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1、10、A hungry caterpillar 能听懂10 fruits并使用”What do you like?”,”I like ”来询问及阐述自己的喜好。能听懂weekdays并使用”What day is today?”,”Today is ”来询问及回答。 能听懂及了解三种昆虫(butterfly, moth, dragonfly)的life cycle。 能听懂简单的故事。1. Yummy fruits-Greeting to students. -Show pictures and say the words of 10 fruits. Ask students to repea

2、t for several times. -Fruit squat: Divide students into 5 group. Each group assigns 2 kinds of fruits. When they hear somebody calls their name(fruit), they have to squad up&down and say :” here, here, where is ?” First, teacher points one group as the beginner and then they have to call the name of

3、 each other. Who makes mistakes, then out of the game.(p.s.游戏进行一遍又一遍时可加快速度,增加趣味性及熟练单字。) 2、What do you like ? -Review 10 fruits. -Teacher在黑板上write down patterns :” What do you like ? I like ”,指导学生如何应用,例如:” What do you like ? I like apple” -Match: Divide students into 34 groups. Teacher sticks 10 frui

4、t cards face-down to the blackboard. Have one student from each group comes to the front, in turn. Others ask question:”What do you like ?”, then he/she guesses :”I like xxx” and turns over one card simultaneously. If the card matches what he/she has guessed, he/she earns one point for his/her group

5、.(p.s. 游戏到最后须控制剩12张卡未翻开,这样才公平)3、Days of a week -Reviews story: The Big Turnip.Hang a calendar and say the 7 days of a week(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.) 。 -Music Passing: 1. Teach the song : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.2. H

6、ave several students come to the front and form a circle. Students only sing the song one word by one word when teacher is passing in front of them. Anybody doesnt sing the right order will be out of the game. 4. A hungry caterpillar - Review 10 fruits, weekdays, and life cycle of butterfly.-Tell st

7、udents that teacher is going to tell a story.- Play PowerPoint(“A hungry caterpillar”)to review 10 fruits, weekdays, and life cycle of butterfly again.(p.s.播放时可先放慢速度,让学生有足够的时间先说出答案,接着再播放几次并逐次加速)。Focus Story: The Little Red HenDay 1Old Favorites: Reread charts/poems from previous storiesPrior Knowled

8、ge: Present students with some grains of wheat, real wheat stalks, and a few products made from wheat. Discuss with students what each item is. Then ask students to share ways they think the the grains of wheat eventually became bread, etc. Explain that it takes a lot of time and hard work to get fr

9、om grain to bread and that this week they will learn all about the process!New Story: Introduce title, author and illustrator; Show the cover and talk about what the hen, cat, goose, and dog are doing; Take a picture walk being sure to discuss what is happening in each of the pictures and introduce

10、the terms sprout, thresh, ground, and knead. Make sure to stop the picture walk right after the hen places the dough into the oven. Ask students to predict what they think will happen next; Read aloud for enjoyment and to see what happens when the bread comes out of the oven.Day 2Story: Reread The L

11、ittle Red Hen and generate a discussion about the events in the story, possibly by asking a few of the following questions.o How would you describe the cat, the goose, and the dog? o What words can you use to describe the little red hen? o How do you think the little red hen felt doing all of the wo

12、rk by herself? o How do you think the little red hen felt when all the animals wanted to eat the bread she had made? o Why do you think the hen said the other animals could not eat the bread? o How do you think the animals felt when the little red hen told them they could not help to eat the bread?

13、o What lesson did the animals learn? Do you think they will be more willing to help out next time? Why or why not? o How would the story be different if all the animals had agreed to help the little red hen with the work? Predictable Chart: Brainstorm with students small ways that they could help ot

14、hers and show that they care-whether it be helping at home, in the classroom, or in the community. (Some examples may be hold the door, find a missing glove, show how to write a hard letter, make my bed, set the table, etc.) Then write I will help _. sentences. Start by writing I will help bake brea

15、d. (the cat) Write each sentence on chart paper , writing their name at the end of the sentence. Reread each sentence tracking the print.Companion Rhyme: Introduce the companion nursery rhyme One, Two, Buckle My Shoe; Read together and act out it out with motions.Day 3Story: Introduce the retelling

16、pocket chart repetitive words that the characters used in the story; Reread-Shared Reading (letting students join in on the repetitive wording, pointing to the retelling chart.) Review the story, having students work together to sequence pictures from the story to show what happened first, second, t

17、hird, next, etc. As each picture is added to the sequence, sing the appropriate verse of The Little Red Hens Song (See words below.) The Little Red Hens SongThis is the way I plant the seed, plant the seed, plant the seed.This is the way I plant the seedso early in the morning!Repeat using the follo

18、wing verses in the above blanks.water the wheat.cut the wheat.go to the mill.make the dough.bake the bread.eat the bread.(Later, students can cut apart, color, sequence, and glue a similar set of pictures into a small booklet so that they will have the story to take home and retell.) ; Choose studen

19、ts to find and mask the letters (n, I, s, w, h) or the sight words (will, me, not, I, the) on the retelling chart .Companion Rhyme: Read the story Big Fat Hen (which is really the nursery rhyme One Two, Buckle My Shoe) for enjoyment; Read the companion rhyme from the chart One Two, Buckle My Shoe (e

20、cho reading); Then, reread the poem, asking students to go on a rhyme hunt by listening for rhyming words; Have students work together to sort rhyming picture cards into five piles - those that rhyme with the number words two, four, six, eight, ten. (See chart below for samples.)twoblue, flew, glue,

21、 new, shoefourdoor, more, poursixfix, mix, stickseightbait, date, late, straighttenden, hen, men, penDay 4Companion Rhyme: Reread the companion nursery rhyme One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (choral read); Have students sequence/rebuild the phrases and words from the poem by placing them in the pocket chart

22、 in the correct order- referring to the original rhyme on the chart.Story: Shared Reading (letting students join in on the repetitive wording, pointing to the retelling chart.; Have students act out the story. Divide the students into four groups so that there is one group saying the lines/acting ou

23、t their part for each character in the story. Begin work on a class retelling mural. As students discuss the characters and the setting, make a list of all of the things they say (hen, cat, goose, dog, wheat, bread, oven, bowl, etc.) Then assign either individual students or pairs of students to wor

24、k together to draw or tear from construction paper each element listed. Glue the students drawings onto a large sheet of rolled chart paper.Day 5Story: Reread- Shared Reading (with students joining in on the repetitive phrases); Complete the class retelling mural by using interactive writing to labe

25、l the characters and objects and to write what each character said repeatedly. Reread the mural together and then keep it displayed in the classroom for use during ABC Center activities such as Read the Room and Write the Room; (The photo above shows two Little Red Hen murals-one form the AM class and one from the PM class.)5


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