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1、1,PART 3,Inviscid, Compressible Flow 无粘可压缩流,邓 磊 E-mail: 02.02.2021 Department of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aeronautics Northwestern Polytechnical University,2,CHAPTER 11 SUBSONIC COMPRESSIBLE FLOW OVER AIRFOILS: LINEAR THEORY 绕翼型的可压缩亚音速流: 线化理论,3,问题:为什么需要把微分方程线性化? 线性化有什么好处? 当微分方程为线性方程,边界条件也是线性时,方程的解

2、满足叠加原理。 即,可以将一个复杂的问题,分解成若干简单的问题,分别求解,然后将解叠加。这样问题大大简化。 如:,绕翼型的流动=有攻角的平板+无厚度无攻角的弯度+无攻角无弯度的厚度,+,+,=,4,11.1 Introduction 第四章学习了低速不可压流动流过翼型的问题。 1)如果高亚音速流动流过翼型会发生什么? 2)压缩性如何影响翼型的气动特性? 3)如何分析和计算压缩性的影响? 本章的目的是研究0.3M1时二维翼型的流动特性,这时不可压假设不再成立.,5,Figure 11.1 Road Map for Chap.11.,6,速度势方程,线性化的速度势方程,Prandtl-Glauet

3、压缩性修正,改进的压缩性修正,临界马赫数,跨音速面积律,超临界翼型,Figure 11.1 11章路线图,阻力发散马赫数:音障,亚音速气动特性,跨音速气动特性,7,REVIEW,Continuity Equation,True for all flows: Steady or Unsteady, Viscous or Inviscid, Rotational or Irrotational,2-D Incompressible Flows (Steady, Inviscid and Irrotational),2-D Compressible Flows (Steady, Inviscid a

4、nd Irrotational),steady,irrotational,Laplaces Equation (linear equation),Does a similar expression exist for compressible flows? Yes, but it is non-linear,8,11.2 The Velocity Potential Equation(速度势方程),STEP 1: VELOCITY POTENTIAL CONTINUITY,Flow is irrotational x-component y-component Continuity for 2

5、-D compressible flow Substitute velocity into continuity equation Grouping like terms Expressions for dr?,9,STEP 2: MOMENTUM + ENERGY,Eulers (Momentum) Equation Substitute velocity potential Flow is isentropic: Change in pressure, dp, is related to change in density, dr, via a2 Substitute into momen

6、tum equation Changes in x-direction Changes in y-direction,10,RESULT,Velocity Potential Equation: Nonlinear Equation Compressible, Steady, Inviscid and Irrotational Flows Note: This is one equation, with one unknown, f a0 (as well as T0, P0, r0, h0) are known constants of the flow,Review: Incompress

7、ible, Steady, Inviscid and Irrotational Flows Velocity Potential Equation: Linear Equation,In this equation , the speed of sound is also the function of (from 8.34) :,11,结论: 1)速度势方程是只有一个未知变量的偏微分方程(PDE); 2)11.12式是连续方程、动量方程和能量方程的综合。 3)理论上,给出远场边界条件和物面边界条件,就可以通过上式求解出绕二维外形的流动参数。,infinite boundary conditi

8、on:,wall boundary condition :,12,4) How to use? Once is known, all the other value flow variables are directly obtained as follows: (a0, T0, P0, r0, h0 are known quantities) 1. Calculate u and v: and,2.Calculate a:,4. Calculate T, p, :,3.Calculate M:,13,WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, WHAT DO WE DO NOW?,线性偏微分方

9、程: 偏微分方程分为线性和非线性 线性偏微分方程: 方程未知数 以及未知数的所有导数只以线性形式存在,不存在交叉乘及平方等等 可压缩流动非线性速度势的偏微分方程不存在解析解 借助于数值求解方法 是否可以将非线性方程在一定的条件下,简化为线性方程(easy to solve)? Slender bodies 细长体 Small angles of attack 小攻角 如果可以,就可以应用于翼型的研究中,并提供在亚音速可压缩流中的定性和定量的特性 Next steps: 介绍小扰动理论 (finite and small) 在1、2的条件下线化速度势方程。,14,11.3 THE LINEARI

10、ZED VELOCITY POTENTIAL EQUATION 线化速度势方程,对二维、无旋、等熵流动:,15,perturbation velocity potential equation(扰动速度势方程).,(11.14),Perturbation velocity potential: same equation, still nonlinear,16,(11.14a),(11.15),为了加深理解,我们将(11.14)用扰动速度表示:,用扰动速度表示的能量方程为:,将(11.15a)代入到(11.14a), 并重新整理可得:,即:,(11.15a),17,(11.16),方程(11.

11、16)仍然是无旋、等熵流动的精确方程。这时扰动速度 、 的值可大、可小,即对于大扰动、小扰动都成立。,线性,非线性,18,assume that the body in Fig.11.2 is a slender body at small angle of attack (假设物体是细长的,迎角为小迎角). 在这种情况下,有:,small perturbation (小扰动)situation:,同时 、 与它们的导数也非常小。,19,Compare terms (coefficients of like derivatives) across equal sign Compare C an

12、d A: If 0 M 0.8 or M 1.2 C 5 (or so) terms C, D and E may be large even if perturbations are small,A,A,B,C,D,E,HOW TO LINEARIZE,20,RESULT,After order of magnitude analysis, we have following results May also be written in terms of perturbation velocity potential Equation is a linear PDE and is rathe

13、r easy to solve Recall: Equation is no longer exact Valid situation: Slender bodies Small angles of attack Subsonic and Supersonic Mach numbers Keeping in mind these assumptions equation is good approximation,(11.18),(11.17),21,Summary of commonly-used equations and the corresponding assumption (常用控


15、势方程,亚音速或超音速小扰动线化压力系数公式,27,速度势方程,线性化的速度势方程,Prandtl-Glauet压缩性修正,改进的压缩性修正,临界马赫数,跨音速面积律,超临界翼型,Figure 11.1 11章路线图,阻力发散马赫数:音障,28,(11.18),HOW DO WE USE EQUATION (11.18)?,29,11.4 PRANDTL-GLAUERT COMPRESSIBILITY CORRECTION (PRANDTL-GLAUERT压缩性修正) 通过修正不可压缩流的结果来近似考虑压缩性影响的方法称为压缩性修正。 我们考虑绕某翼型的无粘、亚音速流动问题:,30,HOW D

16、O WE SOLVE EQUATION,Note behavior of sign of leading term for subsonic and supersonic flows Equation is almost Laplaces equation, if we could get rid of b coefficient Strategy Coordinate transformation Transform into new space governed by and In transformed space, new velocity potential may be writt

17、en,31,TRANSFORMED VARIABLES (1/2),Definition of new variables (determining a useful transformation is done) Perform chain rule to express in terms of transformed variables,32,TRANSFORMED VARIABLES (2/2),Differentiate with respect to x a second time Differentiate with respect to y a second time Subst

18、itute in results and arrive at a Laplace equation for transformed variables Recall that Laplaces equation governs behavior of incompressible flows,Transformation relates compressible flow over an airfoil in (x, y) space to incompressible flow in (,) space over same airfoil 变换将(x, y) 空间的翼型上的可压缩流动和(,)

19、 空间内相同翼型上的不可压流动联系起来,33,翼型外形,小扰动边界条件:,精确:,物面:,(11.42),(11.48),在转换空间的翼型形状与物理空间的翼型形状相同。因此,上述变换将(x,y)空间的可压缩流与绕相同翼型的(,)空间的不可压缩流联系起来了。,翼型相似,34,FINAL RESULTS,Insert transformation results into linearized CP Prandtl-Glauert rule: If we know the incompressible pressure distribution over an airfoil, the compr

20、essible pressure distribution over the same airfoil may be obtained Lift and moment coefficients are integrals of pressure distribution (inviscid flows only),35,连续方程,动量方程,能量方程,速度势方程 (非线性),扰动速度,扰动速度势方程 (非线性),小扰动假设,小扰动速度势方程 (线性),转换空间,拉普拉斯方程 (线性),(,),结论:满足小扰动假设条件的可压缩流动的压力系数可以通过绕相同外形的不可压缩流动的压力系数,修正而得到。,

21、36,For M 0.3, r const Cp = Cp,0 = 0.5 = const,Effect of compressibility (M 0.3) is to increase absolute magnitude of Cp and M increases,Prandtl-Glauert rule applies for 0.3 M 0.7 (Why not M = 0.99?),Sound Barrier ?,M,COMPRESSIBILITY CORRECTION:EFFECT OF M ON CP,37,Results: 1、压缩性修正只改变不可压压力分布的大小,不改变形状

22、; 2、随马赫数增加,升力系数和升力系数的斜率增加; 3、随马赫数增加,最大升力系数和失速迎角减小; 4、翼型阻力基本不随马赫数变化(对无粘流动,达朗贝尔徉谬仍成立); 5、翼型的压力中心位置基本保持不变。,38,例11.1 在翼型表面一给定点,已知在绕流速度极低时的压强系数为-0.3。如果自由来流马赫数为0.6,计算这一点的压强系数。,39,例11.2 由第四章,我们得出绕对称、薄翼型的不可压流动的理论升力系数为 。计算自由来流马赫数为0.7时的升力系数。,40,11.5 IMPROVED COMPRESSIBILITYCORRECTIONS 改进的压缩性修正公式,Prandtl-Glaur

23、et Shortest expression Tends to under-predict experimental results To account for some of nonlinear aspects of flow field 1、Karman-Tsien Most widely used 2、Laitone Most recent,41,三种修正公式的比较,Prandtl-Glauert压缩性修正:基于线性理论,因此适用于薄物体、小迎角、亚音速、不适合高亚音速。 Karmen-Tisen和Laitone公式都试图反映高亚音速时流动的非线性特征。,42,We deal with

24、 several aspects of transonic flow from a qualitative point of view. 在本节我们定性地讨论一下跨音速流动的特征。,11.6 CRITICAL MACH NUMBER(临界马赫数),前面讨论了线化流动和可压缩性修正,这些线化理论不适用于跨音速流动。,43,M=0.3 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,44,M=0.4 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,45,M=0.5 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,46,M=0.6 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,47,M=0.7 =0度 N

25、ACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,48,M=0.73 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,49,M=0.74 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,50,M=0.80 =0度 NACA0012 翼型 等马赫数云图,51,M=0.74 =0度 NACA0012 翼型表面压力系数分布,52,M=0.80=0度 NACA0012 翼型表面压力系数分布,53,临界马赫数: 在翼型表面速度最大点刚好达到声速时对应的自由来流马赫数,称为翼型的临界马赫数。,What is the definition of Critical Mach Number? The critical Mach

26、number is that freestream Mach number at which sonic flow is first achieved on the airfoil surface.,速度和压力的关系? 速度最大点即压力最小点。,临界压强系数: 当地马赫数为1时对应的压强系数称为临界压强系数。,54,CRITICAL FLOW AND SHOCK WAVES,MCR,Sharp increase in cd is combined effect of shock waves and flow separation,55,Derivation of critical pressu

27、re coefficient: (临界压强系数的推导),11.22,11.59,我们可以利用上式计算流场中M=1的任意一点的压强系数。,56,则有:,如果 , 流场中刚好只有一点的马赫数达到1,,方程(11.60)表明: 1)临界压强系数是临界马赫数的唯一函数。 2)公式11.60是个普适公式,和翼型外形无关。 3)公式的推导过程没有用到小扰动假设。,(11.60),57,3、求出曲线B与方程(11.60)代表的曲线C的交点,对应的横坐标位置就是 的估算值。, Estimation of (临界马赫数的估算) 结合压缩性修正公式和临界压强系数计算公式,我们可以估算出一个翼型的临界马赫数: 1、

28、通过实验或理论方法,得到翼型在低速不可压绕流下的表面最小压力点的压强系数 Cp 。 2、用压缩性修正公式得到最小压强系数Cp 随自由来流马赫数 M 的变化曲线B。,58,图11.6 临界马赫数的估算,59,问题: 刚才的处理中,我们首先通过计算或者试验得到翼型在不可压情况下的最小压力点,而后通过压缩性修正公式,计算最小压力点随马赫数的变化。 这其中我们基于这样一个假设:即最小压力点不随马赫数的变化而变化。这个假设是否成立?,成立的。 压缩性修正,只改变了压力分布的大小,不改变压力分布的形状,因此最小压力点在压缩性修正后,仍为最小压力点。,结论: 临界马赫数与迎角有关。迎角越大,临界马赫数越小。

29、,60,翼型厚度对临界马赫数的影响,Thick airfoils have a lower critical Mach number than thin airfoils Desirable to have MCR as high as possible Implication for design high speed wings usually design with thin airfoils,61,本节小结: 一、临界马赫数的定义;临界压强系数的定义及计算公式 二、临界马赫数的估算方法 三、翼型厚度对临界马赫数的影响,62,例11.3 (a)用作图法 求NACA0012 翼型的临界马赫

30、数;,63,公式(11.60):,64,例11.3 (b)用解析法 求NACA0012 翼型的临界马赫数。,65,66,讨论:本例结果的精度,67,68,11.6.1 对最小压力点(速度最大点)的讨论 结论: (1)速度最大点出现在最大厚度之前,其出现的位置取决于整个翼型的形状而不是当地局部区域的形状。 (2)对于不同马赫数,最大速度点位置基本不变。,69,11.7 DRAG-DIVERGENCE MACH NUMBER: THE SOUND BARRIER (阻力发散马赫数:音障),70,MCR,71,72,drag divergence Mach number(阻力发散马赫数): The

31、value of at which the sudden increase in drag starts is defined the as drag divergence Mach number. (阻力开始急剧增大时所对应的自由来流马赫数,称为阻力发散马赫数)。,道格拉斯定义(常用):,波音定义(较少使用):,注:1)阻力发散马赫数与迎角相关; 2)工程上经常使用零升力或者指定设计升力下的阻力发散马赫数。,73,IMPACT ON AIRFOIL / WING DRAG,波阻 Only at transonic and supersonic speeds Dwave= 0 for subs

32、onic speedsbelow Mdrag-divergence,Profile Drag (型阻) coefficient relatively constant with M at subsonic speeds,74,下表面激波移至后缘,临界M数,机翼上表面达到音速,下表面达到音速,上表面激波移至后缘,IMPACT ON AIRFOIL / WING LIFT(补充),A,B,C,D,E,F,Ml,d,注:翼型实际可用马赫数为临界马赫数至阻力发散马赫数和升力发散马赫中的小者。,75,11.8 The Area Rule(跨音速面积律),这一节我们将对跨音速的定性讨论扩展到三维问题。我们

33、引入一个使整个飞机在马赫数1附近阻力增加大大减小的设计概念跨音速面积律。 (In this section, we introduce a design concept which has effectively reduced the drag rise near Mach 1 for complete airplane).,76,FIGURE 11.10 FIGURE 11.11,由弹道学家对子弹或炮弹壳的阻力研究得到启发,NACA Langley Aeronautical Laboratory 的Richard T. Whitcomb, (惠特科姆)在1967年发现了跨音速面积律。,77

34、,Area Rule,Subsonic Wing Sweep,78,The area rule for transonic flow:(跨音速面积律) The cross-sectional area distribution of an airplane, including fuselage, wing, and tail, should have a smooth distribution along the axis of the airplane.,沿机身轴线,一个飞机包括机身、机翼和尾翼的横截面积分布应该是光滑连续的。,79,80,11.9 THE SUPERCRITICAL AI

35、RFOIL(超临界翼型),The purpose of a supercritical airfoil is increase the value of drag-divergence Mach number.,81,Supercritical airfoils are specially designed profiles to increase the drag-divergence Mach number, delay and reduce transonic drag rise. 超临界翼型是经过特殊设计的、以增加阻力发散马赫数,延迟和减小跨音速时阻力增加为目的的翼型。,什么是超临界翼

36、型?,82,超临界翼型的特点: 前缘钝圆,上表面相对平缓,因此激波较弱,产生的波阻较小。由于超临界翼型上表面比较平,翼型在前60%的部分具有负弯度,所以使升力降低,为弥补这一不足,超临界翼型的后30%一般具有较大的正弯度,称为“后加载”。 超临界翼型是由Richard T. Whitcomb在1965年发展出来的,被广泛应用于现代高速飞机上。如:Boeing 757 and Boeing 767.,83,1. For given thickness, supercritical airfoil allows for higher cruise velocity 2. For given cru

37、ise velocity, airfoil thickness may be larger Structural robustness, lighter weight, more volume for increased fuel capacity,84,自1945年来,跨音速飞机空气动力学的两个重大突破跨音速面积律和超临界翼型,均是 由Richard T. Whitcomb提出来的。(还有个是翼尖小翼),85,DESIGN BOX 高速机翼的特征 (1)薄翼型,A-10(雷电,疣猪攻击机) Root: NACA 6716 TIP: NACA 6713,F-15(鹰式战斗机) Root: NA

38、CA 64A(.055)5.9 TIP: NACA 64A203,Flight Mach Number, M,Thickness to chord ratio, %,86,DESIGN BOX (2)后掠翼,All modern high-speed aircraft have swept wings: WHY?,87,WHY WING SWEEP?,V,V,Wing sees component of flow normal to leading edge,88,WHY WING SWEEP?,V,Wing sees component of flow normal to leading e

39、dge,V,n,V,n V,W,W,89,Recall MCR If M MCR large increase in drag By sweeping wings of subsonic aircraft, drag divergence is delayed to higher Mach numbers,WHY WING SWEEP?,90,WHY WING SWEEP?,Alternate Explanation: Airfoil has same thickness but longer effective chord Effective airfoil section is thinn

40、er Making airfoil thinner increases critical Mach number Sweeping wing usually reduces lift for subsonic flight,91,SWEPT WINGS: SUPERSONIC FLIGHT,If leading edge of swept wing is outside Mach cone, component of Mach number normal to leading edge is supersonic Large Wave Drag If leading edge of swept

41、 wing is inside Mach cone, component of Mach number normal to leading edge is subsonic Reduced Wave Drag,92,WING SWEEP COMPARISON,F-100D,English Lightning,93,SWEPT WINGS: SUPERSONIC FLIGHT,M 1,M 1,94,(5.69),机翼升力线斜率的压缩性修正(大展弦比直机翼),(11.64),(11.65),(11.66),95,(5.69),(5.81),(11.67),机翼升力线斜率的压缩性修正(小展弦比直机翼

42、),96,(5.82),(5.82),机翼升力线斜率的压缩性修正(后掠翼),将上式中,用,代替:,(11.68),为1/2弦线后掠角,97,11.10 CFD应用:跨音速翼型和机翼 亚声速可压缩流线化理论的限制:,1、薄翼小攻角 2、来流马赫数不超过0.7 3、无粘、无旋假设,98,采用CFD方法求解跨声速流动的历史发展过程: 1、跨声速小扰动非线性方程 2、全速势方程:,(11.69),(11.12),99,3、Euler方程的CFD求解,(7.39),(7.41),(7.43),100,4、NS方程的CFD求解,(2.48),(2.95),(2.96),101,NACA0012翼型,Gri

43、d:265*65,102,103,104,105,优化设计,106,107,11.12 小结,对于二维、无旋、等熵、定常的可压缩流, 精确的速度势方程为: (11.12) 其中 (11.13) 这一方程是精确的,但它是非线性的,因此很难求解。在目前,还找不到该方程的解析解。,108,对于小扰动情况(细长体、小迎角),精确速度势方程可以近似为: (11.18) 以上小扰动速度势方程是近似的,但它是线性的,因此求解容易得多。这一方程在亚音速下( )和超音速下( )成立。在跨音速( ) 和高超音速 ( )不成立。 线性化压强系数表示为: (11.32) 近似物面边界条件为: (11.34),109,

44、Prandtl-Glauert 相似律是一个压缩性修正公式,可将不可压流动的结果经过修改来考虑压缩性的影响。 (11.51) (11.52) (11.53),110,The critical Mach number is that freestream Mach number at which sonic flow is first achieved at some point on the surface of a body. For thin airfoils, the critical Mach number can be estimated as shown in Fig.11.6.

45、临界马赫数是指物体表面流速度最快点达到音速时所对应的自由来流马赫数。对于薄翼型,可由图11.6估算出其临界马赫数,111,The area rule for transonic flow states that the cross-sectional area distribution of an airplane, including fuselage, wing, and tail, should have a smooth distribution along the axis of the airplane. 跨音速面积律指出,沿飞机轴线其包括机身,机翼,尾翼的横截面积分布应该是光滑连

46、续的,这样其跨音速阻力可以得到有效减小,Supercritical airfoils are specially designed profiles to increase the drag-divergence Mach number. 超临界翼型是经过特殊设计的翼型, 其目的是增大翼型的阻力发散马赫数.,112,The drag-divergence Mach number is that freestream Mach number at which a large rise in the drag coefficient occurs, as shown in Fig. 11.8. 阻力发散马赫数是指如图11.8所示的阻力系数开始急剧增大时所对应的自由来流马赫数,


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