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1、英语教育硕士论文(汇总6篇)英语教育硕士论文(汇总6篇)之第一篇:具身认知理论在英语听说教学中的应用摘 要我国的中等职业教育(以下简称中职)在我国教育体系中占据着重要地位,然而中职的英语教育却在一定程度上制约了其发展。许多中职学生在学习英语时缺乏动力,英语底子薄弱,不懂运用高效的学习策略,而且英语教材、教法质量良莠不齐。因此,探索一条既符合中等职业英语中职英语听说教学要求,又能激发学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,进而有效提高其英语学习能力的教学方法势在必行。作为一种新的认知理论,具身认知被称为第二代认知科学;。具身认知理论挑战了传统的认知科学,重新定义了认知,身体和环境之间的关系,并认识到身体在


3、体教学策略。此外,笔者还运用实验法对汉中市汉中职业技术学院的两个条件相当的班级进行实验,并将所得数据进行显着性检验,来验证具身化教学的可应用性。实验结果证明,将具身性教学应用于中职英语课堂上可显着提高中职学生的词汇成绩,口语成绩和听力成绩,尤其是优等生的成绩提升最大。除此之外,具身化英语教学使中职学生的学习热情有较大提高。由此可见,将具身认知理论引入中职英语听说教学具有一定的可行性。运用恰当的英语具身教学策略能在一定程度上解决中职英语听说教学面临的问题。关键词:具身认知,具身学习,英语教学,中等职业教育ABSTRACTChina’s secondary vocational edu

4、cation (hereinafter referred to as the secondaryvocational school) occupies an important position in China’s education system However,English education in secondary vocational schools has restricted its development to someextent Many secondary vocational students who lack motivation in learnin

5、g English, having aweak English foundation, and do not get efficient learning strategies Besides the quality ofEnglish textbooks and teaching methods are not qualified Therefore, it is imperative toexplore a teaching method that not only meets the requirements of secondary vocationalEnglish, but als

6、o stimulates students’ enthusiasm and initiative in learning English, and thuseffectively improves their English learning ability Embodied cognition is called secondgeneration cognitive science; when it was raised The cognitive theory of cognitionchallenges traditional cognitive science, redef

7、ining the relationship between cognition, bodyand environment, and recognizing the role of the body in language cognition It has become ahot topic in foreign countries to apply the cognitive theory to the English teaching andteaching theory and practice of secondary vocational schools However, the d

8、omestic researchon the application of embodied cognition in educational research is still in the initial stage ofexploration Therefore, the author tried to explore how the embodied cognitive theory can beapplied to English teaching in secondary vocational schools, and provides a new perspectivefor E

9、nglish teachingin secondary vocational schools The author uses the literature review method to sort outrelevant researches on cognition and teaching at home and abroad, and applied thequestionnaire survey method to conduct a field survey of three secondary vocational collegesin Hanzhong City, Shaanx

10、i Province According to the data got from the questionnaire,combining with the research on embodied cognition and teaching at home and abroad, theauthor attempts to apply the embodied cognition to the teaching design of secondaryvocational English, including the teaching principle, teaching environm

11、ent, teaching contentand teaching design for secondary vocational schools Besides , specific teaching strategiesare derived In addition, the author also uses the experimental method to test the two classes of Hanzhong Vocational and Technical College in Hanzhong City to verify the applicability ofth

12、e embodied teachingAfter the experiment, the author uses Significance Test to analyze theresults The experimental results prove that applying the physical teaching to the vocationalEnglish class can significantly improve the vocabulary scores, oral scores and listening scoresof the secondary vocatio

13、nal students,especially for the excellent students In addition, theteaching of embodied English can also stimulate the enthusiasm of English students insecondary vocational schools After the experiment, the students in the experimental grouphave significantly improved their enthusiasm and initiative

14、 in English learning It can be seenthat it is feasible to introduce the embodied cognition theory into the English teaching ofsecondary vocational schools Applying proper English teaching strategies and methods cansolve the problems faced by English teaching in secondary vocational schools to a cert

15、ainextentKeywords: embodied cognition,embodied learning,English teaching,Secondary vocational education目 录第 1 章 绪论1.1 研究背景中等职业教育(以下简称中职教育;)在我国教育中占据着较为重要的位置。在现代职业教育体系建设规划(20142020 年)的建设目标中,到 2020 年,我国对职业教育建设的目标是基本建成中国特色现代职业教育体系。在 2020 年,我国中职教育在校生数也将达到 2350 万人,中职教育其重要性越发突出。中职教育的改革正在如火如荼地进行着,而其英语教学改革也随



18、被挖掘出来,而具身认知理论在一定程度上能满足中职学生学习的特性。因此,本文笔者尝试从具身认知理论出发,尝试探讨具身认知在中职英语听说教学的应用,发掘具身认知在中职教育中的应用价值,也为中职英语听说教学提供一种新视角。1.2 研究目的1.3 研究内容1.3.1 研究对象1.3.2 研究问题1.4 研究方法1.4.1 文献研究法1.4.2 问卷调查法1.4.3 实验法1.5 研究意义1.5.1 理论意义1.5.2 实践意义1.6 论文框架第 2 章 文献综述2.1 国外具身认知研究现状2.1.1 具身认知与教育社会学研究2.1.2 具身认知与教师教育研究2.1.3 具身认知与学习活动研究2.1.4

19、 具身认知与教学模式研究2.1.5 具身认知与课程教学研究2.2 国内具身认知研究现状2.2.1 具身认知与外语教学研究2.2.2 具身认知与教学设计研究2.2.3 具身认知与教学观研究2.2.4 具身认知与中职教育研究2.3 国内外研究的启示第 3 章 理论基础3.1 具身认知理论3.2 具身认知五大研究领域3.2.1 具身认知与视觉意识3.2.2 具身认知与概念构建3.2.3 具身认知与记忆加工3.2.4 具身认知与镜像神经元3.2.5 具身认知与情感倾向3.3 具身效应3.3.1 情绪的具身性3.3.2 抽象概念的具身性3.3.3 意志态度的具身性第 4 章 研究设计4.1 中职英语课堂

20、教师基于具身认知教学的现状调查4.1.1 问卷发放4.1.2 问卷调查结果4.2 具身认知与中职英语听说教学设计4.2.1 教学设计框架4.2.2 中职英语具身化教学设计4.2.3 中职英语具身化的教学形态4.2.4 中职英语具身化教学中的弱技术支持4.2.5 基于具身认知的具体教学策略4.2.6 具身性英语课堂教学案例 What’s Your Hobby?第 5 章 基于具身认知理论的中职英语听说教学实验5.1 实验设计5.2 实验统计5.3 被试选择5.4 实验程序.5.4.1 准备阶段5.4.2 正式实验阶段5.4.3 实验总结阶段5.5 实验结果5.5.1 被试的英语学习兴趣结果分析5.5.2 被试的英语成绩对比结果分析第 6 章 研究结论和展望6.1 研究的结论6.2 反思和展望参考文献致 谢英语教育硕士论文(汇总6篇)第一篇:具身认知理论在英语教学中的应用第二篇:初中生英语学习困难的文化原因分析第三篇:大学生英语学习性投入研究第四篇:高中英语教师中国文化失语现象研究第五篇:微课教学对小学英语的有效性分析第六篇:元认知策略对高中英语写作焦虑的影响


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