燃气轮机技术讲座(Gas turbine technology seminar).doc

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1、燃气轮机技术讲座(Gas turbine technology seminar)Gas turbine technology seminarChapter 1 Structure of MS9001E type gas turbineThe first section is an overviewSimple combined cycle gas turbine power generation device generally consists of compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, generator, control system and

2、other basic auxiliary equipment. Gas turbine gas compression, after heating in turbine expansion work, drive the generator output power, thermoelectric conversion process to achieve recycling.#10 gas turbine is a PG9171E type gas turbine manufactured by GE company. The gas turbine consists of a star

3、ting motor with a rated power of 1000W, a 17 stage axial compressor, a combustion system composed of 14 combustion chambers, and a 3 stage turbine rotor. The axial flow compressor rotor and turbine rotor are connected by flanges and have 3 support bearings. The generator of the gas turbine is a sync

4、hronous generator with air cooling, three-phase, dipole, 3000rpm speed, 50HZ frequency alternating current, solid cast iron rotor. The generator has an output power of 120MW (running under the basic load). The exciter is an alternating current exciter with a rotating diode rectifier. The excitation

5、mode is brushless excitation.The air in the atmospheric pressure chamber through the air inlet filter, silencer after entering the compressor, pressure in the compressor after entering in charge of the central 14 ring arranged in the combustion chamber, the combustion is formed after high temperatur

6、e flue gas; high temperature flue gas enters the three stage turbine expansion work output shaft power, as a part of the compressor compression, the other part of the driving generator output electric energy, exhaust by annular diffuser and outlet guide vane into the boiler or directly discharged in

7、to the atmosphere.The second chapter, MS9001E gas turbine piping systemThe 9001E type gas turbine piping system mainly consists of:(1) lubricating oil system(2) hydraulic oil system(3) trip oil system(4) IGV system(5) starting system(6) atomizing air system(7) sealed cooling system(8) cooling water

8、system(9) ventilation heating system(10) front oil system;(11) liquid fuel system(12) fire protection system;(13) intake and exhaust systems(14) liquid blowing system;(15) washing systemSection 1 lubricating oil systemThe lubrication system: auxiliary gearbox in unit commitment and normal operation

9、in the process of bearing, gas turbine and generator turbine lubricating oil to provide sufficient quantity, temperature and pressure of proper and clean, prevent bearing burning, overheating caused by the bending shaft neck caused by vibration.The lubricating oil is supplied to the following sectio

10、ns:(1) provide power oil and lubricating oil for hydraulic torque converter(2) filtered as a hydraulic control oil(3) supply oil for trip oil system;(4) supply oil to the top axle oil systemThe main oil pump is driven by an auxiliary gear box, and the outlet pressure is stabilized at about 7bar afte

11、r the pressure reducing valve VR-1 is fixedThe auxiliary lubricating oil pump driven by vertical AC motor is 88QA-1 submerged centrifugal pump. The outlet pressure is about 7.4bar. The emergency lubricating oil pump driven by vertical DC motor 88QE-1 is also an immersed centrifugal pump, and the out

12、let pressure is about 1.4bar.The oil system is equipped with two oil cooler, arranged in parallel, running a standby water cooling oil cooler by the temperature control valve VTR-1 adjusts its control signal from the downstream oil cooler temperature sensor sliding tube oil bag.The lubricating oil s

13、ystem is equipped with two lubricating oil filters, which are arranged in parallel, one work and one spareThe pressure of the bearing parent pipe is adjusted by the regulating valve VPR2-1, and the setting value is about 1.8bar.In order to ensure the oil pressure and temperature in the normal range,

14、 the pipeline is equipped with some pressure switches and temperature switches, their functions are as follows:(1) 63QA-2: oil pressure low switch, installed in the oil filter screen, when the oil pressure drop 2.8barThis pressure switch opens, MKV sends lube oil pressure low, alarm, start the AC lu

15、bricating oil pump, make slipperyThe oil pressure returns to normal. When the oil pressure continues to drop to 0.42bar, the direct oil is startedPump.(2) 63QT-2A and 96QT-2A: oil pressure low trip switch, installed in generator bearing oilThe parent tube, when entering the generator slip tube on th

16、e oil pressure drops to 0.55bar, MKVLow oil pressure trip alarm.MKV received 63QA-2, 63QT-2A and 96QT-2AThree switch instructions, the 2/3 vote issued after the interdiction command.(3) ltth - 1a、1b, ltth - 2a、2b, ltth - 3a、3b: 滑油温度开关, 装在轴承母管上, 当滑油温度上升到73, 开关动作mkv发滑油温度高报警; 若滑油温度上升到80 , mkv发滑油温度高跳闸报警

17、,mkv接到这三个温度开关的跳闸报警后, 经过2 / 3表决后发出停机指令.(4) 63qq - 1: 滑油滤网压差高开关, 整定值15psi63qq - 8: 液力变扭器油滤压差高开关, 整定值 1.5bar为了使滑油系统有充足的油量和保证油的合适黏度, 在滑油箱上还设置了液位开关、液位表和温度开关, 另外为了更好的监视各瓦的滑油温度, 在各瓦的回油母管上都装有温度开关:第二节 液压油系统液压油系统是给液压执行机构提供清洁而又具有足够压力的液压油.主液压泵是可调压的变排量泵, 由辅助齿轮箱驱动, 泵上装有一调压阀vpr3 - 1, 用来调整和控制液压泵的油压.液压油供给总管上装有一只逆止阀v

18、c3 - 1、一只可调减压阀vr21 - 1和一只排气阀vab1 - 1.在启动过程以及低转速的情况下, 由辅助液压油泵给液压执行机构供油.液压油由滤网出来后进入液压油母管, 该母管分成三路: 一路oh - 3去液体燃料系统; 另一路oh - 4去igv系统; 还有一路去气体燃料系统.液压油系统中压力开关整定值:63hf - 1: 60 / 40 psi63hq - 1: 93 / 103 / /第三节 跳闸油系统跳闸油系统作用是通过电磁阀20fl - 1、20fg - 1供给燃油截止阀和燃气截止阀的执行机构用油跳闸油系统进口节流孔板作用是当跳闸油系统部件工作时, 不使机组润滑油系统的油压和油

19、量不因机组跳闸油的泄油而减少.跳闸油系统中有六只压力开关, 分别为63hl - 1、2、3,63hg - 1、2、3, 动作定值均为 1.38 / 1.65bar, 它们均采用2 / 3表决.电磁阀20fl - 1、20fg - 1、20tv - 1在正常时带电切断放油阀, 接到停机或保护遮断信号后失电接通放油路, 使机组停机.燃机的四大保护: 超温保护、超速保护、超振保护、熄火保护.另外还有喘振保护、滑油油温和油压保护、火灾保护、主变差动保护.第四节 igv系统进口可转导叶的作用:(1) 在燃机启停过程中起到防喘的作用(2) 通过调节igv角度来控制燃机的排气温度, 提高整个联合循环的效率.

20、igv系统中跳闸油来是控制进口可转导叶遮断阀vh3 - 1的动作, 液压油是作为油动机hm3 - 1的动力油.igv系统中设有两个位置反馈装置96tv - 1、2和电液伺服阀90tv - 1.可转导叶的开度通过位置反馈装置96tv - 1、2 变成一个电压信号反馈给mk -, v -, 通过mk v运算后给电液伺服阀90tv - 1线圈一放大电流, 通过90tv - 1的动作来控制可转导叶的开度.第五节 启动系统燃机的启动必须借助外力才能进行, 而停机过程中为了转子得到均匀冷却, 也必须借助外部的盘车装置, 我们把在燃机启动和停机后缓慢转动的冷态盘车的外部动力设备及其系统统称为启动系统.液力变

21、扭器能使电动机的扭转特性满足燃机在启动瞬间要求最大的启动扭矩, 而当燃机转速上升时要求的启动扭矩逐渐减少的特性.液力变扭调节电机88tm是通过调节涡轮出口导叶角度来改变变扭器的输出扭矩的目的.液力变扭器的动力油是通过电磁阀20tu - 1来控制的.启动时20tu - 1带电带开, 给液力变扭器充油; 机组达到自持转速后, 20tu - 1失电关闭, 停止给液力变扭器提供动力油.引用网址:http:/ = 4923静态链接网址|评论(11)|引用(0)燃气轮机运行lengyongnan | 04六,2005,21 |随笔|(462读)燃气轮机的运行第一节启动前的检查机组启动前我们必须对机组进行全

22、面的检查,以确认机组具备开机条件:1。输变电2,MCC柜3。火灾保护柜和发电机控制保护柜4。MKV系统5。前置油系统6。辅机间检查7。轮机间检查8。发电机间检查9。冷却水系统检查第二节启动操作与监视启机前20-30分钟重油打循环机组发启动令后轻油油泵启动(5BAR),启动马达88cr启动,盘车马达88tg退出,轻油泵88fd、辅助雾化泵88ab、辅助液压泵88hq投入,液压油压力正常(100公斤/平方厘米)当透平转速升至 10%时,转速继电器14hm动作,液力变扭器马达88tm启动,将液力变扭器角度调至35o,机组进入清吹程序,同时开始60秒清吹计时,清吹计时结束后,转速至约为17%,88tm

23、启动,将液力变扭器角度调至15O,20tu-1电磁阀失电泄油,转速逐渐下降,至12%时20tu-1电磁阀带电进油,转速上升,进入点火程序,12.1%左右点火至少两处火焰探测器探测到火焰后,点火成功,进入暖机程序,开始暖机一分钟。负荷联轴间风机88vg投入,88tk1投入,10秒后88tk2投入;将透平间风机88bt由检修位转到工作位,置“自动”方式,点着火后,88tm每30秒启动正转一次,每次持续1秒,直至液力变扭器角度开大到68暖机结束后,机组进入升速,机组加速过程中应注意监视各轴轴承的振动值和排烟温度场的分布状况。转速升至大于26%时,顶轴油泵88qb退出。机组升速至40% - 50%转时


25、油母管压力正常约1.8bar)(3)查雾化空气压力正常约20bar)(4)查液压油压力正常约100公斤/平方厘米)(5)查燃油压力正常约5BAR)6)无异常报警第三节机组并网及带负荷进入“控制”画面的“同步”子画面,点击发电机同步模式”靶标栏目下的“自动”,“自动”灯亮。同期表正转,点击“发电机电压”栏目下的“养”或“低”靶标,调节发电机电压稍高于系统电压,机组自动同期并网,发电机出口开关“断路器”由绿转红自动同期并网成功后,机组自动带旋转备用负荷5MW,1)防喘放气阀自动关闭,四个限位开关l33cb1o、l33cb2o、l33cb3o、l33cb4o动作为“0”According to th

26、e requirements of the unit operation, with the basic load or pre load, because the joint cycle is not set up smoke baffle, in the process of load, according to specific circumstances, IGV temperature controlAfter the grid connected, the main change neutral point knife 111000.When the unit load is br

27、ought to 20MW, it can be put into PF controlAfter the turbine load is brought to 50MW, the unit is allowed to start cutting heavy oilMethod for cutting heavy oil:Enter Control picture Liquid Fuel screen, click on the XFER Crude column Setpoint target, in the pop-up window, enter 160, then click the

28、Fuel Select section under the Heavy target, Heavy target lights, began cutting oilAfter the three-way valve leaves the light oil level, the vanadium inhibitor pump starts, and the vanadium flux indicates that the FQLX1/FQLX2 has readings. As the heavy oil flow increases, this reading also increasesF

29、ourth running checksTo regularly tour inspection and transcribe the parameters specified in the operationMonitoring and inspection of unit and auxiliary equipment in operation(1) on the wheel Kongpan state and data check unit(2) inspection of the electric panel;(3) examination of MCC disk;(4) check

30、the oil system of the front switch station(5) inspection of auxiliary equipment and engine room;(6) inspection of generator room;(7) inspection of cooling water system;(8) inspection of main transformer;The main operation of the fifth unitLoad adjustment: executed on a command with a long valueIGV t

31、emperature control of the cast back: in the process of starting or stopping, or with pre load operation, you can input IGV temperature control, when the unit is out of line or with the basic load after the introduction of IGV temperature controlSwitching operation of unit light heavy oilLubricating

32、oil filter switching:1. oil filter switch shall be executed by value length;2. check to make sure the spare filter is in good condition;3. connect the valve between the slow running and the standby oil filter;4. observe the oil flow window of standby unit. When the oil flow is normal, switch valve i

33、s cut to standby group to close the connected valve5., the switch process should pay attention to monitoring the oil filter before and after the pressure difference changes, switching should be rapid, not in the middle of the stop, if the abnormal situation, immediately cut back to the original stat

34、e, stop operationSwitching of high pressure oil filter:1. the switch of high pressure fuel filter shall be approved in advance222. check the oil and gas reserve filter of the one or two valve is closed in good standby33. slow open operation group and reserve Group oil filter connected cutting44. in

35、order to open the standby filter two of exhaust and a cutting, on standby filter oil filled gas oil to be closed after a steady flow of exhaust valve, standing for 1 to 2 minutes, once again open the exhaust two times of oil to be closed after a steady flow of exhaust gas cutting, two times of. If g

36、as is expelled, repeat this procedure until the gas in the oil filter is completely discharged55., slowly open the standby filter inlet cutting, observe the oil pressure change not more than 10%, otherwise, restore66. slowly open the backup filter outlet, observe the oil pressure change not more tha

37、n 10%, otherwise restore77. slow down and run the filter outlet88. slow down, run, filter, inlet, cut99. closing connected cuttingShould pay attention to the pressure change 10. in the switching process, avoid action caused by excessive vibration, such as abnormal phenomena such as pressure fluctuat

38、ions have to sound, should immediately press reverse steps to restore the original valve, stop switching operationSwitching of heavy oil filter1. heavy oil filter switching shall be given prior to long value approval2. check to make sure that the backup filter, oil drain (HV307 or HV308) and exhaust

39、 cutting (HV306 or HV309) are closed3. slow open alternate filter bypass (HV311 or HV308)4. slow exhaust filter of standby (HV309 or HV306), on standby filter to deflate the oil flow closed after the exhaust valve (HV309 or HV306), standing for 1 to 2 minutes, again repeatedly open and close the exh

40、aust, exhaust valve until the oil flow is stable after cutting off the exhaust5. switch the cutting HV304 quickly to the spare filter6. turn off the primary filter bypass (HV308 or HV311)7., the switch process should pay attention to monitoring the oil filter pressure changes and changes in oil pres

41、sure, switching should be rapid, not in the middle of the stay,If an exception occurs, immediately cut back to the original state, stop switching operationsThe switching of light oil filter, double filter and hydraulic oil filter is similar to the switching of heavy oil filterRegulation of vanadium

42、inhibitor1. unit operation Mg /V requirements: after washing within 16 hours to Baird spectrometer test, Mg, /V numerical control between 2.752.9, 16 hours after the control between 2.62.752., there are two ways of regulating:(1) adjust the stroke of the vanadium inhibitor pump:After adjusting the s

43、troke adjusted Mg = /V / /V * Mg unadjusted unadjusted stroke(2) adjust the speed of the vanadium inhibitor pump:The adjusted FA1/FA2= adjusted Mg /V / Mg /V * unadjusted unadjusted FA1/FA2Zero speed operation for turning.1. enter the Start-up sub screen of the Control screen, click the Off target u

44、nder Mode Select, and the Off light is on2. disconnect the top shaft oil pump, 88QB switch and knife switch3. click on the On target under the Cooldown Control column, and the On target light is lit. Check the auxiliary lubricating oil pump 88QA automatically start4.88QA after 2 minutes running, clo

45、se the 88QB knife gate, check the top axle pump automatically start, the pressure is normal5. click on the Cooldown target under Mode Select, and the Cooldown light is on1) if the extinction of less than 14 hours, then start the motor 88CR speed reached 4% after the automatic start, start the motor

46、automatically stop, speed dropped to 3.3% after turning motor automatic input2) if this time has stalled to 14 hours, the motor will not start from the start, click on the Master Control section under the Startup target, to start, 4 seconds after the Startup lights, start the motor starting, speed u

47、p to 4% and then click the Master Control section under the Stop target, hair stop that, Stop target lights, speed dropped to 3.3% after turning motor automatic inputPerformance experiment:1. record the time of the ten turns of the heavy oil flowmeter with a stopwatch2. press the stopwatch and record the active power at this time. After more than 2 minutes (l


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