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1、高分笔记 Collect Shells 6B 牛津 Collect Shells1.must (1)必须 (2)推测,必定(肯)2.neednt=dont have to3.creative 创造性的4.at party on Eve on Day5.but (1)但是 (2)=only (3)=except 除.之外6.maybe adv.=possibly / perhaps may be 情态动词+be7.different - difference (n.) many differences8.plastic 塑料9.be proud of 为.自豪10.lie - lay - lai

2、n 躺11.coloured lights 彩色灯 colorful 五彩的12.take out 拿出13.wide adj. 宽的,广泛的 widely adv. 广泛地,宽地14.important - importance15.do well in - do better in - do best in16.international 国际化的17.convenient 方便18.either (1)二者任意一方 (2)否定句:也(too 肯定句) neither 二者否定 both19.have / has +done (for + 一段时间 since +时间点)20.or (1)

3、或者 (2)否则21.feel like (1)want (2)感觉像这样22.used to do 过去常做某事23.change ones mind 改变主意municate with . 与.交流25. We are both students. We both like English. We love both of them.26.Youd better = you had better (+do / not do)27.be able to = can 能28.in the newspaper 在报纸上29.collect (1)收集 (2)整理30.correct (1)adj

4、. = right (2) v. 改正 (3)adv. correctly 正确地31.have a swim = go for a swim32.on the road at Xiuyan Road33.make sth. adj.34.not . but 不是 .而是35.in the sun 在阳光下36.take up 从事37. enrich ones knowledge 丰富知识38.take part in = join in 39.stop. from 阻止. 免于40.ill - illness(n.)41.have sth. to do with sth. 与.有关42.d

5、o something 采取措施43.take.seriously 把.严肃地对待44.influence v. 影响45.heath problem 健康问题46.as well = too 也,同样47.lead - led - led v.引导,领导 leader 领导人48.it is said that 据说49.break v.打破 - broke - broken break n.休息 = rest50.take the first turn 在第一个拐弯处51.perform v.表演 performance n.表演节目52.direct v.指向direction 方向n.

6、53.Whats the time by (依照)the boys watch?54.all together = in all 总共55.open 短暂性(动作)v. be open 延续性(状态) close-be closed 56.protect the environment 保护环境57.hang-hanged-hanged 吊死 hang-hung-hung 挂起来58.break into 破门而入59.knock into 撞到60.in such a hurry 那样的匆忙61.give up smoking 戒烟62.population 人口63.介词+doing (a

7、fter doing, about doing, in/at doing, when doing, instead of doing)64.not all of = most of (some of)65.tiny 微小的66.work more carefully than 67.not.any longer = no longer 不再68.a small number of = a large number of 少/大量(可数)69.go bad (食物)变坏70.harmful 有害的71.destroy毁灭 -destroys 72.pick up the telephone 拿起

8、电话73.an excited woman 一位情绪激动的妇女74.in some place in ones flat75.patiently adv.耐心地 patient n.病人76.the surprised answer 令人吃惊的回答77.therefore = so 因此78.in order to 为了79.look carefully at 仔细看 look careful 看上去仔细80.fisherman 渔夫81.pinwheels 风车 pin (n,钉). (v.摁)82.an umbrella 83.reach + 地点(v.到达) reach sth. (v.

9、够得到)84.to ones joy 令某人开心的是85.be able to = can be unable to = can not 86.awful = terrible = very bad 87.wave n. 波浪(c.) v.挥动,摇动 wave to sb.88.spring (1)n.春天 (2)n.温泉89.bank (1)n.银行 (2)n.岸90.decide -decision (n.) 决定 (make a decision)91.geography 地理 class meeting 班会92.biology 生物 oral 口舌93.politics 政治94.c

10、are about sb. 在乎某人95.in good health (n.)96.hug 拥抱97.true adj.-truly adv. wide-widely98.happen (偶然)发生, take place (非偶然)发生99.make up of 由.组成100.be made of = be made from 由.制造 (The table is made of trees)(物理) (The paper is made from trees)(化学变化)101.make sth. . from sth. 用.制造102.make full use of 充分利用、10

11、3.Serves the people, Heart and Soul!(全心全意为人名服务!)104.be equal to 等于105.form v. 形成106.send for 派人去请107.catch up with 追上、赶上108.warm adj.-warmth n. grow-growth 109.send out 散发110.percent 百分比%111.on the Internet 112.What useful information it is! = How useful the information is!113.at work / at home at night/noon114.if 从(现) 主(将)115.dish-dishes brush-brushes clothes (永远复数)116.water the crops - water 浇水117.report (v.汇报 report sb. to sb.) (n.报告)reporter = journalist 高分笔记 Collect Shells 6B 牛津


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