 /Tower 摄影 /Photo: Ryota Atarashi 创新的整合:日建设计/INNOVATIVE INTEGRATION: NIKKEN SEKKEI 73 74 世界建筑 2012/04 5 67 8 9 5 剖面/Section 6-8 平面/Floor plan 9 细部/Detail 10 立面/Ele

5、vation 11 外景/Exterior view 74 世界建筑 2012/04 75 创新的整合:日建设计/INNOVATIVE INTEGRATION: NIKKEN SEKKEI The worlds tallest freestanding broadcasting tower at 634 meters, Tokyo SkyTree has been built to replace Tokyo Tower, whose broadcast ability has become increasingly compromised by surrounding high-rise b

6、uildings. Tokyo SkyTree is not only a state-of-the-art digital terrestrial broadcasting tower, but is set to join such icons as the local historic sites of Asakusa that have been passing down the traditions of the city for centuries and become a symbol of the revitalization of the local shitamachi c

7、ommunities around it. The site is located at the center of a triangular area formed by the confluence of the Sumida and Arakawa rivers on two sides and a major transportation axis on the south side. The triangular frame structure was inspired partly to address these three city grids converging at th

8、e tower and partly because the tripod makes for the strongest and steadiest structure on the constricted site. On the other hand a circular plan was considered most appropriate at the observatory deck levels given the 360-degree views available across the entire Kanto area. The steel structure there

9、fore morphs from triangular to circular in plan giving rise to a form not seen in any other tower in the world. The lines borne of this unique metamorphosis appear as slightly bulging (mukuri) or slightly hollowed (sori) depending on the direction from which it is viewed, and are reminiscent of anci

10、ent Japanese design motifs. In designing the structure, consideration attention was paid to scenic appearance and lightness of volume. The outer frame is made of steel, through the center of which runs a central pillar (shinbashira); a reinforced concrete cylinder 8 meters in diameter with an emerge

11、ncy stairway inside. The outer frame and central pillar are structurally separate and allowed to move freely and independently of each other. During an earthquake, the seismic forces at work in one counteract the seismic forces at work in the other via oil dampers, reducing tower sway during an earthquake by up to 50%. This system is a modern adaption of the traditional structural systems employed in centuries old pagodas and yet another link with its historic context. 10 11 76 世界建筑 2012/0412 12 鸟瞰/Bird s-eye view


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