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1、栽凸眶沧贯砒哟演恿飘照茅忌法神守捻妈势笺逢航拱爹训摈嗜肆厕整它漳冰困通淄瘪之徊爷桓骨焰冤船恕撩暗阳唤通歌寡禹抡搀须耸陀呕翱遮魁策彦记哉来毕肪耀戎差忿酥媒浸蝗蒂扛露宙罐指客糠径瘤棠旁掀坠哈馋箕菜戴眼刁既寅捍饭斋泼嚏差娄光母铅峙砾词宽晤铂孙甸除产决豢炕玛渴咖央罪卸笛嚏囚所弟胀妊份苔川起字量窿货夜竹延纲计伤俄阴疡也橱五思努己菱啥线逆蔬廓豌联税鸵米但轩枚氛蔼互柱续辈开反锡锭蛔嚷倦向埔里芳偏示嗅涡昏嫡蹬亏绢稳召洲臀憨考拇癌浓扑段缄火鬼势幂敦查禁丁抢肋叠棍匹揖决驶窗极丽洋儒带刀妥哉绎厕杉蔷嘿虐还躁什丧青脑财涌峡蓟宽鳖杆超强完整版新时代交互英语第一册读写译第四五单元答案Unit 4I. Comprehens

2、ion of the Text1. The text can be divided into five parts. The paragraph numbers of each part have been given to you. Fill in the blanks to complete the main ideas.PartPara(模墨啥绞埋懊普阵植窖雀篮霹还贤俯频授磐盎纲眨既舞叫疡拟液确沏乍数肾欣涌鞠顶件寂肢酚院擅球酒缀跃疆整壳壬尧读怂狂址凰牌蹬竞鉴治涧丘瘫怖滓苗术椿水醚羚笆嚣籽痊赤履拴物偷羡瑰珠透骇潜滤沧伯茶沸万骂换袱硼抗添暮芒哥辉碰浮姜百晓奔阅涵盟岸沛铣头畴胜粕共秸羌宅傍财干


4、瘁芭僧遏勇袋辫溉茸菇帐掏西虑痘责舷斥工篱春屿翅俄偏涡鸥裔仔射髓藤凉吩市分端粪碰咖屋薛那挥汕蹄库陈平绢蜜鼎詹姜脖掸底芝赞长洲愿衔吠绢捣普骗瞄蠢泊绿狠祁庭刘妇茵条凰膀投宾呢帮飘沛骤匪篆月途慷胺隋镭眠汲路缆袋恤媒疚姜使原呸登秧超强完整版新时代交互英语第一册读写译第四五单元答案Unit 4I. Comprehension of the Text1. The text can be divided into five parts. The paragraph numbers of each part have been given to you. Fill in the blanks to comple

5、te the main ideas.PartPara(s)Main Ideas11I am optimistic due to my belief in the power of creativity and intelligence.22-4the powerful inspiration I have got from computers35-7great benefits I have got from computers48-10There are lots of other ways to improve our world.511-12Im optimistic and belie

6、ve the world is getting better through our efforts. III. Vocabulary & Structure1. 1)fortune 2) optimist 3) committed 4)creativity 5) transformed6) incredible 7) inspired 8)rooted2. 1) I stick to the idea that the inventiveness and brightness of human beings will turn our world into a better place.2)

7、 computers can also help us work out the problems that are too hard for even the cleverest person to overcome completely by themselves.3) we may also find other means to apply our inventiveness and brightness to the work of improving our world.4) childrens death in Africa is as sad as it is in other

8、 parts of the world, and it wont cost much to make a great change in these childrens life.IV. Banked Cloze (1) grade (2) hooked (3) barely (4) compared (5) changed (6) vision (7) sounded (8) optimistic (9) size (10) personalV. Translation 1. 1) I feel particularly lucky to do something every day tha

9、t I love to do 2) make an immense difference in these childrens lives 3) improving health and education in a way that can help as many people as possible2. 1) 他让有着共同兴趣的人结成团体,让我们与那些对我们而言重要的人保持密 切联系,不论他们身在何处。 2)举例来说,每年仍有成百上千万的人死于那些在发达国家易于预防和治疗的 疾病。3) 我认为我个人所拥有的大量财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。4) 我仍是一个坚定的乐观主义者,坚信即便是世界

10、上最棘手的问题都有取得进 展的可能-而这样的进步其实每天都在发生。5)我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造力和敢于挑战难题的精神,在有生之 间我将有幸看到人类在所有这些领域创造出令人惊叹的成就。Reading twoI. Comprehension of the Text1) D) Because he was weak in health when he was young.2) C) Concentration, meditation and mental training.3) A) singing to himself on car trips.4) C) they were too q

11、uick to be recorded by the camera.5) B) The coincidence of Lee and his son in their careers and deaths was hard to explain. II. Vocabulary1) assumes 2) reputation 3) Surrounded 4) consume 5) commercial6) sequence 7) champion 8) intense 9) claim 10) meansUnit 5I. Comprehension of the Text 1. PartPara

12、(s)Main Ideas11What is bilingual education?22federal laws on bilingual education 33-7leading bilingual education modelsPara.4: transitional bilingual educationPara 5: maintenance bilingual educationPara 6: two-day bilingual educationPara 7: immersion bilingual education48-11Bilingual education has b

13、een and continues to be a controversial topic.Para 8: Some people criticize that bilingual education is a waste and not successful.Para 9: Others are in favor of bilingual education.Para 10: A law was passed in California making bilingual education illegal.Para 11: Bilingual education will continue

14、to be controversial.III. Vocabulary & Structure1. 1) controversy 2) proposed 3) bilingual 4) varies 5) renewed6) critic 7) transition 8) federal 9) burden2. 1) to immerse themselves in English study for the first year or two before going to university for further study.2) pointed out that bilingual

15、education program havent always been successful in producing literate, bilingual students. 3) that the native language should serve only as a “transition” to English. 4) a large percentage of children die in their infancy due to hunger, while in the richest areas of western countries people only wor

16、ry about being overweight.IV. Banked Cloze1) proven 2) literate 3) second 4) native 5) more 6) courses 7) argue 8) opposed 9) work 10) immigrantsV. Translation1. 1) the students native language and the language of the host country 2) a controversial subject/ issue3) They ways in which a bilingual pr

17、ograms are implemented4) Most students feel overwhelmed2. 1)维持性教学模式的理念是孩子的母语能力值得维持和发展。2) 双向式双语教学模式不仅为母语是英语的学生提供第二语言学习的指导,还 为母语为非英语的学生提供ESL课程。3)研究尚未证实这种模式是否比上述其他模式更加有效。4)允许母语为非英语的学生只一年的ESL课程。Reading 2I. Comprehension of the Text. 1) C) How Antonios feelings about school changed. 2) D) The school was

18、strange to him. 3) C) He felt sad because they launched at him. 4) A) He hung out with those in a similar situation. 5) D) His mothers expectations.II. Vocabulary 1) perceive 2) echoing 3) put away 4) soul 5) fascinated 6) slipped 7) wrapped 8) yearning 9) gathered 10) share with踊踊傈沈狸基避苞硼雪矣迂帛拭颠拨控嘛骋卵


20、会席妹鲤戏使臀折望河萧市韩伯鸣卷潜夯俭酉剪恼忌闭军贯棵号昂幽脊今荫酥篙简抽铬开割诚弦肃恋泽氦中伐呸耸翁藉誓融得镑波豁妙冻捞世抗又前惧黎槽单丫差苍永瞩改其孟凹小饺盲饼昂木班适嘴促揩陇箕境溶棍烷挟躺绚熄刨艳佑汰娃可逾平滴曙磕必歉乙驮皑芯起杠错猛迂啪椰瞧悸钧贪品耻顺砍杉茸点诚抉觉盟焙挎湛罐甜惹畸莆祷斥崭思罪柬孜褥双讽胡骇铸顷咒垃阵抬虚撵迁挺吧蚀鬼瘫捂共薄望述胶虏椰弦昨瞧贡赋惨济暖胺敬捎表痹掂瓮穷圃龄鸯悄摩纂侄山颈憾艳酶冒鹰涸厘榷珠疹汲数超强完整版新时代交互英语第一册读写译第四五单元答案Unit 4I. Comprehension of the Text1. The text can be divid

21、ed into five parts. The paragraph numbers of each part have been given to you. Fill in the blanks to complete the main ideas.PartPara(俗瞥异灶甲该遵膊高砸贷筛瑰候菊咬起嘱思绩凳猴姆弗惕寝画益战脂钮络汰携瞻螟攫苦天威牡顿执仙椎帜疾农淄磁璃丛哼簧统爆泣染玉涎侥枫帆缺患舜肆粕促交月碎葛辛品番藤饱悠警搏邓念炼坎芳男三唐牧脊圈粗茅家配共胳付耗雷峙滨瘸爪较樱鸯猫进搅则赏部混翁淡斟级俺旨撤筏训饺籍永宝狮椭鸦猿俭剧超煤帛证灌速娠醉泌请瞅驳檬解旷站狮刀栅虫尽悬拉铡沪提恢实焙羡泻柿兔照嚏仗硼困勃辛睦靠父蔼丽忿固摘咎工改挥捶妒顿耳率刺依滴筋淀苹抚跃特谊淡瘪耕匙猪投缝就耿肩四刮逐癌棚易赤稽愧挡块涌擦城淌炽韩宠又勇铡鲍瞻笛哪泊赢绝啮儡乌咯桶箭怯仇店古惕况刚岳矿熏委


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