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1、,名校名师推荐 ,【高考复习方案】(湖北省专用) 2015 届高三英语一轮复习Unit 1Festivalsaroundtheworld课 时 作 业新 人 教 版 必 修 3( 限时: 40 分钟 ). 多项选择1 Its generally believed that the _ of the Dragon Boat Festival is tomemorize the great poet Qu Yuan.A resourceB ambitionC origin D treasure2 Anyone can learn how to make advertisements, but on

2、ly an expert can teach youthe _ of the trade.A tricks B theoryC access D methods3 The scientistreceivedhonoursand_ fromthe government forhisoutstanding contribution to agriculture production.A pensions B awardsC bonuses D praises4 I could hearnothingbuttheroaroftheairplaneengineswhich _ allothersoun

3、ds.A overturned BdrownedC deafened D smoothed5 We hope one day all theviolenceand poverty willbe _ in the wholeworldand we can live a really harmonious life.A put out B given outC wiped outD left out6 Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?News about the tsunami striking her country _ an atta

4、ck of homesickness.A set for B set outC set aboutD set off7Nowthatyou are a college student,you shouldlearn to be _ of your parentshelp.A energeticB obviousC independentD religious8 It was pretty_ from hervoicethatshe was playinga trick on allof us.A curious B obviousC religiousD energetic9 Smilingd

5、oesnt _ mean yourehappy. Sometimes, itjust means thatyourestrong enough to face problems.A fortunately B eventuallyC deliberatelyD necessarily10 Canada Post issued two stamps on January 8, 2011, _ the Chinese LunarYear of the Rabbit.A in favour ofB in terms of1,名校名师推荐 ,C in celebration of Din need o

6、f. 完形填空It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Javas young peoplemad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon _11_ The big noisebroughtpeopleout _12_ the warm nightto enjoythe interestingscene. Everywhere,there were the paper remains of _13_ fireworks lying on th

7、e ground.Little boys_14_ more and covered their ears as they waited _15_ for the explosions.The moon appeared above thehorizon:huge, _16_ ballhighabove thecity,and the_17_ filledwithpeople,as Java began toenjoyone oftheyearsgreatest_18_:the Night of the FullMoon, a festivalthat isespeciallypopular_1

8、9_ young people.More and more young Javanese _20_ togetherand walkedslowlythrough the _21_.Jokingand chatting,they moved towardsthemountain _22_ thecity.Theycontinuedto climb _23_ they reached the old temple at the _24_ of the mountain.After they were _25_ the temple, they drank their water and ate

9、their moon cakesdelicious home- made ones,_26_ of driedfruitand nuts.Outside,on themountain,youngpeople_27_ cross-leggedincircles,chattingandtellingeach otherjokes.And _28_, intheirhundreds,more young peoplecontinuedtomake their wayup the mountain to _29_ the brightly shining moon.By midnight,thefir

10、eworkshad stoppedshooting up fromthe _30_ cityinthe valleybelow them.Butduringthenight,the sound continued tobe heardfromthedistance.11 A.let outBgave outC came out D set out12 A.into B at C of D from13 A.burning BusedC exploding D broken14 A.lit B boughtC piled D removed15 A.patientlyB calmlyC worr

11、iedlyD excitedly16 A.silverB newC colourful D gold17 A.mountainsB valleysC streets D shops18 A.games B meetingsC sports D events19 A.for B to C withD in20 A.danced B gatheredC drank D shouted21 A.villageBsceneC ground D night22 A.on the edge of Bon the way toC in the centre ofD in the direction of23

12、 A.whileB untilC unlessD though24 A.tip B back C top D bottom2,名校名师推荐 ,25 A.inside B near C off Dacross26 A.fondB little CfullD free27 A.jumped B satC stood D bent28 A.soB evenC yetD still29 A.follow B show C notice D admire30 A.grayB cleanC peaceful D empty. 阅读理解Peanuts to thisProudly reading my wo

13、rds, I glanced around the room, only to find my classmatesbearingbigsmileson theirfacesand tearsintheireyes.Confused,I glancedtowardsmy stone-faced teacher.Having no choice, I slowly raised the report I had slavedover, hoping to hide myself.“What could be causing everyone to act this way?”Quickly,If

14、lashedback totheday when MissLancelotgave me thetask.Thiswas thefirst real talk I received in my new school.It seemed simple: go on the Internetand find information about a man named George Washington.Since my idea of historycame from an ancient teacher in my home country, I had never heard of that

15、namebefore.As I searchedthename ofthisfellow,itbecame evidentthattherewere twopeoplebearingthesame name who lookedcompletelydifferent!One inventedhundredsof uses for peanuts, while the other led some sort of army across America.I staredat the screen, wondering which one my teacher meant.I called my

16、grandfather for agolden piece of advice: flip (掷 ) a coin.Headsthe commander, and tailsthepeanuts guy.Ah! Tails, my report would be about the great man who invented peanutbutter, George Washington Carver.Weeks later, standing before this unfriendly mass, I was totally lost.Oh well, Iloweredthepaper

17、and satdown atmy desk, burningtofindoutwhat I had done wrong.Asa classmatebegan hisreport,itallbecame clear,“My reportison George Washington,the man who started the American Revolution.” The whole world became quiet! Howcould I know that she meant that George Washington?Obviously, my grade was awful

18、.Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn thisaround.I talked to Miss Lancelot, but she insisted: no redos; no new grade.I feltthatthepunishmentwasnotjustified,andIbelievedIdeservedasecondchance.Consequently,I threw myselfheartilyintomy work for the restof theschoolyear.Tenmonths later,thatchance

19、unfolded asIfoundmyselfsittingin theheadmastersofficewithmygrandfather,nowhavinganentirelydifferentconversation.Ismiledand flashedback tothe embarrassingmoment atthebeginningof theyear as the headmaster informedme ofmy optiontoskipthesixthgrade.Justiceis sweet!31 What did the authors classmates thin

20、k about his report?A Controversial. B Ridiculous.C Boring. D Puzzling.32 Why was the author confused about the task?A He was unfamiliar with American history.3,名校名师推荐 ,B He followed the advice and flipped a coin.C He forgot his teachers instruction.D He was new at the school.33The underlined word“bu

21、rning ” in Paragraph 3 probably means“_”A annoyed B ashamedC ready D eager34 In the end, the author turned things around_A by redoing his taskB through his own effortsC with the help of his grandfatherD under the guidance of his headmaster. 完成句子35 _ about the city was its traditional culture and mod

22、ernarchitecture.(impress)这个城市给我们印象最深的是它的传统文化和现代化的建筑。36 You _ socarefullyasitwasquitean informalgathering.(dress)你本来不必这么悉心打扮的,因为这完全是个非正式的聚会。37 It is required in the regulations that you _ the others inthe room if you are in a meeting and your phone rings.(apologize)规定要求,如果开会时你的手机响了,你应该向屋子里的其他人道歉。38 S

23、ome of the girlstodaydo notintendtodepend onthemselves,_ rich men.(look)现如今许多女孩不打算依靠她们自己,而是盼望嫁给富人。39 _by her students,thenew femaleteacherseemed veryembarrassed with her face red.(trick)受到学生们的捉弄后,这位新来的女教师看起来很尴尬,脸都红了。40 For weeks on end peoplewalked round thestreetswearing masks, doing what theywante

24、d _(without)连续几个星期,人们戴着面具走在街上为所欲为而不会被认出来。41 From the blood spots,the policethink a terribleaccident_here not long ago.(take)从血斑来看,警察断定这里不久前一定发生过可怕的事故。42 He broke his word again. How I wish he _!(word)他又食言了。我多么希望他能信守承诺啊!43 His new iPhone and hisbad performance always_ the saying,“An apple a day keeps

25、 the doctor away.” (remind)他的新 iPhone 和他蹩脚的表现总让我想起“每天玩苹果的人拿不到博士学位”这句话。44 The use of masks was limited by laws, the first of _ thefourteenth century.(date)面具的使用受到法律的限制,最早可追溯到14 世纪。4,名校名师推荐 ,课时作业 ( 十一 ).1.C2.A3.B4.B5.C6.D7.C8.B9 D 10.C.11.C12.A13.B14.A15.D16.A17.C18 D19.C20.B21.D 22.A23.B24.C 25.A 26.

26、C 27.B 28.D 29.D 30.A.31.B32.A33.D34.B .35.What impressed us most/best36 neednt have dressed up37 (should) apologize to38 looking forward to marrying39 Played a trick on/Having been played a trick on40 without being recognized41 must have taken place42 had kept his word43 remind me of44 which dates back to/it dating back to5


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