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1、饲料中非蛋白氮的掺假及其检测,Institute of quality standards and testing technology for agri-food, CAAS.,IQSTAP,为什么用非蛋白氮掺假?,现有蛋白测定方法的缺陷: 重要假设为,所有氮来自于蛋白质,蛋白质含氮量固定。,The sample is digested to convert the protein nitrogen into ammonium sulfate, which is treated with an alkali, thus liberating ammonia. The ammonia is r

2、eceived by an acid and quantified through titrationquantified titration.,Urea ammonium sulfate Biuret Melamine melamine formaledehyde resin, Urea-farmaldehyde resin Mixed compounds Next ?,曾经用于掺假的物质:,适宜于掺假的化合物特性:,价低 高含氮量 没有刺激性气味 对动物无毒/或实际无毒 不溶于水/酸/碱,无机氮化合物,磷酸氢铵,硫酸铵,碳酸铵等 其N: 17.7%,20.6%,21.2%。 价格:300-

3、1000元/吨 问题:已被检测,尿素,N%:46.7, 白色固体,无臭,但有刺激性气味。 熔点:132.7135 C 由无机物合成的第一个有机物。,尿素加热所生成的物质,urea,heating,trichloroisocyanuric acid,Cyanuric acid,melimine,biuret,polymer,triuret,2分子尿素在加热至其熔点温度时,释放出1个分子氨气,生成1分子缩二脲: 2 CO(NH2)2 H2N-CO-NH-CO-NH2 + NH3 白色固体,溶于热水, 在 186189 C时降解. 液态位蓝色,遇蛋白或多肽时变成紫色。,三聚氰酸,首次合成于1829年

4、,通过尿素和氰酸热解重组。目前工业合成路线为3个分子尿素热解重组,释放3个分子氨,生成1个分子三聚氰酸。反应温度约为 175 : 3 H2N-CO-NH2 C(O)NH3 + 3 NH3 在三聚氰胺粗品结晶过程中,通过水解产生三聚氰酸。三聚氰酸一旦产生将与三聚氰胺结合,产生沉淀。,中间产物与杂质: 在脱水的过程中将产生氰酸、缩二脲、缩三脲: H2N-CO-NH2 HNCO + NH3 H2N-CO-NH2 + HNCO H2N-CO-NH-CO-NH2 H2N-CO-NH-CO-NH2 + HNCO H2N-CO-NH-CO-NH-CO-NH2 杂质之一为三聚氰酸一酰胺,判断这是由缩二脲降解重

5、组而形成。当反应温度超过190 时该杂质显著增加:3 H2N-CO-NH-CO-NH2 C(O)2(CNH2)(NH)2N + 2 NH3 + H2O 当温度在325 和 350 时,产生少量三聚氰胺。,三聚氰胺,目前,工业合成的主要工艺为尿素的热反应: 6 (NH2)2CO C3H6N6 + 6 NH3 + 3 CO2 反应过程分两个步骤. 首先,尿素在吸热反应中降解为氰酸和氨: (NH2)2CO HCNO + NH3 接着,氰酸聚合成三聚氰胺,并放出二氧化碳: 6 HCNO C3H6N6 + 3 CO2,尿素土法加热处理:,为了避免尿素的刺激性气味和容易检测的弊病,掺假者土法对其进行加热处

6、理后刺激性气味明显减少,经检测: 真蛋白氮2.56%,总氮41.32%,尿素28.8%,三聚氰酸55%,三聚氰胺4%,未知物?,添加物经常变化 添加混合物 难以通过感官来辨别 掺假者也不知道添加的物质,检测所要面临的问题:,如何检测这些掺假,目前饲料中非蛋白氮检测有诸多方法,归纳有三类: 目标物检测方法 扣除分析法 蛋白质检测方法,目标物检测:,准确、精确、灵敏、适应性强, 分析费用昂贵(仪器/耗材), 明确掺假物后,才能建立方法。 以下以三聚氰胺检测为例说明。,1 ppb的三聚氰胺、三聚氰酸和其内标物13C3标记的三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸的色谱图(由上至下依次为:三聚氰酸、13C3标记的三聚氰酸、

7、三聚氰胺、13C3标记的三聚氰胺),13C3标记的三聚氰胺QED-MS/MS谱图,右图为三聚氰胺QED-MS/MS谱图,谁最高兴?,直接测定蛋白法:,不受掺假物影响, 方法相对简便、无需大型精密设备, 背景影响加大。,Estimation of quantities of protein using the dye eosin YA. A. Waheed, and P. D. Gupta (1996),a method for estimating submicrogram quantities of proteins using the dye eosin Y. The increase i

8、n sensitivity of this assay is approximately two fold under optimal assay condition. 0.01 and 0.05% The proteindye complex formation is completed within 2 min and its absorbance is stable up to 60 min with a variation of 4.0%. The interference due to sugars, reducing agents, glycerol and some neutra

9、l detergents like Triton X-100, NP-40 and Tween-20 is less than 12% whereas Brij-35, ethanol, acetone and chelators like EGTA and EDTA suppress the absorbance by about 1218%. However, basic buffers like Tris, urea, CHAPS and NaN3 interfere with the formation of the proteindye complex.,扣除分析法,首先将蛋白氮与非

10、蛋白氮分开,然后测定蛋白氮,则得到非蛋白氮;或测定非蛋白氮,得到蛋白氮。 关键:将蛋白氮与非蛋白氮分离。 问题:动植物组织存在非蛋白氮,且含量不定。,分离区分蛋白氮与尿素及无机氮化合物,三氯乙酸、钨酸钠、酸性硫酸铜等溶液用于沉淀蛋白。可以很好地将其与蛋白氮分离,测定。 尿素及无机氮化合物水溶液中完全溶解。,分离区分蛋白氮与三聚氰酸/三聚氰胺,碱性硫酸铜溶液可以沉淀蛋白,将其与三聚氰胺、三聚氰酸、尿素、无机氮化合物很好分离。 三聚氰胺、三聚氰酸不溶于水、酸,但溶于碱溶液。,双汇公司的研究结果,A critical study of methods for the determination of

11、 nonprotein nitrogen Pamela M. Bell,Some twenty methods for the removal of protein from biological materials were used to prepare the nonprotein nitrogen fraction from skim milk, serum, a water extract of flour, and a water extract of bran. The results obtained by different methods on one solution o

12、r the same methods on different solutions were not entirely concordant and showed that NPN fractions obtained in these ways cannot validly be compared. Dialysis or related techniques appeared to achieve separations most closely related to NPN as theoretically defined. The binding of amino acids to protein was demonstrated using isotopically labeled amino acids in flour-protein solutions, but it was concluded that reactions of this type would not significantly affect the determination of NPN.,如果掺假者使用无法使用沉淀法分离的物质例如脲醛树脂、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,还能使用扣除法吗?,其他间接方法,结论:,饲料中非蛋白氮掺假检测研究没有穷尽; 目前尚没有完美的方法。,


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