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1、Independent Genitive独立主格结构,独立主格结构,定义,构成,特点,功能,4,1,2,3,习题,5,What is independent genitive?,This done, we went home.,定义,独立主格结构,首先它不是一个“句子”,做状语。在英语中任何一个句子都要有主谓结构,而在这个结构中,没有真正的主语和谓语动词,但又在逻辑上构成主谓或主表关系。,独立主格结构的特点,独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开,在句中做状语。,独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。,名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即逻辑主语为

2、动作执行者。,独立主格的构成:,There being+名词 It being+名词,名词/ 代词+ 现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语,With+名词+现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语 (with 复合结构),独立主格结构,独立主格结构的模式是: 主格名词/代词 + 分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语(作逻辑主语) (作逻辑谓语),现在分词表示前面的名词或代词主动进行的动作或状态等。 The man lay there, his hands trembling. 那个男子躺在那儿,双手在颤抖。 So many students being absent,

3、the meeting had to be put off.,主格名词/代词 + 现在分词,过去分词表示前面的名词或代词被动完成的动作或所处的一种状态。 The boy lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head. The question settled, we went home. All things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours. 各方面考虑起来,她的论文比你的论文更要有价值一些。,主格名词/代词 + 过去分词,不定式表示的是将来的动作。 He sugge

4、sted going for a picnic, Mary to provide the food. These are the first two books, the third one to come out next month.,主格名词/代词 + 不定式,【综合比较三种非谓语动词独立主格结构】,1. 名词或代词+不定式 其中的不定式通常表示尚未发生或即将要发生的动作。,2. 名词或代词+现在分词 其中的现在分词通常表示动作正在进行(或当时正在进行)。有时现在分词不表示进行,而表示一般情况的状态或动作。,3. 名词或代词+过去分词 其中的过去分词通常表示被动意义或完成意义。,Thei

5、r room was on the third floor, its window overlooking the sports ground. 他们的房间在三层楼上,窗户俯视着操场。,The manager looks worried,many things to settle. 经理看上去很着急, 有这么多的事情要处理。 (事情还没有处理,而且是由经理本人来处理,用不定式to settle) The manager looks relaxed, many things settled. 许多事情已经处理好了, 经理看上去很轻松。 (事情已经处理好了,用动词-ed形式settled表示动作已

6、经结束),【综合比较三种非谓语动词独立主格结构】,The food being cooked, the boy was watching TV. 小孩一边做饭,一边看电视。 (两个动作同时进行) The food cooked, the boy went to bed. 饭做好了,小孩去睡了。 (两个动作有先后,饭已做好,小孩才去睡觉的),【综合比较三种非谓语动词独立主格结构】,形容词(短语)说明前面名词或代词的性质,状态,原因等。 The floor wet and slippery, we had to stay outside for a while. I heard that she

7、got injured in the accident, my heart full of sorry.,主格名词/代词 + 形容词(短语),副词说明前面名词或代词的状态。 The meeting over, we all went home. Nobody in, he left a message on the board. He sat at the table, head down.,主格名词/代词 + 副词,主格名词/代词 +介词短语,介词短语说明伴随前面名词或代词的方式或者状态。 Our English teacher came into the classroom, papers

8、 in hand. The hunter entered the forest, gun in hand Nobody at home, the thief took a lot of things away.,主格名词/代词 +名词,名词一般做前面名词或代词的同位语。 Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children. 许多人参加了这项工作,其中一些人是妇女和儿童。,There being +名词,There being no buses, we had to walk home. 相当于一个表示原因的状语从句:

9、=Because there are no buses, we had to walk home.,(三)“with/ without”引导的独立主格结构,“介词with/without +宾语+宾语补足语”结构可以构成独立主格结构,在句中常作伴随状语、原因状语,也可作定语。上面讨论过的独立主格结构的几种情况在此结构中都能体现,即:,with/without,+,名词/代词,+,形容词,副词,介词短语,不定式,现在分词,过去分词,The teacher came in with several students following behind. With the work done, he

10、went out to eat. With a lot of things to deal with, he will have a difficult time. He left the office with the lights on. A woman got on the bus with a baby around her arms. Mary rushed out of the house with the door open.,with引导的复合结构,with引导的独立主格结构非常活跃,虽然它在句子中只作状语,但是可以表示伴随、方式、原因、结果等各种复杂的情况。,一、句法结构 1

11、 with 名词(代词)介词短语1)He sat there thinking, with hishead in his hand他双手抱着头,坐在那儿沉思。2)The old man stood there, with his back against the wall那位老人背倚着墙站在那里。3)Mary was sitting near the fire, with her back towards the door玛丽*近火炉坐着,背对着门。,2 with 名词(代词)形容词1)He stared at his friend with his mouth wide open他张大嘴巴凝

12、视着他的朋友。2)The man raised his head with eyes full of wonder and mystery这人抬起头来,眼里充满了好奇。3)He stood there trembling, with his face red with cold他站在那儿瑟瑟发抖,脸都冻红了。,3 with 名词(代词)副词1)With production up by 60, the company has had other excellent year产量上升了60, 公司又是一个好年景。2)The stupid Emperor walked in the process

13、ion with nothing on这位愚蠢的皇帝一丝不挂地行进在游行队伍中。3)The naughty boy stood before his teacher with his head down这个淘气的男孩低着头站在老师面前。4)He put on his socks with the wrong side out他把袜子穿反了。,4 with 名词(代词)名词1)She used to sit reading in the evening with her pet dog her only companion她从前总爱在晚上坐着看书,她的宠物狗便是她唯一的伙伴。2)He died

14、with his daughter yet a school girl去世的时候,女儿还是个中学生。,5 with 名词(代词)现在分词1)She stood there chatting with her friend, with her child playing beside her她站在那儿跟朋友闲聊,孩子在旁边玩。2)With you helping me whenever Im in trouble, I feel very lucky无论我什么时候遇到困难你总是帮助我,我觉得自己真是太幸运了。,6 with 名词(代词)过去分词1)I think we can leave wit

15、h our heads held high.我认为我们可以高昂着头离开。2)Theman left Japan with hisheart hurt这个人带着受伤的心离开了日本。 3) He was punished with nothing finished.他什么都没有完成,受到了惩罚。,(三)“with/ without”引导的独立主格结构,注意:在with/without 复合结构中,多数情况下with 能省略,但without 不能省略。,With his homework done, Peter went out to play.,Without any game to play,

16、 the boy looked upset.,His homework done, Peter went out to play.,1,28, 从第9种结构可以看出,此结构就是介词+复合宾语结构,这种结构在句中可以起到不同的语法功能。例如: With the boy leading the way, we had no difficulty in finding Mr. Greens house.此句相当于Because the boy led the way, we had no difficulty in finding Mr. Greens house. With Jim to help

17、 me with my English, I can do better in it. 此句相当于If Jim helps me with my English, I can do better in it. He lives in a room with its window facing north. 此句相当于He lives in a room whose window faces north. Our school looks more beautiful with all the flowers coming out. 此句相当于Our school looks more beau

18、tiful when all the flowers come out. With all the work done, he went for a holiday. 此句相当于After all the work was done, he went for a holiday.,独立主格结构的功能,时间,条件,原因,伴随,补充说明,相当于状语从句,1. The work done,we went home. =After the work had been done, we went home. 工作完成后,我们就回家了。 2. Winter coming, it gets colder a

19、nd colder. 冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。,一、作时间状语,There being no taxis, we had to walk. =Since there was no taxis, we had to walk. 没有出租车,我们只好步行。,二、作原因状语,1. The condition being favorable, he may succeed. = If the condition is favorable, he may succeed. 若条件有利,他或许能成功。 2. Weather permitting, they will go to the park tom

20、orrow. =If weather permits, they will go to the park tomorrow.,三、作条件状语,He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head. =He was lying on the grass, and his hands were crossed under his head. 他躺在草地上,两手交叉枕在脑后。,四、作伴随状语,We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. =we redoubled our e

21、fforts, and then each man works like two. 我们加倍努力,一个人干两个人的活。,五、表示补充说明,2.The weather _ so bad, we had to put off the football match. A. was B. is C. were D. being 3. _, the runners raced on to the finishing line. A. Stick in hand B. With a stick in his hand C. Sticks in hand D. Sticks in hands 4. The

22、boy lay on the ground, his eyes _ and his hands _. A. being closed; trembling B. closed; trembling C. closed; trembled D. closing; trembled,5._, the work can be done much better. A. Given more time B. We had been given more time C. More time given D. If more time had given 6.Weather _, the sports meet will be held as scheduled. A. permits B. will permit C. to permit D. permitting 7._ a rainy day, he didnt go out for a walk as usual. A. It was B. It is C. It being D. Having been,Thank You!,


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