大学生英语竞赛 阅读理解题型简介.doc

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《大学生英语竞赛 阅读理解题型简介.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学生英语竞赛 阅读理解题型简介.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、一、概述在人类社会的相互交流活动中,阅读是获取信息的重要途径。对阅读在英语学习中的重要性人们早已达成共识。阅读能力是学习英语必需的第一能力。阅读能力提高后,就可以阅读各种英文出版物,获取必要的信息。 阅读理解测试是检查通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确性,也要求一定的速度。阅读理解测试在水平测试及英语竞赛中所占的比重都比较大,分值很高。 阅读理解试题的选材范围广泛,涉及到自然科学、社会科学、天文、地理、教育、科技、民俗民风等各方面;从体裁上讲,议论文和说明文都占有相当的比例,这就需要不但具有相当的语言水平,而且要求广博的知识面和熟练的阅读技能。 英语阅读理解测试主要考查以下技能:1预测技能;2

2、获得特定信息的技能;3获得具体印象的技能;4推测作者态度和倾向性的技能;5根据上下文推断词义的技能;6识别文章中关联词语功能的技能。 阅读理解是一个获取信息的积极思维过程。阅读是透过文字表面,利用个人判断能力、常识及语言知识对文章内容不断分析、处理,最终达到弄懂文章所传达意思的过程。因此,阅读理解测试通常要求掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节,能够既理解其字面含义,又可以根据所读材料进行判断和推理,既明白个别句子的意思,又知道上下文的逻辑关系。许多高难度阅读理解测试还要求既理解句子含义,又懂得上下文的逻辑关系,领悟其隐含意思,既能够了解事实与细节,掌握主旨大意,又能够就文

3、章内容进行判断、推理,领会作者的观点和态度。 大学英语竞赛试题中的阅读理解测试题有时带有图表,试题涉及的词汇量增加,篇章难度加大,句子结构交错重叠,长句多,分隔修饰语多,语义含蓄曲折,阅读速度也要求相应提高。该类试题强调对原文结构与信息的分析与把握,有时需要仔细观察图表并借助于正确的阅读技巧,提高应试能力。 提高英语阅读能力需要具备以下素质:1牢固的语法知识和丰富的词汇量;2开阔的文化背景知识;3熟练掌握各种阅读技巧。众所周知,扎实的语法和丰富的词汇是提高阅读速度和理解能力的基础和必备条件,广阔的文化背景知识是促进理解内容的重要因素。掌握不同的阅读技巧会使阅读过程得心应手,提高解题速度和正确率

4、。 二、阅读理解中的障碍突破阅读理解中的障碍突破是指在阅读过程中利用快速阅读的方法,尽快地理解内容,抓住重点的技巧。在各种题材和体裁的文章中,有些篇章或句子特别难懂,掌握一定的技巧,突破阅读中的障碍,就会起到事半功倍的作用。阅读理解中的障碍突破有利于在较短时间内判断文章的重点和关键词,从而决定哪些应该细读,哪些可以忽略过去,从而提高阅读速度,防止浪费时间。 提高阅读速度和效率,阅读理解中的障碍突破是成功的关键。运用预测技能,可以边读边了解原文的篇章结构和作者思路,把握具体细节,依据获得的信息进行推理、判断和引申,结合语境识别词语功能,巧推词义,领会作者的态度和倾向性。 实践证明,以下技巧有助于

5、提高阅读速度和效率,实现阅读理解中的障碍突破。 1整体阅读整体阅读是以意群为单位进行阅读。句子的阅读实际上是从一个意群跳到另一个意群。从划分的意群来看,英语句子中各单词的重要性并不一样,它们中有的是关键词,有的是结构信号,还有的只传达辅助信息。如果将这些辅助词、结构信号省去,原句的主要意思不会受很大影响。在了解英语句子结构的规律后,阅读时可以大胆抛开某些结构词或冠词、系词、连词等,对于起辅助作用的词,如:形容词、副词等可以稍加领会,重点是要抓住一些关键实词,如:动词、名词等。这样做不仅能使阅读速度加快,而且有助于理解。这样,阅读时就能克服“精耕细作”、逐字逐句的阅读方式,扩大视野,抓住关键词,

6、培养以意群为单位进行思维的良好习惯。例: (为了方便叙述,以下英文实例中的符号均为笔者所注) (Some)books(are to be)tasted,others(to be)swallowed(and some)few(to be)chewed(and)digested 2抓主要环节进行阅读理解时,应将细读、略读巧妙结合,恰当地调整阅读速度,把注意力集中在关键词句和段落上。文章中的章节或句子有的需要反复看几遍,有的则可以一带而过。要考查作者的推理过程,应首先学会把握主题句。“抓主要环节”是指抓关键词,抓主题句。如果在阅读时习惯于停留在句子水平上,靠语法分析理解句子,缺乏按段落阅读、分析寻找

7、中心意思的技能,就可能失误率较高。尤其是在遇到主旨题、结论题时,解答时很难得心应手。实践证明,在阅读过程中只要抓住句中的关键词、段中的关键句、文中的重要段落,许多问题就会迎刃而解。这样做,思路清晰,脉络分明,即使遇到个别生词、难词,大多也能够触类旁通,答题的正确率会自然提高。例: (主题句)A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States as settlement spread even farther westwardThe early trains were imp

8、ractical curiosities,and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problemsThe most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load,and the development of a safe,effective stopping systemOnce these were solved,the railroad was established as the best me

9、ans of land transportationBy 1860 there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the M ississippiThere were also regional southern and western lines (主题句)The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontine

10、ntal systemIn 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point,so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the PacificThe government helped the railroads generously with

11、money and landActual work on this project began four years laterThe Central Pacific Company,starting from California,used Chinese labor,while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish LaborersThe two groups worked at remarkable speed,each trying to cover a greater distance than the otherIn 1869 they

12、 met at a place called Promontory in what is now the state of UtahMany visitors came there for the great occasionThere were joyous celebrations all over the country,with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement The railroad was very important in encouraging westward mov

13、ementIt also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets(主题句) In linking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States 1The major problems with Americas railroad system in the mid-19th century lay in6 _/ $ m

14、7 r/ F g0 e+ _ A)poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systemsB)lack of financial support for developmentC)limited railroad linesD)lack of a transcontinental railroad2The building of the first transcontinental system A)brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the westB)attracted

15、many visitors to the construction sitesC)attracted laborers from EuropeD)encourage people to travel all over the country3The best title for this passage would be! R: y _ g6 ? A)Settlements Spread WestwardB)The Coast-to-Coast Railroad:A Vital LinkC)American Railroad HistoryD)The Importance of Railroa

16、ds in the American Economy4The construction of the transcontinental railroad took& s, 9 X5 X0 m6 b A)9 years B)7 years C)4 years D)3 years5What most likely made people think about a transcontinental railroad? A)The possibility of government support for such a task B)The need to explore Utah C)The ne

17、ed to connect the east coast with the west D)The need to develop the railroad industry in the west 答案:1A)2A)3B)4D)5C) 分析:该题主要内容是long-distance transportation in USA。其中关键词与重要信息包括:各段主题句:第一、二段第一句,第三段最后一句(与第五题答案有关);“the development of a safe,effective stopping system”(与第一题答案有关);“encouraging westward move

18、ment”(与第二题答案有关)。“In 1862 Congress authorized Actual work began four years later”“In 1869they met at a place called Promontory”(the year 186241866,186918663years与第四题答案有关)。“it helped unify the United States”(与第五题答案有关)。3用不同技巧为了提高阅读速度,应学会运用略读法,通篇浏览,了解大意,领会文章的主要内容,必要时还可以采用寻读法,有目的地寻找文章的重要信息。在遇到but,however

19、等转折词时,下句的意思肯定与上句相反,可稍加留意;当so,therefore等连词出现时,这就意味着段落的中心句可能落在此处,需要特别留意其中的关键词和主要信息。当遇到上下句子之间有and,or等表示顺延意思的连词时,可以一带而过。在阅读问题和选择项时,应该仔细品味各项的含义、它们之间的意思差别以及它们与原文中相关句子或段落意义的异同。有时候,这些差别是细微的。然而,通过仔细对比是可以分辨出来的,那个与所提问题内容针对性较强的选择项往往就是正确答案。例: Magnetic levitation vehicles,or maglev vehicles,will play an important

20、 role in the future of transportation,according to a report by Argonne National LaboratoriesBut before maglev vehicles can become a commercial success,the report says,people need to stop thinking of them as high-speed trainsInstead,consider them low-flying aircraft Argonne contends that maglev will

21、be best suited to replace commuter aircraftPlane flights under 600 miles are the least energy-efficient,and maglev“planes“should cut these fuel needs by up to 75 percent Therefore,the next decade could see commuters speeding to work at about 300 miles per hour aboard magnetic levitation vehicles 1Ar

22、gonne believes that people should regard maglev transportation as! X* 4 T0 Z+ x( s A)safe,efficient,high-speed trainsB)the most exciting form of transportation for the futureC)a kind of aircraftD)the most economical form of transportation2Why could maglev trains replace short-flight commuter aircraf

23、t? A)Maglev trains are faster B)Maglev trains are cheaper C)Maglev trains are more fuel-efficient D)Maglev trains are safer 3According to the passage,when could people start using a maglev commercially? A)In 5 yearsB)In 10 years C)In 20 yearsD)In more than 5 years 4What is the best title for this pa

24、ssage? A)The Future of TransportationB)Argonne Develops Maglev TrainC)The Disadvantages of Commuting by AirplaneD)Commuting in the Future答案:1C)2C)3B)4D) 分析:该试题讲的是磁悬浮列车。第二句的But表示转折。紧接在Instead句中,人们将maglev transportation看成是一种交通工具,与第一题答案吻合。原文第五句说明了为什么maglev trains能替代飞机,涉及第二题答案C)。最后Therefore后面的句子涉及到第三、四题答案。


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