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1、教学设计学校:濮阳市油田第十二中学 版本: 鲁教版教师李寒叶年级六年级科目英语授课时间2015.4.课题Can you play the guitar?课时安排5第1课时授课类型新授课一、学情分析学生通过半年多的学习,掌握了英语句子的基础知识,能够就一些话题进行简单的讨论。大部分学生的求知欲比较强,学习风气好,表现欲强,上课气氛比较活跃。但是有些学生由于基础较差或者不善于表达,在班上仍然较为被动。二、教材分析本单元的中心话题是谈论自己或他人在某一方面所具备的才能。谈论自己或他人的喜好和意愿;成立自己喜爱的各种俱乐部并制作海报。第一课时主要认识和学习各种表达能力的动词或短语,小组通过I want

2、 to join the club.和 Can you?的句型来了解同学或朋友在某一方面的能力。三、教学目标设计1、认知目标 :重点词汇:dance, swim, swimmer, sing, play chess, play the guitar, paint, speak Japanese, art, music, guitar, drums, piano, trumpet, violin, etc.2、语言目标 (Language structure )Modal verb can: Yes/No question and short answers. Can you /he /she

3、play the guitar? Yes, I/he/she can. No, I/he/she cant. Affirmative and negative statements. I/He/She cant play the trumpet. What questions: What can you/he/she do?3、能力目标 (Talk about abilities.)、能运用情态动词的一般现在时的各种人称表述自己或他人在某一方面的能力。、能在日常生活中适当运用此句型。4、交际目标通过学习本单元的内容,使学生了解到自己的特长和特点,同时关注他人的特长和特点。5、素养目标(情感态度

4、)知道每一个人都是有所能而同时又是有所不能的。实现心理的健康和平衡。对自己将要着手去做的事情做到心中有数。对自己的能力充满自信。对于他人的才能则要持客观和欣赏的态度。从而可以实现自我的快乐成长。也可以和周围的人建立和谐融洽的关系。四、教学重点难点教学重点1、掌握理解情态动词can的肯定、否定句;can引导的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及肯、否定回答。2、 学习不同的表能力的动词或短语及其展示能力的地点;注意play the guitar ( violin , piano , drum , etc ) 与 play basketball ( football , volleyball , chess

5、, etc ) 的区别。教学难点1、理解IYouHeSheItWeThey can及IYouHeSheItWeThey cant ect . 2、 理解和掌握:What club do you want to join? What can you do? May I know your name? Can you help kids with swimming?等问句及其应答语。3、实现交际目标和素养目标五、教学方法情景教学法:、任务教学法:六、教学媒体多媒体教室 PPT课件七、教学策略设计通过任务型学习模式,在多媒体的环境下,能够联系实际生活,建立真实的语言环境,引发自身兴趣,循序渐进展开学

6、习。八、教学过程设计教师行为学生学习活动设计意图预习检测,了解学情一.短语:见导学案二根据中文完成英文句子:见导学案学生独立完成预习检测中的习题。检查学生的预习情况,了解学情,教学中才能做到有的放矢。创设情境,激趣导入Step 1 Pre-taskLead-in: show a picture of playing the guitar . Ask the students : They can play the guitar . Is it right ? The students answer “Yes”. Then the teacher asks them : Can you play

7、 the guitar ? In order to lead in the title. 学生能通过教师呈现的实物和图片更直观的学习到关于乐器方面的表达和目标语言,学生通过大声朗读和瞬时记忆来熟悉目标语言。激起学生学习本节课的兴趣,并为学生学习本节课创造一个轻松的学习环境。学习新知,整体呈现Step 2 While-tasks Task 1 Learning new wordsLearn these words: dance , swim , sing , play chess , paint , speak English , play the guitar , etc.Task2 Maki

8、ng sentencesThe teacher makes a model . Let the students make own sentences according to the pictures .Model:T:(Point to Picture 1)Can Lucy dance ? Yes , she can . She is dancing now .S:(Point to Picture 2)Can Jack swim ? Yes , he can . He is swimming now .(Point to Picture 3)Can they paint ? Yes ,

9、they can . They are painting now .(Point to Picture 4)Can he sing ? Yes , he can . He is singing now .(Point to Picture 5) Can they play chess ? Yes , they can . They are playing chess now .Task 3 Do Section A 1a.1a : Match the words with the people . First let the students look at the pictures care

10、fully , then ask the students to match club activity in the picture with a word from the list . Finally , check the answers with the students together .Task 4 Listening1.Listen to the tape, and do the work 1b .The first time, only listen .2.The second time , write down the numbers(1-3) .Check the an

11、swers.3.Ask two students to read , then ask another student to repeat what they said . The student must close his or her book .1. 完成教材上本节课中的1a布置的任务并从中学习新单词。能根据教师所示范的目标语言加以模仿并能实时回答。2.认真完成教材上的听力练习。1.学习新单词,模仿教师和磁带里的语音语调,为下面的深度学习,打下基础。2. 通过学生简单的看图造句,强化学生的英语思维,进一步巩固生词,为下一步做1a打好基础.3.根据不同类型的人所展示的不同才能做1a配对练

12、习,培养了学生的观察, 思维能力.学生眼,耳,脑并用,激发了学习潜能。4. 通过该活动,不仅锻炼了听力,而且让学生读对话的时候,其它的学生也带着问题去认真听,避免学生上课走神。协作交流,知识内化Task 5 Pair work1. Call two students, and ask the questions like these.T : Can you sing ? S : Yes , I can .T : What kind of clubs do you want to join ?S : I want to join the music club .( Then the teache

13、r asks another student )T : Can he/she sing ?S : Yes , he/she can .T : What kind of clubs does he/she want to join ?S : He/She wants to join the music club .2. Give the students three minutes to practice the conversations and make their own conversations , then let some pairs to act it out in the fr

14、ont.1.学生与其搭档在教师提供的对话模式为主体的情况下进行进行自由对话。2.学生能熟练的用英语来表达一个小男孩在某个时间的某个行为。3.使学生熟悉目标语言,并在运用的过程中提高自己的交际技能。4.将所学语音能运用在生活中。5. 两人一组的活动强化训练句型,把课本的句型变成学生自己的语言,为下一步的小组活动打下基础。综合运用,解疑释惑NameClubs want to joinCan or CantLiu Yumengmusic clubplay the pianoTask 6 Group work: Make a survey in groupsGive the students a mo

15、del , ask them to make conversations like this : A : What club do you want to join ? B : I want to join the music club . A : Can you play the piano ? B : No , I cant . Thats why I want to join the music club . Everyone should fill in the form , then the team leader reports it to the class. After tha

16、t,the teacher make a conclusion:T: Im very glad to know all your abilities . I think if you want to do something well , believe you must do it well . Lets try our best to do everything well . 1.学生认真练习对话中内容,并在练习中分配好角色。2.学生能认真倾听教师对重难点的讲解,并能模仿教师对短语进行举例。6.使学生更好的理解目标语言及使学生所学知识能内化,并在完成任务的过程中培养合作意识。小组活动需要小

17、组成员人人发言,每人都要自己写单词,而不是让组长代劳,体现了面向全体学生的指导思想,小组成员共同完成调查表,体现了新课标的合作学习的过程,也为下一节课的活动(建立自己的俱乐部制作海报)埋下伏笔。学习检测,当堂反馈学习检测:见导学案学生独立完成教师所设计的练习。对本节课所学进行反馈,巩固本节课所学内容。总结归纳,作业布置Step 3 After-tasks 1.Summary :Ask the Ss to say what they have learned in this lesson2、Homework: Write something about what you can do, and

18、what club do you want to join.让学生对本节课做个总结,并清楚作业项目及内容。1.通过归纳总结,培养学生良好的学习习惯。2.巩固本节课所学内容。板书设计Unit 3 Can you play the guitar ?dance Can you sing ?sing Yes , I can . / No , I cant swim What club do you want to join ?paint I want to join the music club .the music clubthe art clubthe sports clubthe chess c

19、lubEnglish clubspeak English/Japaneseplay the guitar/piano/violinplay basketball/football/volleyball课后反思通过感知新教材理解灵活运用这三个主要步骤来突破教材的重难点。在教学开始我用图片、录音,视频等多种媒介,使学生在多种感官的刺激下实现对知识的体验和实践,课堂充满“乐”感,让学生感悟知识的价值,使学习变得有趣。最后在真实的生活情境中达到运用语言的能力。学生是演员,我是导演。而且每一个课堂的设计都面向一切学生,以学生的全面发展为中心,使课堂成为师生互动的课堂。对教学设计初稿的修改点初稿修改稿1、 教学方法有些单调、乏味。2、 教学过程有点繁琐。1、 教学方法细化,教学策略具体呈现。2、 发现上课时间不够用,减少了几个环节。


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