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1、 高一英语Lesson 82 多媒体教学设计方案Teaching Aims 1. Study this lesson and know the way how learn foreign languages Karl Marx. 2. The students are trained to improve their reading ability and comprehension. Teaching Procedures Step 1Show the pictures 教师活动:教师展示图片(见图片ppt.) 学生活动:学生看完图片后,回答教师问题: What do you already

2、 know about Karl Marx? Step 2 Watch the video 教师活动:教师播放视频(见ppt.),提问下列问题。 学生活动:看完视频后,回答课文相关问题: After watching, do some True or False questions 1) Karl Marx was born in Belgium. (F) 2) He was forced to leave his homeland when he was young. (T) 3) Marx made such rapid progress in English that Engels te

3、lephoned him and praised him for it. (F) 4) Marx was good at learning foreign languages. (T) 5) In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn English. (,F) Step 3 Listening and Answering 教师活动:教师播放课文声音(见ppt.),提问下列问题。 学生活动:学生听完录音后,回答下列问题: 1.What was Marxs native language? 2.Where did he s

4、tay before he went to France? Why did he leave Germany? 3.What did he do with his English later on? 4.When did Marx start learning Russian? Why? 5.How long did it take him to learn Russian well enough to read articles? 6.What advice did Marx give on how to learn a foreign language? Suggest answers:

5、1.German was his native language. 2.He stayed in Belgium, for political reasons. 3.He began to study Russian. 4.Hes already fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia. 5.At the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in Russian. 6.should not translat

6、e everything into their own language, master then use it, learn the spirit of the foreign language . Step 4 Listening Again 教师活动:教师播放课文的段落声音(见ppt.),提问学生每段含意。 学生活动:学生听课文的段落声音,回答段落含意。 P1:Some of his revolutionary activities in his early years. P2P5: How Marx learned foreign languages. P6:Marxs advice

7、on how to learn a foreign language. Step5 Reading 教师活动:教师给学生五到十分钟的阅读时间,提问学生下列各题。 学生活动:学生在阅读之后,回答下列问题 Read the passages in Lesson 82,Write notes in the spaces below: Name :Karl Marx Born:_ as a young man :_ wrote books :_ in 1849 :_ later:_ in 1853 :_ later :_ in the 1870s :_ Key: was born in Germany

8、; was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons; went to Belgium and France.; The Civil War in France; went to England; made London the base for his revolutionary work; started working hard to improve his English; made rapid progress; wrote articles in English; was praised; was encouraged;

9、was not sure about two things; kept on studying and using English; began to learn Russian; read articles and reports in Russian Step 6 Exercise 学生活动: Karl Marx was born in _. When he was young, he was _ to leave his homeland for _ reasons. He had to _ from one country to another. At last he came to

10、England and _ London the base for his _ work. Marx had learned some _ before he came to London, but he found his English was _. He _ working hard to _ it. He made _ rapid progress _ before long he could write articles in English. Engels wrote him a letter to _him for it. Engels letter had greatly _

11、him, and from then on, Marx _ even harder at his English. He _ English so well that he could write one of his great _, The Civil War in France in English. When Marx was in his _, he began to learn _, because he thought it was important to study the _ in Russia. At the _ of six months, he had learned

12、 _ to read articles and reports in Russian. Marx set us a good example in learning _ languages. Step 7 Discussion 教师活动:教师组织学生,回答下面的讨论问题,教师给学生五到十分钟的时间,然后提问。 What can we learn from Karl Marx in learning foreign languages? How can we learn English well? 学生活动:学生讨论如下问题,并且回答: 1.Keep on studying and using

13、- master it well. 2.Make clear the purpose of learning English. 3.Train a good habit and grasp a good method of studying a spirit of perseverance: try hard continuously in spite of difficulties Step 8 Role-play 教师活动: Suppose the great man Marx (VIP) came here. Now you ask him about his life experien

14、ce and how he learned foreign languages and hed like to answer your questions. 学生活动: Possible Model: S: Glad to meet you, Mr. Marx. Can I ask you some questions? M: Go ahead please. S: When and where were you born? M: S: Why did you leave your homeland? M: . . S: Can you give some advice on how to l

15、earn.? M: S: Thank you very much. M: My pleasure. Step 9 Homework 1. Preparation the Lesson 83. 2.Retell the text with your own words. Step 10 Introduction 教师活动:教师展示马克思的相关图片(见ppt.)及文字 Karl Marx was born in Germany in 1818. He was a great revolutionary leader. He led the workers movement in the 19th

16、century. Together with his friend Engels, in 1848, Mark wrote a book Communist Manifesto, which set a programme for socialist revolution. In 1849 he went to live in England and made London the base for his revolutionary work. In 1864 he founded the first International in London and three years. Later he published his famous book Das Kapital(德语资本论), which developed his theories about capitalism Marx died in 1883. He devoted all his life to the revolutionary cause. He will always be remembered by every one of us


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