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1、小班化教学案例设计学科英语执教者丁燕教学班级四(3)班教学内容Unit 3 Weather B Lets talk学情分析本课时的教学对象是四年级的学生,孩子们学习英语已经一年半了,虽然已经会用简单的英语打招呼,表达自己的喜好等简单的日常用语。但在语言运用的过程中对于综合输出的语言,在词汇量方面还有所欠缺。本节课是一节对话课,需要操练的单词和句型比较多,且四下对话课相对之前句型增加,课上应留一定的时间让学生进行朗读,纠正其发音,培养学生良好的语音语调。教学目标预设1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3.能在情景中用句型Whats th

2、e weather like in New York? Its rainy.问答某地天气情况;能运用句型Isitcold?Yes,itis./No,itisnt. 确认某地天气状况;能运用句型Its26degrees. 表述气温;了解打电话用语This is.;了解温度的两种读法(和)。4.能够在语境中理解生词和短语NewYork,rainy,howabout,degree的意思,并能正确发音。5.能够完成Letsplay的活动,认真观察配图了解一些国家的国旗、重要城市及天气情况,能运用WhatstheweatherlikeinBeijing?Itscoolandrainy.问答某城市的天气。

3、分层目标上限1. 理解对话大意,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,进行角色表演;2. 能用句型Isitcold?Yes,itis.No,itisnt.确认某地天气;能用句型Its26degrees. 表述气温;了解打电话用语This is.;了解温度的两种读法(和);3. 完成Letsplay的活动,认真观察配图掌握各国家的国旗、重要城市及天气情况,能用WhatstheweatherlikeinBeijing?Itscoolandrainy.问答某城市的天气下限1.能在图片和教师帮助下理解大意,并正确朗读;2.能用Whats the weather like in .? Its .问答某地天气;

4、能用句型Its26degrees.表述气温。教学重难点重点:在情景中运用句型Whats the weather like in.? Its. 问答某地天气情况;难点:能运用句型Its 26 degrees.表述气温;一些国家的国旗、重要城市及天气情况。课桌摆放插秧式教学准备PPT,录音机,单词卡教学过程教师活动学生活动特别关注一、Lead-in1) Greeting.T:What time is it now? T: Yes, its time for English class. Ok, today we are going to learn “Unit 3 weather”. (带读wea

5、ther) So, lets talk about the weather. Whats the weather like in Zhoushan today? Is it hot? Is it warm? Lets look at the weather report. (用手机展示即时气温引导学生读:It is . It is cold/warm/hot/cool.)2) Meet a new friend: MarkT: Today, we are going to meet a new friend (展示Mark的头像和名字). Who is he? Can you read his

6、 name? (运用phonic学习Mark的名字的读音). Lets say hello to Mark!(通过学生和Mark 打招呼的活动,熟悉Mark的读音)T: Mark is our new friend now. But where is he from? And Who is he talking with? Now lets listen.(播放课文录音)二、Presentation and practice1) Where is Mark from? Who is he talking with?2) Make a phone call.T: Mark is talking

7、with Chen Jie. Do they talk face to face or do they make a phone call? Yes, they make a phone call. Do you remember how does Mark introduce himself? Does he say: Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark or Hi, Chen Jie! I am Mark.(课件出示两问题,如果学生不会回答,再给学生听一下。) Yes, Mark says: This is Mark. So when we make a phone ca

8、ll. We dont use I am to introduce ourself but we use this is . Ok, now I am going to call some of you.(和几个学生模拟打电话)3) Listen and answer the questionsT: Mark is making a phone call with Chen Jie. What are they talking about? Lets listen and answer the questions. (教师带读问题,学生在听录音时候板书重点句子:Whats the weathe

9、r like in Beijing? Its ) (1) Whats the weather like in New York? (2) Whats the temperature in Beijing now? (3) Whats the weather like in Beijing?4) 操练重点句子:Whats the weather like in ? It is .承接上面第三个问题T: Whats the weather like in Beijing?T: Now read after me.(带读三遍:Whats the weather like in Beijing? It

10、s 26. Its warm.)T: Look, here is the weather today.(手机里收藏好几个中国城市的名字:如:舟山,上海,湖南,香港,桂林,哈尔滨,拉萨) Whats the weather like in Zhoushan? (老师问3个城市:舟山,上海和广州)T: Lets play a guessing game.(猜一猜游戏:老师给出一个地名,如:桂林,全班同学问:Whats the weather like in Guilin? 然后全班同学举手猜:its cold.问4个同学之后公布答案把手机里的天气展示出来)T: There are some fam

11、ous city in the world. Lets have a look.(出示lets play 部分的世界著名城市的图片,图片带有国旗,城市名和温度)。教师带读这些城市名称,然后引导学生利用这些图片操练重点句子。操练形式:带读-通过图片师生问答-全班学生分组问答-同桌练习(教师可能会用到的语言:Read after me. These 2 group ask, and these 2 group answer. Practice with your partner.)5) 模仿跟读活动形式:听音模仿,注意升降调全班分组练习同桌练习可能用到的语言:Pay attention to th

12、e rising tone and the falling tone. Ok, these 2 group are Mark and these 2 group are Chen Jie. Now practice with your partner.一、Lead-in1) Greeting.Ss: Its . Its time for English class.Ss: weather, weather.Ss: It is . It is cold/warm/hot/cool.2)Meet a new friend: MarkSs: Hes .Ss: Mark.Ss: Hello! Mark

13、!Ss: Is he from ? With ?二、Presentation and practiceSs: They make a phone call.Ss: Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark.3) Listen and answer the questions(1) Its rainy.(2) Its 26 degrees.(3) Its warm.4)Ss: Its 26. Its warm.学生跟读三遍Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its 26. Its warm.Ss: Its . Its .学生根据老师提问,用Its .

14、句型猜该城市的天气情况先跟读图片上各城市名称,然后全班按教师分组问答,最后同桌间练习问答。5) 模仿跟读学生注意听音模仿,先是全班按教师分组练习,然后同桌练习通过问时间引出课题,问当天的天气情况复习Is it hot?句型和摄氏度的读法,同时注意学生对weather的发音注意Mark的发音通过两个简单问题让学生集中精神听课文录音听完录音后,检测学生对以上两个问题的了解,为下面打电话用语的学习做铺垫,也让学生对将要学习的文章有个整体了解了解打电话用语:This is ,并简单运用在回答最后一个问题时,注意让学生了解温度的两种读法以及不同(华氏度和摄氏度表示冷热程度的不同)通过游戏让学生操练句子世

15、界著名城市学生们还不太熟悉,而且是lets play部分的内容,主要目的还是要让学生在不断重复中听懂,会说重点句子注意升降调,通过原音输入,让学生模仿地道的语音教学过程教师活动学生活动特别关注三、综合运用Make a new dialogue. (把第三单元的时间表达和本课天气的表达综合运用)T: We know that at the same time but in different places, the time is not the same and the weather is not the same, too. Suppose your friend is in the ot

16、her city, make a phone call with her/him and talk about the weather and time.综合运用,语言输出教学反思一、激发学生的学习兴趣根据学生的认知规律,以及以素质教育为本的指导思想,依照学生的认知理论和特征. 教学应该引起学生的注意而且唤起他们学习英语的兴趣。.本课我采用如下教法:(1)情景教学。利用多媒体等为学生创设朋友间打电话互相询问天气及活动的情景,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲。(2)游戏法教学。通过自编chant、游戏及模仿教师打电话启发诱导学生完成本课任务,学习新知。二、调动学生的求知欲教学的主要目的不是知识的积累而是

17、发展思维,为了使学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。在本课时中,学生通过小组合作学习的方式,充分调动他们的求知欲,使他们始终处于积极、主动的学习状态之中。另外我还指导学生通过听说训练、语言交际训练、师生互动交流给学生一个自由的空间,创造锻炼的机会。三、让学生学会运用教学中我创设了情景,充分调动了学生的学习积极性,一个个也都想跃跃欲试。这无疑是对话的真实运用。一个电话铃声,让课本表演更具真实性。除此之外Lets find out根据图片及平时的生活常识,说一说什么天气状态下做什么事情比较合理。先请学生自己说一说,互相说一说,再请学生来说一说,给大家一些建议。本节课中还有许多不尽如人意的地方,如录音机中铃声与对话第一次没有很好的操作,让对话演示有点乱,影响学生对对话的理解。课堂评价,只是口头的评价,如何使评价更具实效性,也是值得我们探讨的话题。


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