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1、七年级下册单词Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?唱;唱歌游泳.跳舞;舞蹈画国际象棋play chess .说;说话说英语v.参加;加入俱乐部;社团at 擅长于讲述;告诉故事;小说写作,写字show n. 或者 v. n说话;谈话跟说 play the drums 钢琴弹钢琴小提琴拉小提琴also 人;人们 家 结交朋友today 在某方面帮助(某人) center n(=centre)(在)周末v教,讲授 musician Unit2 What time do you go to school up 向上起床;站起穿衣服 n.连衣裙get dressed 刷刷净 n

2、.刷子tooth n.(pl. teeth) take a shower usually adv. 四十从不;绝不早(的)五十工作;职业work n.& v. station n. radio station oclock night 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的exercise (在)周末最好的(地)half n. past quarter 做作业跑;奔打扫;弄干净;adj干净的行走;步行散步走一走quickly either Eitheror lots of 有时有的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味生活,生命 Unit3 How do you get to school 火车公交车 subway take

3、the subway 骑 n旅行骑自行车六十七十八十九十hundred minute far kilometer 新的;刚出现的每天(表示方式)乘(交通工具)by bike 开车 小汽车;轿车居住;生活车站;停止think of v.横过;越过河;江许多.村庄;村镇介于之间bridge n. boat n. Ropeway 年;岁afraid 像 离开n.梦想;睡梦 v.做梦真的 come true Unit4 Dont eat in class 规则;规章 到达 (be) on time hallway n. hall dining hall .听;倾听listen tofight 抱歉的;

4、难过的;惋惜的 在外面穿;戴重要的带来;取来uniform n. 安静的 out go out practice dish do the dishes 在 以前make (ones) bed 脏的kitchen .更多的noisy 放松;休息读;阅读 讨厌的;可怕的 感受;觉的 严格的;严厉的 be strict (with sb) 记住;记起 follow 36、follow the rulesn.幸运;运气 保持;保留 头发;毛发 v. 学习;学会 New York Unit5 What do you like pandas熊猫 动物园老虎大象koala lion giraffe 动物 c

5、ute 懒散的;懒惰的聪明的美丽的;美好的scary 种类kind of Australia n.南方的n 南;南方 Africa South Africa pet leg cat 睡觉友好的 羞怯的;腼腆的.救;救助symbol 旗;旗帜 forget get lost地点;位置 .水 危险be in (great) danger v .砍;切down cut down 树杀死;弄死ivory 超过;多于;在 上方 (be) made of Thailand n Unit6 Im watching TV报纸 看报纸使用;运用汤make soup 洗 看电影just adv . eat out

6、 房子 喝n.饮料茶;茶叶喝茶明天; pool 购物 n.商店supermarket n. 男人;人 race host study state the United StatesAmerican dragon n.Dragon Boat Festival 任何的.任何;任一另外的;其他的 pron.另外的人(或物)幼小的,年轻的 儿童 怀念. 思念 希望 可口的.美味的 still . living room Unit7 Its raining!下雨n.雨水多风的多云的晴朗的下雪;雪天气做饭坏的;糟的公园message n. take a message 他(he的宾格)could back

7、 call(sb)back problem again dry 寒冷的;冷的热的温暖的拜访;参观Canada 夏天;夏季sit juice soon vacation on(a)vacation 努力地;困难的Europe mountain 国;国家滑冰snowy 冬天;冬季Russiansnowman 阴雨的;多雨的Unit8 Is there a post office near here?post office n. post office police police station 旅店;酒店餐馆银行医院大街付费pay phone near across across fromfron

8、t in front of behind 镇;市镇around 北;北方adj.北方的along go along turn right left rurn right |/left crossing neighborhood spend 花时间climb road .时常;常常空气sunshine 免费的享受;喜爱喜欢阅读容易地钱Unit9 What does he look like? curly straight 高的medium height of medium height thin heavy build of medium build 今夜little a little 电影院眼

9、镜later 英俊的演员.女演员person nose blonde mouth round face 眼睛.歌手艺术家crime criminal 放每个,各自way describe differently another end in the end real jeans Unit10 Id like some noodles. noodle mutton beef cabbage potato specialwould like large order take ones order size bowl one(large)bowl of tofu 肉饺子porridge onion

10、鱼;鱼肉pancake world around the world 答案v.回答不同的蛋糕candle age make a wish blow blow out 如果will the UK 糖果幸运的受欢迎的; cut up 想法;主意bring good luck toUnit11 How was your school trip?挤奶奶牛milk a cow horse ride a horse feed feed chickens 农民;农场主quite quite a lot(of) grow农场;务农;种田采;摘excellent countryside in the count

11、ryside昨天花担心;担忧幸运地;好运地太阳museum fire fire station painting 令人激动的可爱的expensive 廉价的;便宜的缓慢的;迟缓的快地(的)机器人导游;向导礼物;赠品all in all 一切;所有事物感兴趣的对感兴趣黑暗的;昏暗的听到;听见Unit12 What did you do last weekend?camp 湖,湖泊海滩,沙滩badminton sheep 作为,当做natural butterfly visitor 疲倦的停留stay up late away run away mouse 幼小的,婴儿shout shout at language 飞风筝fiy a kite high high schoolago India tent put up moon surprise get a surprise snake scared move shout to 开始,着手jump up and down wake forest ear春夏秋冬绵羊儿童树叶小偷狼


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