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1、有关冬天的英语诗歌欣赏【篇一】相关冬天的英语诗歌欣赏Let the sun shine in 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?during winter to savour its lovingness.Its radiance thaws the heartand invigorates you with compassion.Like gentle tendrils solar rayscuddle up the slender trunk, mending where it is sore.Its warmth curls your hair more,darkening it and reki

2、ndling youthful lore.Outdoors it melts the frostthat slowly encroaches like moss,chilling your conscious mind.Let the sun shine in and reflect back to the frost.Let not the sun shine in during summer timewhen it is too hot to mime.So scalding itd numb your soul,just keep the shutters down to block i

3、ts tentacles.Let the sun shine in spring and fall,as it brightens the days you recall.Drive away the rain and fog,which are too much to be at odds.May the sun always rise on Golden Pond,and bring reflections on the water that meanders.Punting on the way singing an evensong,for sure I will hear it wh

4、en you come on board.【篇二】相关冬天的英语诗歌欣赏江雪柳宗元Jiang Xue - Liu Zongyuan -千山鸟飞绝,A hundred mountains and no bird,万径人踪灭。A thousand paths without a footprint;孤舟蓑笠翁,Boat and Li weng,独钓寒江雪。An old man fishing in the cold River-Snow.梅花王安石Plum blossom - Wang Anshi墙角数枝梅,Corner a few sticks of plum,凌寒独自开。Ling Han wa

5、s open.遥知不是雪The remote knowledge is not a snow为有暗香来For the subtle fragrance to描写冬天的诗Desc ription of winter poem逢雪宿芙蓉山主人江雪When snow hill master Jiang Xue Su Furong刘长卿柳宗元Liu Changqing Liu Zongyuan日暮苍山远,千山鸟飞绝,Higurashi Cangshan far, Qianshan bird,天寒白屋贫。万径人踪灭。The cold white house the poor. A thousand pa

6、ths without a footprint;柴门闻犬吠,孤舟蓑笠翁,Chapman hears a Yip, boat and Li weng,风雪夜归人。独钓寒江雪。Return on a snowy night. An old man fishing in the cold River-Snow.雨雪瀌瀌,见晛曰消Rain and snow Biao Biao, see Xian said.【篇三】相关冬天的英语诗歌欣赏Winterby William ShakespeareWhen icicles hang by the wallAnd Dick the shepherd blows

7、 his nailAnd Tom bears logs into the hall,And milk comes frozen home in pail,When blood is nipped and ways be foul,Then nightly sings the staring owl,Tu-who;Tu-whit, Tu-who: a merry note,While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.When all aloud the wind doth blow,And coughing drowns the parsons saw,And bir

8、ds sit brooding in the snow,And Marians nose looks red and raw,When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,Then nightly sings the staring owl,Tu-who;Tu-whit, Tu-who: a merry note,While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.冬之歌冰柱条条悬挂在岩梢牧羊人老李吹着他的手爪,老唐把木柴抱进了厅堂,送来的牛奶冻在路上:手足有冻疮,路又不像样,枭鸟鼓着眼睛,夜:在唱荒唐!荒唐,荒唐!调子倒满响亮!正在搅拌沙锅,那油垢的蒋。寒风四处吹个不停,咳嗽声淹没了牧师的讲经,众鸟栖息在雪地里的巢,玛良的鼻子冻成朵红海椒;酸林檎在钵子里啾啾地响,枭鸟鼓着眼睛,夜:在唱荒唐!荒唐,荒唐!调子倒满响亮!正在搅拌沙锅,那油垢的酱。


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