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1、狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读【篇一】狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读If You Were Coming in the Fall如果你在秋天到来If you were coming in the Fall,如果你在秋天到来,Id brush the summer by我将轻拂夏日而过With half a smile, and half a spurn,半带微笑,半带弃绝,As Housewives do, a Fly。如家庭主妇把苍蝇扑捉。If I could see you in a year,如果能在一年之中将你盼来,Id wind the months in balls我将把月份缠绕成一个个纱球And

2、 put them each in separate Drawers,把它们分开,各自放进抽屉,For fear the numbers fuse以免这些数字熔合,不在分开If only Centuries, delayed,如果仅仅延至数个世纪,Id count them on my hand,我愿搬弄手指度日数数,Subtracting, till my fingers dropped逐日递减,直到手指全部掉入Into Van Diemans Land。塔斯马尼亚岛屿的土地。If certain, When this life was out如果确定无疑,当今生度完That yours a

3、nd mine, should be它应属于你和我,Id toss it yonder, like a Rind,我愿把它,像果壳,扔向遥远,And take Eternity去到来生把你赢得But, now, uncertain of the length而当前,日期遥遥,Of this, that is between,等待无期,天各一方,It goads me, like the Goblin Bee像妖蜂,使我伤痛不已That will not state-its sting。无法诉说如刺如燎。【篇二】狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读summer for thee, grant i may be

4、请允许我成为你的夏季by emily dickinsonsummer for thee, grant i may be请允许我成为你的夏季,when summer days are flown!当夏季的光阴已然流逝!thy music still, when whippoorwill请允许我成为你的音乐,and orioleare done!当夜鹰与金莺收敛了歌喉!for thee to bloom, ill skip the tomb请允许我为你绽放,我将穿越墓地,and row my blossoms over!四处播撒我的花朵!pray gather meanemone请把我采撷吧银莲花

5、thy flowerforevermore!你的花朵将为你盛开,直至永远!【篇三】狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读nobody knows this little rosenobody knows this little rose -it might a pilgrim bedid i not take it from the waysand lift it up to thee.only a bee will miss it -only a butterfly,hastening from far journey -on its breast to lie -only a bird will wond

6、er -only a breeze will sigh -ah little rose - how easyfor such as thee to die!没有人知道这枝小小蔷薇 若不是我把它 摘下献给你它依旧会在路边象个朝圣者 花开寂寂仅有一只蜜蜂会思念它 仅有一只蝴蝶经过遥远的旅程 匆匆飞来 在它的花蕊中停歇 仅有鸟儿会惊奇 仅有微风会叹息 唉 这枝小小蔷薇 同你一样这么容易枯萎至死【篇四】狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读Is Heaven a Physician?They say that He can heal -But Medicine PosthumousIs unavailable -Is

7、 Heaven an Exchequer?They speak of what we owe -But that negotiationIm not a Party to -天堂是个医生吗?他们说他能治病;但死后的医药是没有效用的。天堂是国库吗?他们谈及我们欠的债;不过那谈判我没参加。【篇五】狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读My friend must be a BirdBecause it flies!Mortal, my friend must be,Because it dies!Barbs has it, like a Bee!Ah, curious friend!Thou puzzlest m

8、e!我的朋友肯定是只鸟因为它飞翔!我的朋友肯定是个人,因它会死亡!它有倒刺,象蜜蜂一样!哦,古怪的朋友啊!你使我迷茫!【篇六】狄金森英文爱情诗歌阅读A throe upon the features -A hurry in the breath -An ecstasy of partingDenominated “Death” -An anguish at the mentionWhich when to patience grown,Ive known permission givenTo rejoin its own.剧痛在于特征上急切在于那迹象告别的狂喜称之为“死亡”当去忍受成长苦恼就因之遭遇我知道许可已经给予去与同类团聚


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