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1、PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 (A) Lets learn 教学设计一、教学目标1、知识目标能够听、说、认读living room, study, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom;能相互交流自己家庭居室的情况。2、技能目标(1)能在日常生活中运用所学词汇描述自己的家,结合所学的语言描述各个房间的名称、特征。(2)能够听懂并能发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room, watch TV.Go to the study, read a book.Go to the kitchen, have a snack.Go to the bathroom,

2、take a shower.Go to the bedroom, have a sleep.3、情感目标(1)激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,以及热爱家庭的美好情感。(2)了解西方国家的房屋结构及各部分的名称。二、教学重点和难点教学重点:让学生在呈现、操练、输出及复习巩固的各项活动中听、说、认读新词汇。教学难点:正确掌握单词bathroom, kitchen的发音。三、学生分析本课时的教学对象是四年级的学生,该班有六十多名学生,学生在此之前接触过一一些简单的英语句型,能运用语言与老师、同学进行简单的交流和表达,但灵活自如的表达、交流的话还是有难度。不过这个班的学生有着显著的特点:孩子们思想活跃,对英

3、语充满好奇心和学习热情,喜欢自我挑战和自我表现;又由于孩子们好玩爱动,在课堂上的注意力时间短暂,因此,在教学中,我设计了生动活泼,形式多样的活动来吸引他们的注意力。四、教学过程(一)、Warm-up1、师生对话:T:Hello! Boys and girls! Whats this?Ss: This is our classroom.T: What can you see in the classroom?Ss: I can see?T: what can you do in the classroom?S1S2S3:?(利用肢体语言提示,鼓励学生用说学语言说说:在教室你能做些什么?)T:Ye

4、ah, our classroom is so big, so clean and so beautiful.(复习所学句型,为新授知识做好铺垫。2、 Letenjoy a song “in the bed room”(轻松愉快的歌曲能激发学生的学习兴趣,即活跃课堂气氛,又自然过渡到本课话题。)(二)、PresentationT:Today, I will show you to my home. Go, go ,go to my home? Now please look at the screen(看屏幕) look, this is my home, how many rooms can

5、 you see? what can you see in the rooms?1、呈现studyT: boys and girls, look at the screen. (让学生观看屏幕,试着跟读后)出示单词图卡介绍This is my study(同时反复采用升降调领读单词,学生跟读、分组读。)T: Lets go to the study, OK?(提问) what can you see in the study?S: I can see a ?in the study.T: What can you do in the study?(利用肢体提示)并边说边做动作 “I can r

6、ead a book in the study.”带领学生边说边做读书动作 “go to the study, read a book(读书).”Ss:(学生起立跟着教师边说边做)2、呈现bedroomT: 继续看屏幕,一边听一边试着模仿跟读,然后出示单词图卡bedroom领读。 Ss:学生跟读。(以小组为单位,进行“开火车”认读)T: (做出一副很累的样子)问:Where can I sleep? (鼓励学生用汉语说) Ss: “在床上”T: Yes, I can sleep in the bed, Where is the bed? (提示学生用“ Its ?”来回答)Ss;Its in

7、the bedroom(强调bedroom的发音)T: (做出一副躺在床上看书的样子)问:Can we read books in bed?Ss: No.(培养学生良好的读书习惯,并为下一活动做铺垫。)T: OK, Look, what can you see in the bedroom? (培养学生的观察力和语言表达能力。)S1: I can see a?T: Lets go to the bedroom and have a rest. 边走边说“去卧室睡觉”的动作,read after me “go to the bedroom, have a nap(睡觉).”Ss:(学生跟着教师边

8、说边做)3、点击课件,呈现kitchenT:继续看屏幕,一边听一边试着模仿跟读,然后出示单词卡kitchen领读。 Ss: Say with me, read it together,group by group and one by one.4. 点击课件,呈现bathroom,living room T:继续看屏幕,一边听一边试着模仿跟读,然后出示单词卡bathroom living roomSs:Say with me, read it together,group by group and one by one(3) 、Practice1、1、看图介绍各5个房间单词:今天我们知道了一些

9、常见房间名称,如:living room, study, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. 那么,西方人居住得房子又是怎么样的呢?我们一起去看一看吧!(打开书55页)Wheres Amy? Is she in the study/living room/bedroom/bathroom? Yes ,she is./No,she isnt.巩固所学单词。2、Lets play games猜单词:教师做嘴型说单词,不发出声音,看谁猜得又快又准,3. look tick or cross4. 学生认真观察图片,然后阅读所给句子,判断正误5、 Lets do after the teacher6、 letS chant 老师吟唱,学生仔细聆听。跟唱几遍,学生一起吟唱,小组吟唱,个人吟唱。(四)、Homework 1.Copy the words 2Describe your home


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