《行政许可法》考试复习题及参考答案(The administrative permission law examination question and the reference answer).doc

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1、行政许可法考试复习题及参考答案(The administrative permission law examination question and the reference answer)Examination questions and reference answers of the administrative licensing lawExamination questions and reference answers of the administrative licensing lawFill in the blanks1. the administrative licens

2、ing law of the Peoples Republic of China, adopted by the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peoples Congress on August 27, 2003, will go into effect on July 1, 2004.2. except that the administrative licensing decision may be made on the spot, the administrative organ shal

3、l make an administrative licensing decision within twenty days from the date of accepting the administrative licensing application. If it is necessary to extend the time, it may be extended for ten days by the approval of the person in charge of the administrative organ and shall notify the applican

4、t.3. the administrative organ shall make a decision on granting the administrative license, and shall, within ten days from the date of making the decision, issue to the applicant the certificate of administrative license, or affix, affix, examine, examine and quarantine the seal.4. application mate

5、rials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, it should be on the spot or in the first five days to inform the applicant need to be supplemented, if it fails to do so, since the date of receipt of application materials deemed (accepted).5. where the application is not required to obt

6、ain administrative license in accordance with the law, the applicant shall be informed of the application.6., when examining the application materials submitted by the applicant, the administrative organ needs to appoint (two) or more staff members to verify the substance.7. laws, regulations and re

7、gulations provide for matters relating to the implementation of administrative licenses, hearings, or other administrative matters involving public interests, which are deemed necessary by the administrative organs, and hearings shall be held.8. licensee needs to extend the valid period of the admin

8、istrative license obtained in accordance with the law, shall, at the expiration of the period of validity of the administrative license (thirty) apply to the day before the administrative licensing decision of the administrative organ.9. if the administrative organ fails to make a decision on the ap

9、plication for extension of the administrative license by the applicant, it shall be deemed to be (approved).Administrative license 10. given the qualification of citizen, the citizen is dead or incapacitated, a legal person or any other organization is terminated according to law, the administrative

10、 organ shall handle the relevant administrative licensing law (cancellation).11. the administrative organs shall exercise effective supervision over the activities of citizens, legal persons or other organizations engaged in administrative licensing matters.12., the implementation of administrative

11、licensing, should follow the principle of (convenience), improve efficiency and provide quality services.13. organizations authorized by laws and regulations (with the function of managing public affairs) carry out administrative licensing in their own name within the scope of legal authorization.14

12、. if the application forms need to be formatted, the administrative organ shall provide the applicant with the form of the administrative license application form.However, the format of the application form shall not contain any content which is not directly related to the application for administra

13、tive permission.There are 15. administrative licensing restrictions on the number of two, or more than two applicants meet the statutory conditions and standards, the administrative organ shall accept the application for administrative license according to the (order) makes a decision of administrat

14、ive license. However, if otherwise provided by laws or administrative regulations, such provisions shall prevail.SixteenIn addition to making administrative licensing decisions on the spot, a single administrative organ may make a licensing decision within twenty days from the date of acceptance of

15、the administrative licensing application.17. licensee needs to extend the valid period of the administrative license obtained in accordance with the law, shall, at the expiration of the period of validity of the administrative license (thirty) days prior to making the administrative licensing decisi

16、on of the administrative authority to apply for, but the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules unless otherwise.18. an administrative organ that accepts or fails to accept the application for administrative license shall issue a written certificate affixed to the special seal of the administ

17、rative organ and (dated).19. the administrative organ shall, in accordance with the law, make a written decision not to grant the administrative license, and shall notify the applicant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to law.20. wh

18、en the administrative organ examines the application for administrative license, it is found that the administrative license matters directly related to the important interests of others, and shall notify the interested party.21. where an administrative organ implements administrative licensing and

19、charges fees in accordance with the law or administrative regulations, it shall collect fees according to the statutory items and standards promulgated.22. in the course of the implementation of administrative licensing, the applicant or interested party has not fulfilled the statutory notification

20、obligation. If the circumstances are serious, the person directly responsible and other persons directly responsible shall be punished in accordance with the law.23. the decision of the administrative organ to grant the administrative license shall be made public, and the public shall have the right

21、 to refer to it.24. the administrative organ shall, in accordance with the law, make a written decision not to grant the administrative license, and shall notify the applicant of the right to apply for reconsideration or to bring an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law. If the lawful ri

22、ghts and interests of citizens are violated by the administrative organs in violation of the administrative license, they shall have the right to request the administrative organ to provide compensation in accordance with the law.25. the administrative license granted by the licensee to an illegal m

23、eans such as deception or bribery shall be subject to administrative punishment according to law, except that it may cause great harm to the public interest.26. administrative licensing law provisions of the hearing procedure, the administrative organ shall hold a hearing on the day before (seven) n

24、otify the applicant and interested party of the time and place of the hearing, the hearing shall make a written record, the administrative organ shall make a decision on the administrative license according to the transcripts of the hearing.27. the administrative license set by laws and administrati

25、ve regulations, and the scope of application has geographical restrictions, and the administrative permission obtained by the applicant is valid throughout the country.28., in accordance with the content of the license, administrative licensing can be divided into behavioral licensing and (qualifica

26、tion, licensing).29. administrative organs do not perform supervisory duties or supervision, resulting in serious consequences, (by its superior administrative organ or the supervisory organ) shall be ordered to correct, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible person

27、nel shall be given administrative sanctions.30. administrative organs shall be stipulated by laws, regulations and rules of the relevant administrative licensing matters, basis, conditions, quantity, procedure, deadline and all materials required from the catalog and application forms for demonstrat

28、ion in (Office) publicity.31. the administrative organ shall, in accordance with the law, make a written decision not to grant the administrative license, and shall notify the applicant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to law.32. i

29、f an administrative organ implements an administrative license without charging fees or charging fees according to the statutory standards and standards, the administrative organ at the higher level (or the supervisory organ shall order the refund of the fees charged illegally);Administrative person

30、nel who are directly responsible and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with the law.33. laws, regulations and rules shall implement the administrative licensing hearing matters or administrative organ considers it necessary to hold a hearing the

31、 other (involving public interests) major matters of administrative license, the administrative organ shall announce to the public, and hold a hearing.There are 34. administrative licensing restrictions on the number of two, or more than two applicants meet the statutory conditions and standards, th

32、e administrative organ shall accept the application for administrative license according to the (order) makes a decision of administrative license. However, if otherwise provided by laws or administrative regulations, such provisions shall prevail.35. if the administrative license is set up illegall

33、y, the relevant organ shall order the administrative organ that sets the administrative license to correct it, or cancel it in accordance with the law.36. administrative licensing needs to be handled by a number of agencies within the administrative organ, and the administrative organ shall uniforml

34、y determine the administrative licensing application and uniformly serve the administrative licensing decision.37. in accordance with the provisions of the administrative licensing law, the administrative license (set) and (Implementation) shall be governed by this law.38. in accordance with the pro

35、visions of the administrative licensing law, citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall have the right to (Chen Shu) the right to implement administrative licensing of administrative organs.39., according to the administrative licensing law, the administrative organs may adopt the administ

36、rative supervision methods, such as supervision afterwards, without administrative permission.40. in accordance with the provisions of the administrative licensing law, the administrative regulations of the peoples governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the ce

37、ntral government may set temporary administrative licenses. Where a temporary administrative license is to be carried out for the full year (1), the peoples Congress at the corresponding level and its Standing Committee shall draw up local regulations.41. in accordance with the provisions of the adm

38、inistrative licensing law, the State Council sets up administrative licenses in the form of administrative regulations in the form of administrative regulations which have not yet been enacted. When necessary, the State Council may set up administrative licensing in the form of publication (decision

39、).42. according to the provisions of the administrative licensing law, the relevant provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Peoples Government on administrative regulations set (Economic Affairs) of the administrative license, according to the situation of the admini

40、strative areas of economic and social development, through the methods listed in the thirteenth article of this law can be solved, the approval of the State Council, to stop the implementation of the the administrative license in the administrative area.43. where the applicant asks the administrativ

41、e organ to explain and explain the contents of the publicity, the administrative organ shall (explain, interpret) provide accurate and reliable information.44. the implementation of the administrative license and the results shall, in addition to state secrets, commercial secrets or personal privacy

42、, be made public.Two 、 judgment questions1. the department regulations formulated by the relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council shall have the right to set administrative licensing matters within a given scope. (wrong)2. applications for administrative licensing may be made by m

43、eans of letters, telegrams, faxes, faxes, electronic data interchange and electronic mail. (to)3. the administrative license set by laws and administrative regulations, and the scope of application does not have geographical restrictions, the administrative license obtained by the applicant is valid

44、 throughout the country. (to)4. the expenses for hearing administrative licensing hearings by administrative organs shall be shared by the parties involved in the hearings. (wrong)5. the administrative licensing law shall apply to the examination and approval of personnel, finance and foreign affair

45、s of other administrative organs or institutions directly under their direct jurisdiction. (wrong)6., the establishment and implementation of administrative licensing shall follow the statutory principles, principles of fairness, fairness and openness, the principle of convenience for the people and

46、 public participation. (to)7. the specific provisions of the regulations and regulations on the implementation of the administrative license set by the superior law may, according to the actual situation, make certain adaptations. (wrong)8. within the scope of its statutory functions and powers, the

47、 administrative organs may entrust other administrative organs to implement administrative licenses in accordance with the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules. (to)9. if the application materials submitted by the administrative licensing applicant are incomplete or do not conform to the st

48、atutory form, the administrative organ may, on the spot, inform or repeatedly inform the applicant of all the contents that need to be corrected. (wrong)10. the application materials submitted by the applicant are complete and in accordance with the legal form, and the administrative organ may make

49、a written decision on the spot, and may also make a written decision within 5 days. (wrong)11., the host of the administrative licensing hearing, that is, investigators in the case. (wrong)12. the application materials submitted by the applicant are complete and in accordance with the statutory form, and the administrative organ may make


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