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1、 中国经济发展需要良好环境在上世纪90年代中期以前,只有专家才意识到在中国不断恶化的环境问题与经济发展之间的关系。而政府部门并没有充分关注经济发展所带来的生态问题。社会大众亦没有察觉到生态环境是生产力的一个根本因素。直到1998年,长江流域突发洪灾,政府高层官员才强烈意识到生态保护的重要性。因此,政府出台环境保护相关政策,例如退耕还林还草。然而,生态恶化的程度远远高于这次长江洪灾。高速发展的中国经济正面临着“新经济结构危机”,即严重缺乏相关于生产力的生态资源及必要因素。以出口为例,中国制造的商品在国际市场价格低廉,然而最大程度上来说,低廉的价格是以牺牲环境为代价的。在当今的生态环境下,进一步的


3、须大力提高提高资源利用率,加大资源循环,加强废品的回收利用,来实现经济快速发展,同时不增加甚至减少原始资源的消耗,不增加甚至减少污染排放,不破坏甚至保护自然环境。这些就是循环经济的技术性特征。毫无疑问发展循环经济是一项基本的方法,来解决快速的经济增长和不断恶化的环境之间的矛盾。它也是唯一合理的方法来避免在经济发展中的生态泡沫和新经济结构危机。经济发展需要良好的环境,经济增长与环境优化并存才是人类文明进步的标志。No Growth Without Fit EnvironmentPrior to the mid-1990s, only specialists in China were aware

4、 of the relationship between the deteriorating environment and economic growth. Government departments failed to pay enough attention to the ecological issue brought about by economic development. The public also had no sense of seeing the ecological environment as an essential factor of production.

5、 Only in 1998 when flood disasters occurred in the Yangtze River Valley, did top government officials have a stronger sense of the need for ecological protection. Thereafter, policies concerning environmental protection were formulated, such as restoring cultivated land to forests and grassland. How

6、ever, the degree of the ecological deterioration is far beyond that of the Yangtze River flood.The rapid growth of the Chinese economy is facing a “new structural crisis” that is highly short of ecological resources and essential factors for production. Taking exports for example, the price of Chine

7、se-made commodities is very low in international markets, but the low price, to a great extent, is at the cost of sacrificing the environment. Under the current ecological situation, further economic growth must be oriented toward large-scale “production” of essential factors to protect the ecologic

8、al environment. This means that we must make up for the huge damage caused to the environment in the past several decades, and eliminate economic bubbles caused by its overuse.In regard to technology, the serious ecological problem stems from three aspects: The fast growth of resources consumption;

9、low efficiency of resources utilization; and low rate of resource recycle.In regard to resource consumption, Chinas growth rate of consumption is surprising. For example, the countrys steel consumption in 1983 was 30 million tons, but soared to 250 million tons in 2003, up eight-fold in 20 years, or

10、 accounting for 40 percent of the worlds total consumption volume. The cement consumption is about 800 million tons, a rise of eight-fold over 1983, or making up 50 percent of the worlds total. Power consumption has exceeded Japan, ranking second in the world to the United States. The future sees Ch

11、inas industrial structure remaining in a stage with heavy and chemical industries as the mainstay, and high energy consuming and high polluting industries continuing to dominate.Therefore, China must energetically raise its resource utilization rate, improve the recycling of resources, stress reproc

12、essing and use of waste products, so as to realize rapid growth of its economy while not increasing or even reducing the consumption of primitive resources, not increasing or even reducing pollutant discharge and not damaging or even restoring the environment. These are the technical features of a c

13、ycle economy.No doubt developing a cycle economy is a fundamental way to solve the contradiction between rapid economic growth and the increasingly deteriorated environment. It is the only logical way to eliminate the ecological bubbles and new structural crisis in the economic growth. Economic growth needs fit environment. Only the coexistence of rapid economic growth and continuing upgrading environment is the symbol of progress of human civilization.


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