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1、河北省保定市高阳中学2014年高一下学期第五次周考英语试卷第三单元一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 Why areyouso_tothem_becauseteachingisand_.(patient)yourastudents?jobthatYou must requireslearnbothtotreatskills2 Every_in this novel has his own particular _. (character)3 The_of the clinic said patients must take the medicine according tothe_.(direc

2、t)4 He felt_at her good luck and he did all this out of_.(envy)5 Do you_his_?Do you think it is_ ? (believe)6 His writingstyleis_andallhisnovelsare fullof_.(humour)7Sandys_atthe partywas a hintthatshe would leave because whenevershe_on such an occasion, she would_for some time.(appear)二、用括号中所给词语翻译下列

3、句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。1我十二岁的时候,非常偶然地读了马克吐温写的一个令人难以置信的故事。 (by accident ,unbelievable)2正是这个故事让我对马克吐温的作品感兴趣。(It is.that.)3在这个故事中,一对有钱的英国兄弟对身无分文的亨利打了一个赌。(make a bet,penniless)4他们给了衣衫褴褛的亨利一张面值百万的钞票。(in rags, a million pound banknote)5带着这张钞票,亨利经历了许多惊险的奇遇。(adventures)6由于他寒酸的外表,亨利在许多地方被人蔑视。(look down upon)7可

4、是,当他们看到这张钞票后,他们立刻对他恭恭敬敬。(show respect)8发生在亨利身上的故事对那时崇拜金钱的社会作出了生动的解释。(account for)_三、仔细阅读课文The Million Pound Bank Note,写出文章的段落大意。_四、课文缩写根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。( 一空一词 )Itwas the summer of 1903.HenryAdams, an American businessman , had a verybadluck.He was sailing in his boat out of the bay 1._a strong wi

5、nd carried hisboat far out to sea 2._ nightfall.A whole night passed 3._he wasspotted by a ship, 4._took himto Lon don.Lost in this strange city, penniless and hungry,he didn t know what he5._do.Just then, he heard someone calling him.He was led into a large hallof a splendidbuilding, 6._he was give

6、na largeenvelope 7._money init by two rich men.They told him he mustnt open it 8._two oclock.9_(carry)theenvelope ,Henry firstcame to a restaurant.Hewas so hungrythat he ordered a lot of food and ate it 10._quickly, like a wolf.When heasked for 11._of the same food, the owner hesitated but he decide

7、d to12._a chance and brought him the food.Now it was 13._to pay thebill.But there were still a few minutes 14._(go)before two oclock.Afraidthat Henry wouldnt pay for the meal, the owner 15._came over to urge himin a rude manner.At twooclock , Henry opened the envelope andtookout a millionpound bank

8、note.At the sight of the large note, both the waiter and the owner wereshocked and the hostess 16._screamed.How could they 17._(expect)aman in rags would have so much money.In no time everybodybecame excitedand treatedHenry kindly and warmly.The owner told Henry he didnt have to pay the bill andhe c

9、ould come whenever he wanted and have 18._he liked.第四单元一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 He is full of _.(energetic)2 I hate_.(violent)3 She wants to earn a living by herself and be an _ woman.(depend)4 I could feel her _.(disappoint)5.Your _ is required at the meeting.(present)6 The treatment they gave him did him

10、more _ than good.(harmful)7 The heat will _during the evening.(less)8 She is a smiling, _girl.(cheer)9 It is known to all that man is _ in space.(weight )10 _thoughshewas , therewasnohopeofherbeingablesleep.(exhaust )11 The _ of this industry will take several years.(develop)12 China isa _ country ,

11、 whileAmerica isa _ country.(develop)to二、用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。1我们不知道火星上是否有生命。(whether , exist , life)2我们能否登陆火星完全取决于科学技术的发展。(depend on)3人类对火星有了一些了解:火星上没有氧气,火星上中午的温度可能在50 度左右,而晚上则在零下100 度左右了。 (know a little about)4这样我们就不能在那里生活了。(prevent.from)5既然火星与地球完全不同,如果我们计划有朝一日去火星的话,我们就要带上氧气、食品、衣服和住的地方

12、。(shelter)6登陆火星似乎只是个梦想。7科学家们却认为人类迟早会登陆火星的。(land ,certain)_三、语篇领悟仔细阅读课文How Life Began On The Earth,写出文章的段落大意。_四、课文缩写根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。( 一空一词 )The earth began with a cloud of energetic dust, which slowly combined into aball1._aroundthe sun.As theearthexploded withfireand rock ,watervapour ,carbon ,

13、oxygen ,nitrogenand othergases 2._ (produce) tomake theearth satmosphere.3._waterappearingon theearth , lifebegan todevelopfirstinthe water in the form ofsmall plants.Theseplantsmultipliedand filledtheoceansand seas with oxygen ,which made 4._possiblefor earlyshellfishand allsortsof fish to develop.

14、Over many millionsof yearsgreen plantsbegan to appearon land.Withtheoxygenproduced by the green plants, land animals, 5._insects and amphibians,cameintobeing.Whentheplantsgrew into6._ , reptilesappeared,7._produced young by laying eggs.Mammals were the last group of animals,and 8._from thepreviousan

15、imals, theyproducedtheiryoung from9._their bodies.Small but most advanced animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spreadall over the earth.They were so clever that they became the masters over theearth.10._they aren t taking good care of the earth and 11._stopexploitingtheresourcesoftheeartht

16、odevelopnew ways ofliving.12._timegoes by , many 13._have been done to the earth by them.14._life willcontinueon theearth formillionsofyears15._(come)willdepend on whetherthey will stop damaging the earth.来源 : 学.科. 网Z.X.X.K来源 : 学科网 来源 :Z#xx#k.Com来源 : 学+科+ 网Z+X+X+K答案:第三单元一. 1.impatient , patiently ,

17、patience2.character, characteristics3 director , directions4.envy, envy5.believe , belief, believable6 humourous, humour7.disappearance, appears,disappear二 . 1.When I was twelve years old ,I found an unbelievable story written by Mark Twain quite byaccident.2.It was this story that made me intereste

18、d in Mark Twain s works.3 In the story , two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry.4 They gave Henry , who was in rags , a million pound bank note.5 With the bank note , he met many adventures.6 Because of his poor appearance,Henry was looked down upon in many places. 来源:Z&xx&k.Com7 Af

19、ter they saw the million pound bank note, they showed great respect to Henry at once.8.The story happening toHenry accounts vividly for the money society those days.When I was twelve years old,I found an unbelievable story written by Mark Twainquiteby accident.Itwas thisstorythatmade me interestedin

20、Mark Twainsworks.Inthe story, two richEnglish brothersmade a beton pennilessHenry,who was inrags ,giving him a million pound banknote which brought him many adventures.Because ofhis poorappearance , Henry was lookeddown upon in many places , but afterthey sa wthe million pound banknote,they showed g

21、reat respect to Henry at once.The storyhappening to Henry accounts vividly for the money society those days.三. Henry ,a pennilessAmerican businessman ,landed in Britainby accident.Wanderingin London,he was givena letterwith “The MillionPound Bank Note” His lifechangedgreatlybecause ofthisnote.People

22、were politeto him and respectedhim.(40words)四 . 1.when2.towards3.before4.which5.should6.where7.with8.until9.Carrying10.up11.more12.take13.time14.togo15.himself16.even17.have expected18.whatever第四单元一 . 1.energy2.violence3.independent4.disappointment5.presence6.harm7.lessen8.cheerful9.weightless10.Exh

23、austed11.development12.developing , developed二 . 1. We don t know whether life exists on Mars.2 Whether we can land on Mars depends on the development of science and technology.3Man has known a little about Mars :there is almost no oxygen on Mars and it might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon a

24、nd 100 degrees below zero at night.4. This prevents us from living there.5 Now that Mars are quite different from our earth , if we are to go to Mars one day ,we should have to take along our own oxygen , food ,clothing and shelter.6. It seems to be only a dream to land on Mars.7. Scientists are cer

25、tain that man will land on Mars in time.We dont know whether life exists on Marthe developmentof scienceand technology.s. Whether we can land on Mars depends onMan has known a littleaboutMars: thereis almost nooxygen on Mars and it mightbe about 50degreesabove zeroat noon and100 degreesbelow zero at

26、 night, which preventsus fromliving there.Now that Marsare quite different from ourearth, if we are to go to Mars one day,we should haveto take along our own oxygen, food, clothing and shelter. Although it seems to be only a dream to land on Mars, scientists are certain that man will land on Mars in

27、 time.三 . The passage explains how life began on the earth. After the earth exploded andproduced waterwhose continuedpresencemade it possible for lifeto develop,plantsand animals including human beings appeared on the earth.四. 1.moving2.were produced3.With4.it5.like/such as6.forests7.which8.different9.within10.But11 never12.As 13.damages14.Whether15.tocome


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