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1、道路建筑材料检测与应用考试试卷examination and application of road construction materials examination paper picture share copy address, log address:Please copy it with Ctrl+C and paste it to your friend.Reprinted from Cheng Yue at 17:16 on November 23, 2010 (0) review (0) classification: Civil professional authorit

2、y: publicFont: in so small in the big size set top more permissions to delete the log log recommended private editorTest paper for examination and application of road building materialsI. judgment questions (1 * 20=20 points)1. the same grade of two kinds of sand, the fineness modulus is necessarily

3、 the same. ()2., the higher the wax content in asphalt, the better its road performance. ()3. to test the soundness of cement by boiling, mainly to see if there is excessive gypsum in the cement. ()4. the greater the penetration of asphalt, the higher the strength of the asphalt mixture. ()5. after

4、cold drawing and aging treatment, the yield and tensile strength of steel bars are improved, and the plasticity and toughness are decreased correspondingly. ()6. the purpose of adding gypsum in the process of cement grinding is to reduce the cost of the project. ()7., the volume stability of Portlan

5、d cement is poor, indicating that the quality of cement is poor, can be used for low strength requirements of the project. ()8. if the slump of fresh concrete is smaller than the slump of design requirements, the method of adding water to ash ratio can be used to adjust. ()9. penetration index PI=1.

6、6, the asphalt material belongs to the gel structure type. ()10. in asphalt mixtures, the higher the amount of asphalt, the higher the strength of the asphalt mixture. ()The 11. needle number is the temperature stability index of asphalt, the penetration index is large, and the performance of asphal

7、t is better. ()12. softening point that can reflect the asphalt temperature index, but also a measure of asphalt viscosity. ()13. for AH-70 asphalt, the greater the penetration, the higher the softening point, the greater the ductility. ()14. for the determination of needle penetration than asphalt

8、sample 200, should do 3 parallel tests, at the same time, a large number of test standard needle is not enough, allowing the use of a standard needle, but must be a parallel test to wash. ()15, the higher the temperature of the Marshall stability test is, the greater the stability and the smaller th

9、e flow value16. in the test of asphalt ductility, it is found that asphalt should be added to the water when it floats on the surface. ()The effective density of 17. asphalt mixture of mineral material should be greater than the apparent density. ()18. The grade of road petroleum bitumen is divided

10、by penetration value. ()19. asphalt penetration index is the basis of asphalt mark classification20. asphalt ductility test, the choice of different test temperature, you can use the same tensile speedTwo, radio questions (1 * 20=20 points)1. Portland cement is suitable for () engineering.A, early s

11、trength requirements of concrete B, large volume concrete C, and good water contact concrete D, sulfate resistant concrete2., Portland cement clinker mineral hydration, hardening rate is the fastest ().a、 c3s b、c2s c、c3a d、c4af3.粗集料密度及吸水率 (网篮法): (1) 试样经缩分符合规范要求; (2) 将集料置于浅盘中, 放入1055烘箱中烘干至恒重, 称取ma; (

12、3) 将吊篮挂在天平的吊钩上, 浸入溢流水槽中, 调节水位, 天平调零; (4) 调节水温, 将试样移入吊篮中, 调节水位, 读取mw; (5) 提起吊篮, 稍稍滴水后, 擦干试样表面自由水, 称取试样饱和面干质量mf, 注意颗粒不得丢失; (6) 将试样漂洗至清澈并浸泡24小时; 正确顺序 ()a、 (2) (1) (6) (3) (4) (5) b、 (1) (6) (3) (4) (5) (2)c、 (1) (3) (6) (4) (5) (2) d、 (6) (1) (3) (4) (5) (2)4. 适用于海水浸蚀混凝土工程的是 ()a、 p.i. b、 p.ii. c、p.o. d

13、、p.s5.砼抗压强度的试件标准尺寸是 () mm3.a、4040160 b、100100100 c、150150150 d、2002002006.某组三块砼试件抗压强度测定结果分别为34.7、41.6、43.3mpa, 则该组试件抗压强度代表值为 () mpa.a、40.0 b、38.2 c、41.6 d、42.47.沥青的针入度指数可作为沥青胶体结构的评价标准, 当pi值在 () 区间时, 其胶体结构属溶 - - 凝胶型.a、 + 2.08.如果水泥初凝时间测试值不符合国家标准, 则按 () 处理.a、合格品 b、不合格品 c、废品9.矿渣水泥较普通水泥耐腐蚀性强的主要原因是矿渣水泥硬化后

14、, 其水泥石中 ().a、ca (oh) 2含量少 b、c - s - h凝胶多 c、c3ah6含量少 d、 (a + c)10.为了提高沥青路面表面层的抗滑能力, 碎石必须选用 ().a、酸性石料 b、磨光值大于42的石料 c、碱性石料 d、压碎值符合标准的石料11.石灰的碳化反应式是 ()a、 ca (oh) 2 + co2 = caco3 + h2o b、 cao + h2o = ca (oh) 2c、 ca (oh) 2 + co2 + nh2o = caco3 + (n + 1) d、 caco3 cao + h2o = co212.硅酸盐水泥水化时, 放热量最大且放热速度最快的是

15、() 矿物.a、c3s b、 cs2 c、c3a d、c4af13.用沸煮法检验水泥体积安定性, 只能检查出 () 的影响.a、游离cao b、游离mgo c、石膏 d、游离cao和游离mgo14.重交通道路石油沥青是按 () 划分标号的.A, softening point, B, ductility, C, penetration D, wax content15. petroleum asphalt chemical components in the saturated content increase, asphalt ()A and ductility increased by B

16、, consistency decreased by C, softening point increased by D, and penetration decreased16. asphalt mixture pavement damage at low temperatures, mainly due to ()A, tensile strength or deformation ability is poor, B, shear strength is less than C, compressive strength is not enoughD and insufficient b

17、ending strength17., the main technical indicators of lime ()The content of active calcium oxide and active Magnesium Oxide was B, calcium oxide and Magnesium Oxide;C, active calcium oxide and Magnesium Oxide content; D and calcium oxide18., the content of Magnesium Oxide is the dividing line between

18、 calcium lime and magnesian lime.A, 5% B, 10% C, 15% D, 20%19. The particle size of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate for the bituminous mixture is ().A, 1.18mm, B, 2.36mm, C, 4.75mm, D, 5mm20. the main factors affecting the strength of concrete are material composition, curing humidity and temper

19、ature, age, and (among them) the decisive factors that influence the strength of concrete.A, material composition, B, curing humidity and temperature, C, age, D, construction environmentThree, multiple-choice questions (2 * 5=10)Please note: all of the 2 points, choose not all but no wrong each of a

20、 0.5 points, or 0 points1 、 What are the factors involved in the calculation of the strength of cement concrete test?A, concrete design strength grade B, cement strength grade C, construction level D, strength guarantee rate2, concrete and workability is a comprehensive property, which includes () a

21、nd so on.A, flowability, B, plasticity, C, cohesiveness, D, water retention3, the current norms of our country use () and other indicators to indicate the durability of asphalt mixture.A, void fraction B, saturation C, residual stability D, flow value4. The gross volume density of coarse aggregate i

22、s the quality of unit gross volume under specified conditions. The gross volume includes ().A, closed volume B, closed volume C, mineral solid volume D, mineral solid volume itself5, asphalt mixture, such as coarse aggregate less quantity, can not form a skeleton, fine aggregate more, enough to fill

23、 the gap, this kind of asphalt mixture ().A, big adhesive force, B, small internal friction angle, C, high temperature stability, D and good compactnessFour, Jane answer (25 points)1. According to what you have learned: in winter, people often burn a stove in a room where lime paint is used to white

24、wash walls. (4 points)2. What are the main technical properties of petroleum bitumen? What indexes do they use? (4 points)3. Brief description of technical measures to improve the strength of concrete. (4 points)4, brief description of concrete mixture slump test steps (write the main steps). (8 poi

25、nts)5 write the meaning of the following notation (5 points)(1) AC-16 (1.5 points)(2) Q235AF (1.5 points)(3) GB175-99 Portland cement and ordinary portland cement (2 points);Five, calculation questions (10 points, +15 points, =25 points)1, a project with concrete, after test and adjustment, water ce

26、ment ratio of 0.5, sand rate should be 0.34, unit water consumption is 190Kg. The apparent density of the concrete is 2375kg/m3. (10 points)(1) test the mixing ratio of the test room;(2) if the sand content of the construction site is 3% and the moisture content of the stone is 1%, the ratio of the construction mix should be calculated.2. the existing five sets of asphalt mixture specimens, Marshall test results are listed in Table 1, asphalt mixture technical indicators are shown in table two. Requirement: draw to determine the optimum amount of asphalt. (15 points)


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