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1、Vocabulary第一大题第三小题1. Sense: sensitive; sensible; senseless; sensibility; oversensitive; insensitive; 2. Technique: technical; technically; technician; technology3. Special; specially; specialty; specialize; especially4. Intellect: intellectual; intelligent; intelligence5. Civil: civilize; civilizati

2、on; civilized; uncivilized第四小题1. 很多人都认同,大学扩招是一个大业绩。2. 提供能够满足高要求的注册会计师仍然是一个大问题。3. 过早的专业化并非明智之举,学生在进入专业领域之前应该广泛接触世界文化。4. 有一天我们可能会变得强大,但我们绝不能变得傲慢,我们应当继续遵循和平共处的原则。5. 一个国家的力量本质上依赖于该国的文明进程,这是一个深刻的认识。6. 我们队过去苦难的记忆是一笔巨大的精神财富。第二大题1. Fold ones arms2. Fold the letter3. Acquire knowledge4. Generate ideas5. Gene

3、rate jobs/careers/professions6. Generate power/electricity7. Generate/arouse interest8. Employ workers9. Employ/use/make use of time10. Rear/raise/bring up ones children/offspring11. Rear sheep12. Raise ones family13. Raise ones voice14. Raise tax15. Raise the question16. Maintain contact17. Maintai

4、n law and order18. Maintain peace第三大题Synonyms近义词1. Fairly: reasonably/ rather/ quite2. Obviously: clearly; evidently3. Maintain: keep4. Rear (children): raise; bring up5. Acquire (knowledge): gain; obtain6. Generate (ideas): produce7. Certify: prove8. Faculty: department (at university); teaching st

5、aff9. Mankind: humanity; human beings; man10. Pharmacist: druggist; chemist (BrE)11. Specimen: type; example; model; case; sample12. Enroll (a school): enter; join13. Nevertheless: however; but14. Penetrating: sharp; thoughtful; profound15. Intellect: thinker; intellectual16. Shudder: shake; tremble

6、; shiver;quake17. Inevitably: unavoidably; certainly18. Aid: help; assist(ance)19. Assume: suppose; think; guess20. Peculiar: strange; odd; unusual; queer; 21. Accomplishment: achievement; success; victory victorious Victoria22. Expertise: special skillAntonyms反义词1. Available: unavailable2. Arrogant

7、ly: modestly3. Specific: general4. Qualified: unqualified5. Civilized: uncivilized; savage; barbarious6. Fold: unfold7. Employed: unemployed8. Competence: incompetence9. Sensitive: insensitive第六大题1. Itiswrongtoraiseourchildren(in)thewaywegrowflowersinthegreenhouse.Wemustexposethemtoallsocialproblems

8、becauseverysoontheywillbedealingwiththemasresponsiblecitizens.2. Astimegoeson,weareinevitablygoingtogetmoreandmoreinvolvedininternationalaffairs.Andconflictsaresuretooccurbecause therealwaysexistdifferentviewsandinterests amongnations.3. Weareproudofouraccomplishments,andwehavereasontobe.Butwemustne

9、verbecomearrogant.Otherwise/Orwewillloseourfriends.4. Informationisnoweasilyavailable.Anaveragecomputercanstoretheinformationofan averagelibrary.5. Thatconstructioncompanyisnotqualifiedtohandletheproject.Theydonothaveanylegaldocumenttocertifythattheyhavethenecessaryexpertise.Wemustfindacompanythatsp

10、ecializesinbuildingtheaters.6. Thesethinktanksdonotmakedecisions.Theyareouttogeneratenewideasandpenetratinganalysesthatwillbeextremelyusefulfordecisionmakers.7. ThegrowthofGDPisnoteverything.Ourcountrycannotbesaidtohavebeenmodernizedunlessthequalityofourpeopleslivesisreallyimproved.8. Pooraswewerein

11、manywaysatthattime,wewerestillquitehappyaschildren,fortherewascleanair,cleanwater,alotoffish,crabsandeelsintherivers,lakesandponds;andalotofflowers,treesandbirdsinthefields.9. Giveabsolutepower to any individual or any particular group of people,andthatpersonorgroup issuretoAbuse/misusepowerbecause,

12、justasLordActionsays,“Powercorrupts,andabsolutepowercorruptsabsolutely.”10. Traditionallyinourcountry,schooleducationwasalwayssaidtobemoreimportantanduseful,comparedwithallotherpursuits.Grammar第一大题It is far more complicated to talk about the future than to talk about the present and past. Generally

13、speaking, future time is expressed in the following ways:Future at presentA.“will” as in 3): used to say that something is expected to happen“will be doing” as in 4): used to say that you are sure that something will happen because arrangements have been madeB.“be going to” as in 2) and 5): used to

14、say that something will happen quite soon or to talk about sbs intentions or what they have decided to doC.“the present progressive现在进行时” as in 10): used to talk about something will happen because you have planned or arranged itD.“the simple present一般现在时” as in 9): used to say that something will d

15、efinitely happen at a particular time, especially because it has been officially arrangedFuture in the pastA. “would” as in 7): used to say what you intended to do or expected to happenB. “was/were going to” as in 1): used to say that something was expected to happenC. “was/were to do” as in 6) and

16、8): used to talk about something that would happen because it had been planned or arranged.第二大题第一小题1. Two nouns2. Two adjectives3. Two prepositional phrases4. Two infinitive phrases5. Two noun phrases6. Two noun phrases7. Two prepositional phrases8. Two prepositional phrases第二小题1. The province is st

17、rong both in industry and in agriculture./ The province is not only strong in industry, but also in agriculture.2. Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.3. Generally, after working for the company for five years, a number of young employees either are pr

18、omoted or leave.4. TV programs for children should not only entertain but also teach.5. Obviously, these children are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure.6. At present, it would be neither practical nor desirable to eliminate examinations altogether.7. Asian Americans are pl

19、aying a more active role in politics than ever before, both at local and national level.8. My uncle believes that in our town sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycle.9. Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but is environmentally friendly.10. Until I read the article I knew neither

20、 where she was brought up nor (where she was) educated.11. I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.12. Contrary to what people had expected, not only did he attend the meeting, but he also spoke for twenty minutes.第三大题(1) other (2) best (3) reason (4) mental (

21、5) next (6) As (7) take (8) cool (9) thinking (10) rest第四大题1. The premierisleavingforNewYorkforaUN=United Nationsconferencetomorrow.2.HeistomeettheheadsofstateofseveralcountriesduringhisstayinNewYork.3.whatareyougoingtododuringtheNationalDayholidays?Areyougoinghomeorstayingoncampus?4.Whatdoyouthinks

22、choolwillbelikeintwentyyearstime?-Ithinkthat childrenwillprobablylearnathomewithamechanizedteacher.5. Thirtyyearsago,mygrandparentsneverthoughtthat theywouldbeabletomoveintoatwo-storyhousewithallthemodernfacilities.He is a two-year-old boy. equipment6.Whattheylackisnotmoneybutexperience.7.Theyhaveco

23、metoChinanotonlytolearnChinese,but(also) tolearnaboutChineseculture(aswell).8. Whatchildrenwantmostfromtheirparentsarenotmaterialthingsbutloveandattention.9. Youmayeitherwriteyouressayinyourregularexercisebookordoitonyourcomputer.10.Imnotquitesurewhyhedidntshowup.Eitherhewasnotinterested,orhesimplyf

24、orgotaboutit.11.Asocietyshouldrespectbothitsscientistsanditsgarbagecollectors/sanitation worker.12.Heismiserlybothwithhismoneyandwithhistime.mean第五大题1. I will phone you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.2. We can hardly imagine what life will be like in 50 years.3. No mistake. Here “if.will” is possibl

25、e when “will” expresses “willingness”4. Please be seated, everyone. The show is about to begin. (Note: Use “be about to do sth” to say that something will happen almost immediately. “Will” is not used.)5. It is predicted that in about ten years time, China will be able to send man to the Moon. (Note

26、: “To be able to do sth” is used to say that it is possible for someone or something to do something.)6. Drop in whenever you please. Youll always be welcome. (Note: Adverbs of frequency频率副词, such as always, usually, often, sometimes, etc., usually go immediately in front of the main verb.)7. Neithe

27、r his parents, nor his brother was able to come to his performance. (Note: The main verb agrees with the noun phrase introduced by nor就近原则)8. Both her friends and her English teacher believe she will win the talent contest.9. My father regards creativity both as a gift and as a skill. (Note: Normall

28、y, the two items connected by emphasizing coordinating conjunctions并列连词 should be expressed in the same grammatical form, here, two prepositional phrases.) 10. No mistake. Though the two items “do it now” and “after class” arent the same grammatical form, this is acceptable because we can regard them as condensed form “We can either do it now or (do it) after class.” Therefore, the two items can also be different grammatical forms serving the same grammatical function, here, both as adverbials.


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