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1、 Unit9 Look at these beautiful places in the world.教学目标:1. The new words :the Eiffel tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, travel, the Great Wall, Big Ben, places of interest2. the phrases:I went to ”I saw ”I enjoyed”“I want to”3. The expressions of talking about the journeys.重点、难点1. The new words and sent

2、ence structures. 2. The expressions of talking about the journeys.教具Electronic white board ,world map,pictures,cards.学具A piece of travel photosStep1 Warming up1. GreetingT:Good morning. Nice to meet you .Im Miss Xu . (单独和两个学生打招呼,第三个学生打招呼时邀请拍照。)T:Hello. Whats your name ? S:My name is XXX.T:Nice to me

3、et you ,XXX.(握手)Can I take pictures with you ? (合影一张)One more .(再照一张,故作陶醉欣赏照片)Thank you ,pretty girl /boy. I want to take pictures with you .(板书take pictures并带读两遍)OK! Lets take pictures together.(全班合影一张)Thank you .Im so happy to take pictures with you .2. Free talk:T:Summer vacation is coming . I wa

4、nt to travel to Brazil . (拿出巴西版图,贴在黑板上)Do you know Brazil ? Yes ,巴西. Brazil is a country with a passion.(出示跳桑巴舞的图片和足球图片)They are crazy for football . And Brazil will hold the Olympic Games .(课件出示巴西奥运会标志)Many countries will join the Olympic Games . What countries do you know ?(Stick countriespictures

5、 on the blackboard)Step 2 Presentation and drillTalk about the sports star and learn new words.T:You did a good job .Im proud of you . Every country has many sports stars .Just like him . (课件出示杨威照片)Do you know him?Yes, he is Yang Wei .He is a winner of the Olympic Games . He is a sports star . (出示杨威

6、参加奥运会的照片) Do you know others sports star ?(让学生介绍自己知道的体育明星,讲到相应的运动员学习新单词,学习顺序可根据实际情况调整)1.the Golden Gate BridgeT:Oh ,Kobe.I know him .He is from the USA. Look, he is coming . (出示科比及国旗、名胜图片) (播放录音Hello,everyone.Im Kobe . Im from the USA. Welcome to my country .The Golden Gate Bridge is interesting .)T

7、:Look,This is a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge .(学习the Golden Gate Bridge)Its long .And its over the sea . 2. travel to London, Big BenT:Oh, Beckham , David Beckham .He is a football star . He lives in London.(学习London)I want to travel to London .(板书travel to London) I want to travel to London .

8、I want to see Big Ben .This is a picture of Big Ben .(学习 Big Ben)3. the Eiffel TowerT:Oh, Zidane. He is a sports star in France . I like Zidane .I like France . (课件出示齐达内+国旗+名胜)This is a place of interest in France.Do you know it ? (学习the Eiffel Tower) 4.the Great WallT:Look , Where is Yang Wei ?Yes

9、, he is walking on the Great Wall .(课件出示句子并学习the Great Wall)Step3.PracticeTalk about Yang Weis journey T:The places are beautiful. Yang Wei is talking about his journey.(展示杨威接受采访的照片)T:Did you went to the Great Wall ? What did you see in the Great Wall? Did you enjoyed on the Great Wall ?Look , he we

10、nt to the USA.He saw the Golden Gate Bridge .He enjoyed walking on he Golden Gate Bridge .Now, lets share her journey .(Play the video And fill in the blanks)(出示杨威旅游图片,组内讨论杨威的旅行)I went to _. I saw _ .I enjoyed _ .Step 4 Consolidation1. Lets writeT:Yang Wei likes traveling and I likes traveling too.

11、I went to Tailand last summer.I saw the Grand Palace .I enjoyed eating foods . I enjoyed walking on the beach. I enjoyed taking pictures.And I want to travel to London .I want to travel to the Eiffel tower . I want to travel to all the beautiful places in the world . How about your journey ? Where d

12、o you want to go in the future ? Talk in your group and write it down , please .T helps Ss to say sth about their wishes of future travelling. Using “I want to travel to“Ss try to write a short passage about their journeys. Give them some phrases: take pictures,,go to the beach, take a walk,play games,climb mountains,eat delicious food,swim in the sea, play in the park,have a picnic,go shopping2. Homework: 1.Copy the words . 2.Review part A.


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