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1、八年级英语试题篇一:八年级下英语试题(附答案)八年级下英语测试(附答案) Marks:100分). 单项选择(15分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( volleyballost Chinese people eat dumplings and noodles chopsticks.A. off B. in C. r Li is one of teachers in our school. very much.A. humorousB. more humorousC. the most humorous D. much more humorous(is

2、 really hard us to climb such a high mountain.A. this; toB. it; to C. this; for D. it; for() 8. Mike, ount Tai y CD player doesnt aybe I can help you.A. Of course notB. Dont say soC. Let me have a lookD. Im afraid not. 完形填空(10分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。“Shes ing. Hide it quickly!” The girls

3、 quickly16it under the table. It seemed that nothing had happened. e into the classroom, everyone stood up and greeted her. She gave them a smile. The girls17that there iss that she iss . Look at it and24us alonday Tuesday Mum Cook dinner Set table Cook dinner .C. In the zoo.D. In the hospital.()27.

4、 other.C. Mum.D. Dad.BTom Hanks is y grandmother often uses a f to make her cool in the hot days.37. I think y mother often tells me not to spend time playing games.48. 我有一些重要的事情想和你面对面谈谈。I have something important to talk to you.49. 谢谢你帮我照看我生病的女儿。50. 天气太热了,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。Its too hot. I can do nothing

5、sy parents ichael Jacksons Thriller video. She onday. A.any Americans like to have their vacationscountries. One day an to China. This r Jackson is having a meeting. He looks at the clock on the r Jackson alost restaurants are full of people and he has to go into a smallone. The r Jackson.Later, the

6、 r Jackson is drinking, he finds something in it. “e here, boy,” he says. “Look, there is a hair in my soup!”The r Jackson usually goes home _.A. by busB.by carC.by bikeD. on foot 52. _, so Mr Jackson has to stay in the office. A. There is no bus B.There is a very important meeting D.It is very cold

7、 outsideC.Something is r Jackson r Jacksons D.he has to say sorry to Mr Jackson BMost children like any children ike. He is aly English teacher usic C. English() 4.A. In half a month B. For a r Greens speech?A. Only a little. B. too fast.C. Very easy.()10. bition is to be an actress after I _ (leave

8、,go to)school.B) 单词重组。31Sidneys best subject at school is _. (syihcps)32. Millie likes to play _ r puter pany. (经理)37. Study hardr and you any people think English is _ useful language. (填入适当的不定冠词)43 Some of the y father dialled 110 and _ more details to the policeman. (根据句意填词)45 Three young men _ a

9、 ay I go on a trip to Flor Bror Bror Broy ney classmates are very friendly, too. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.There are trees, flowers and green grass in my school. They are very beautiful. Behind my school there is a small river. The water in it is quite clean. in it.etimes I go to play football or basketball with my classmates. Sometimes I stay at home and watch TV. Sometimes I go to shops with my father and mother. e soon! Yours,第 5 页 共 5 页


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